(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)
Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) How docs Aristotle arguc for the priority of Form over Matter and Actuality over Potentiality? Critically discuss.
(b) How does Leibniz's conception of monads bear upon his views on determinism and freedom? Discuss with your own commenits
(c) What, according to Husserl, is wrong with psychologism? How does Husserl address the problems with psychologism in his phenomenological method?
(d) Examine the reality of the phenomenal world in the light of Hegel's Absolute ldealism.
(e) "The Soul of Superman is Good."
Critically examine the above statement in the light of logical positivism.
Q2.(a) "I never can catch myself at any time without percepuon, and never can observe anything but the perception." How does this statcment by Hume problematize the philosophical notion of personal identity? How does Kant deal with this problem in his Critique of Pure Reason?
(b) Critically discuss the following statement by Moore:
"If anyone tells us that to say 'Blue exists' is the same thing as to say that 'Both blue and consciousncss exists makes a mistake and a self contradictory mistake. "
(c) "The reason that I call my doctrine logical atomism is bccause the atoms that I wish to arive at as the sort of last residue in analysis are logical atoms and not physical atorms" Write a note on the nature of atomic facts according to Russcll in the light of the above statement.
Q3.(a) What docs Kicrkegaard mean by saying "Subjectivity is the truth" in the context of the problem of 'the single individual'?
(b) Evatuate the role of spatio-temporal thinking in objective thinking with reference to Strawson's thcory of basic particulars.
(c) When does Pure Reason cnter mo n rean or Antinomies according to Kant? Is Kant's notion of Antinomics ol Pure reason a natural culmination of his distinction between Phenomena and Noumena: ove ieasons in favour of your answer.
Q4.(a) "You can always make something out of what you have been made into." Critically discuss this statement by Sartre with reference to his views on existentialism.
(b) From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many ways."Explain this staement by Spinoza along with some possible criticisms.
(c) But coukd we also imagine a language in which a person could write down or give vocal expression to his inner experiences his feelings, moods and the rest-for his private use"? Critically discuss the dwer answer offered offcred by Witlgenstein to this question.
Philosophy Optional Printed Study Materials for UPSC Mains
Q5. Write shori answers to the following in about 150 words each:
(a) Examine the concepl of Karma according to Jainism. How does it bear upon their conception of Liberation?
(b) Explain the diference between Samprajnata Samàdhi and Asamprajnata Samadhi
(c) Why is memory not a valid knowledge according to Mihatmasa?
(d) Point out the significance of the ive-fold diffcrences in the Dualistic School of Vedänta.
(e) Discuss the nature and types of matier according to Nimbarka.
Q6.(a) How is Kanikavada a logical derivative of Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism? Explain.
(b) Critically evaluate Carvakas' rejection of Ákasa as one of the elements of reality and examine their criticism of transmigration of Soul.
(c) Explain the concepts of 'Anyathasiddha and 'Ananyathâsiddha' in the context of Asatkaryavada.
Q7.(a) A mango tree is grown out of a mango seed," How will Samkhya system explain this process through their theory of causation by rejecting their rival perspectives?
(b) How does Buddhism explain Self in terms of Pancaskandhas? What is Liberation for Buddhism if there is no Soul?
(c) Explain the differences of conception of Reality between Cárvaka and Jainism.
Q8.(a) What does Aurobindo mean by lite divine as a possibility and inevitability?
(b) Critically evaluate the logical and metaphysical satus of Visesa in the context of Vaisesika Philosophy.
(c) Discuss the nature and relationship of Jiva and Jiva-sakshi to non-dualism.