(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2019 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-2)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2019 Psychology (Paper 2)
Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2019 Psychology (Paper II)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :10x5=50 marks
(a) Even though validity often requires reliability, the reverse is not true. Explain.10 marks
(b) "If you accept that studying does not come naturally, then it is apparent that one should need to set-up an organized schedule to promote adequate study." Comment on this statement and highlight the important steps.10 marks
(c) Describe factors that may positively or negatively affect academic performance. 10 marks
(d) Discuss why and how news coverage in the media affects us.10 marks
(e) What is successful aging ? What are the components of successful aging ?10 marks
2.(a) Explain why group membership can have a powerful influence on social behaviours and decisions.20 marks
(b) Given the rapid changes that are taking place in the Media, specially the internet and smartphones, discuss the psychological impact of these on adolescents. 15 marks
(c) Why no single form of therapy works best for every problem ? How an eclectic approach is an answer to it? 15 marks
3. (a) What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination ? Discuss the newer forms of prejudice that we see today. 20 marks
(b) How would cognitive therapy explain the cause for clinical depression of a client and what would be the therapeutic approach followed for the treatment ?.'15 marks
(c) In the light of research, discuss the ways in which social conflicts can be resolved. 15 marks
4.(a) How can one make a decision of using exploratory factor analysis or confirmatory factor analysis or an integrated approach while constructing a psychological test ? 20 marks
(b) Why is Narcissistic personality disorder considered as a personality disorder ? What are the obstacles faced by the clinicians to treat these types of clients ? 15 marks
(c) How can substance abuse be explained through different psychological approaches ? How can rehabilitation process help the people indulging in substance abuse ? 15 marks
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5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 marks
(a) “Psychological tests are important in personnel selection." Give reason to it and describe which psychological tests are generally used. 10 marks
(b) How can one differentiate between learning and training ? Discuss any two executive training methods giving suitable examples. 10 marks
(c) Discuss the relationship of achievement motivation to entrepreneurial behaviour, citing relevant research.10 marks
(d) How can community play an important role in providing safety to women ? Discuss. 10 marks
(e) How can group cohesion method be a strong psychological intervention in enhancing the team performance ? 10 marks
6.(a) Discuss socio-emotional factors affecting achievement motivation among students from disadvantage groups.15 marks
(b) Why is psychological wellbeing considered as an essential factor of health? What are the different ways it can be enhanced ? 15 marks
(c) Critically examine Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation and point out that in what way Herzberg's theory is different from Maslowian theory? 20 marks
7.(a) Point out the general psychological consequences of social and economic disadvantaged groups. 15 marks
(b) Explain the influence of media towards antisocial behaviour through different learning theories.15 marks
(c) There is a strong need for a wellbeing curriculum for children in schools. You are asked to develop such a curriculum. What would be the focus and essential components of such a curriculum ? 20 marks
8.(a) “Why is social change necessary ? Discuss the effective strategies to bring about social change for community development. 15 marks
(b) "Population explosion and high population density have negative psychological consequences.” Explain this statement especially stressing light on negative psychological consequences. 15 marks
(c) “Rapid scientific and technological growth are responsible for degradation of environment, although, scientific and technological developments are necessary for National development." Discuss the above assertion and point out the mechanisms for controlling the environmental degradation. 20 marks