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(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2019 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2019 Psychology (Paper 1)
Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2019 Psychology (Paper I)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :10x5=50 marks
(a) The edifice of behaviourism was built on the loopholes of the teleological approach in psychoanalysis. 10 marks
(b) “Diagnostic and prognostic researches are complementary to each other." Explain with suitable examples. 10 marks
(c) Explain the role of hypothesis in psychological researches with suitable examples.10 marks
(d) How do we see the objects in three dimensions? Discuss the factors influencing the same. 10 marks
(e) In what ways is deviation IQ different from traditional IQ? Discuss. 10 marks
2.(a) "Multistore model of memory best explains the nature of memory." Evaluate the statement in theoretical perspective and empirical evidences. 20 marks
(b) What is the significance of attachment to parents in social and emotional well-being of a child? Illustrate from the perspective of developmental theories. 15 marks
(c) How do environmental factors determine the sensation of hunger? Illustrate with examples. 15 marks
3. (a) Differentiate between experimental and quasi-experimental designs. Evaluate the applications of quasi-experimental designs in psychological researches. 20 marks
(b) Explain how divergent thinking is different from convergent thinking. Discuss the methods to foster divergent thinking in children.'15 marks
(c) What is achievement motivation? Discuss the projective technique as a method for assessing achievement motivation. 15 marks
4.(a) Discuss the effects of stimulus-deprivation on human behaviour with empirical evidences. 20 marks
(b) How is NEO Five-Factor Theory different from 16 Personality Factors Theory? Explain. 15 marks
(c) Illustrate that values can best be fostered during childhood. Discuss different methods for fostering moral and ethical values among school-going children.15 marks
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5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) Evaluate the critical period' hypothesis in language acquisition. 10 marks
(b) “Discrimination and generalization are two complementary processes in skill learning.” Discuss with reference to operant conditioning.10 marks
(c) "Stereotypes can lead to the development of prejudice and discrimination." Explain citing examples from Indian context.10 marks
(d) How did structuralism contribute to the development of psychology as a discipline? Evaluate. 10 marks
(e) Why do most people experience geometrical illusions? Explain from the psychological perspective. 10 marks
6.(a) How is Gardner's theory of intelligence distinct from Spearman's theory? Illustrate.20 marks
(b) Citing examples from life situations, explain the phenomenon of perceptual organization.15 marks
(c) What is vicarious learning? Discuss its applications in acquisition of emotional responses.15 marks
7.(a) Define 'concept'. Illustrate different types of concepts and processes involved in the formulation of the same.20 marks
(b) How can language be analyzed for its similarities across cultures? Explain with scientific evidences. 15 marks
(c) Two-way ANOVA is not merely an addition of two one-way ANOVAs. Describe and evaluate with examples. 15 marks
8.(a) Citing research evidences, bring out the role of cultural factors in socialization.20 marks
(b) Is amnesia merely a phenomenon of retrieval failure? Discuss in the light of empirical evidences. 15 marks
(c) Critically evaluate the uses of paper-pencil tests in personality assessment. 15 marks