(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2018 AGRICULTURE (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 AGRICULTURE (Paper I)

Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018  AGRICULTURE (Paper I)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

1.(a) Global warming and its impact on crop productivity. 10 marks
1.(b) Contingency planning in dry land rain fed agriculture. 10 marks
1.(c) Role of hybrids/high yielding varieties to meet national goal of food security. 10 marks
1.(d) Precise water saving irrigation practices to enhance water use efficiency. 10 marks
1.(e) Initiatives for improving agricultural marketing in India. 10 marks
2.(a) Discuss the importance and method of water harvesting under different agro-ecosystems.20 marks
2.(b) Explain the factors affecting soil organic matter content. Describe the techniques to increase soil organic matter.20 marks
2.(c) What is role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Self Help Groups in technology dissemination for agricultural development ? 10 marks
3.(a) Describe the comparative package of practices for direct seeded aerobic rice and S.R.I. 20 marks
3.(b) What are the mandates of Krishi Vigyan Kendras ? How KVKs are helping in dissemination of agricultural technologies and upliftment of socio-economic conditions of farmers ? 20 marks
3.(c) Discuss the utility of Remote Sensing in context of Indian Agriculture. 10 marks
4.(a) What changes occur in rice puddled soil ? Describe the fate of nitrogen and practices for enhancing nitrogen use efficiency in such soils. 20 marks
4.(b) Describe the types and benefits of non-conventional forestry systems. State the characteristics of suitable tree species for non-conventional forestry. 20 marks
4.(c) What is the phenomenon of herbicide resistance in weeds ? Discuss the factors responsible for development of herbicide resistance. 10 marks

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Describe the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 marks

5.(a) Innovations in biological weed management. 10 marks
5.(b) Role of forestry in carbon sequestration. 10 marks
5.(c) Problems and reclamation of saline and sodic soils. 10 marks
5.(d) Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) in agricultural extension. 10 marks
5.(e) Role of organic farming for sustainability and profitability. 10 marks
6.(a) What are the different sources of soil and water pollutions ? Describe the impact of soil and water pollution on crop productivity and environment. 20 marks
6.(b) Discuss the kinds of bio-fertilizers and their application methods. Give the reasons for their limited acceptance among the Indian farmers. 20 marks
6.(c) Discuss the crop insurance and its implications. Narrate the government initiatives taken for crop insurance. 10 marks
7.(a) Explain the principles of conservation agriculture. Describe the practices and impact of conservation agriculture in Indian scenario. 20 marks
7.(b) List out the approaches for scheduling of irrigation. 10 marks
7.(c) It is proposed to test the relative efficiency of scheduling irrigation to groundnut at 25%, 50% and 75% depletion of available soil moisture. Field capacity of soil in the effective root zone depth of 60 cm is 16% with a permanent wilting point of 6%. At what respective soil moisture contents, irrigations are to be scheduled with three irrigations? 10 marks
7.(d) Elaborate the strategies for doubling the farmers' income by 2022. 10 marks
8.(a) What is status of oilseed production and constraints of their production in India? Describe the strategies for attaining self-sufficiency in oilseed production. 20  marks
8.(b) What are the characteristics of a good farm plan ? What techniques will you adopt to solve the farm management problems? 10 marks
8.(c) What is Front Line Demonstration (FLD)? How does it help in boosting the production and productivity of crops? 10 marks
8.(d) What are the advances in chemical weed management? 10 marks





UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit