(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM:2018 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 Psychology (Paper 1)
Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2018 Psychology (Paper I)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :10x5=50 marks
(a) Discuss how psychology can be applied in solving the problem of global climate change.
(b) "Human memory is not like information stored in a tape recorder or compact disc." Critically evaluate the statement.
(c) According to Piaget, the egocentric preschooler is not intentionally 'inconsiderate' but rather has difficulty taking another's viewpoint. Explain.
(d) Explain and critically evaluate the phenomenon of perceptual defence.
(e) Examine how probability learning is different from other types of learning Give examples.
2.(a) Perception is plastic. However, it may also be affected by innate tendencies. Critically evaluate. 20 marks
(b) How have neuroscientists and evolutionary scientists contributed to modern psychology? 15 marks
(c) Demonstrate the importance of the shallow and deep levels of processing in remembering. With the help of daily life examples, explain how retrieval cucs enable us to remember. 15 marks
3. (a) Why is the principle of random assignment of participants used in experimental method? How do experimenter effects and demand characteristics influence participants' behaviour in experimentation? What procedures can be adopted to minimize such pitfalls? 20 marks
(b) Differentiate between positive and negative types of reinforcement and punishment. Describe how these could be applied to enforce putting on the seat belts while driving.15 marks
(c) Differentiate between various developmental tasks of young men and women in India. 15 marks
4.(a) What are the assumptions underlying ANOVA? Discuss the conditions when two-way ANOVA is applied and how the results are interpreted with a hypothetical example. 20 marks
(b) Discuss signal detection theory and explain its applications. 15 marks
(c) How can different methods of sampling and data collection be useful in impact evaluation of government social schemes? Describe with a suitable example. 15 marks
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Explain the use of availability heuristic and representativeness heuristic in problem solving with the help of research studies.
(b) Do you think being in a good mood reduces your capacity to process incoming information? Examine in the light of research studies.
(c) According to Bandura, human beings often demonstrate impressive capacity for the self-regulation of their own behaviour. Evaluate.
(d) In what way can dissonance be an effective means for changing attitudes and behaviour
(e) Explain various limitations of verbal communication.
6.(a) Compare the trait perspective and humanistic perspective on personality. 20 marks
(b) "Creativity refers to novel ideas that address some problems in a useful way." Critically examine the statement and discuss how creative insight can be explained. 15 marks
(c) Is sleep a passive process? Justify your answer with proper scientific support. 15 marks
7.(a) Describe the structure and features of language focussing on what makes human language unique in comparison to communication in animals. 20 marks
(b) Discuss contemporary researches on simulating human intelligence using machines and their implications for understanding human behaviour, 15 marks
(c) Discuss the significance and correlates of values. Comment on the impact of social media on values. 15 marks
8.(a) Describe how J. P. Das' theory is distinct from other theories of intelligence. 20 marks
(b) Explain the concepts of self-serving bias and fundamental attribution error. How do they affect problem solving? 15 marks
(c) Are emotionally competent people internally controlled? Explain. What are the ways to enhance intrinsic motivation of young adults? 15 marks