(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 Commerce and Accountancy (Paper 2)
- Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024 Commerce and Accountancy (Paper II)
- Time Allowed : Three Hours
- Marks: 250
खण्ड —A / SECTION A
1. Answer each of the following questions in about 150 words : 10×5=50
(a) How does sensation differ from perception?
(b) Explain the major differences between transactional and transformational leaders.
(c) Why do we need to coordinate formal and informal organizations?
(d) What are the limitations of matrix organization?
(e) How does socialization help in maintaining organizational culture?
2. (a) How have organizations been defined? Compare different perspectives of organizations in India and Western countries.
(b) What are the 'big five personality traits'? Which one seems to have the biggest impact on performance? How would the knowledge of these help the manager in his job?
(c) Explain the phases of developing quality circle.
3. (a) What are the major criticisms levelled against Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation? Explain its contribution for the better understanding of motivation at the workplace.
(b) Examine the different approaches for designing organizational structure. Evaluate the process involved in it.
(c) How does organizational transition differ from organizational change and renewal?
4. (a) Why does organizational politics emerge? What are its consequences? Suggest measures to avoid them.
(b ) "There is a need for integrating individual and organizational goals." Examine this statement. How does it affect organizational effectiveness?
(c) Distinguish between delegation of authority and decentralization.
खण्ड - B / SECTION — B
5. Answer each of the following questions in about 150 words : 10×5 = 50
(a) Discuss the problems faced in human resource planning.
(b) Elaborate the merits and limitations of 360° feedback.
(c) Why is collective bargaining not effective in India? Explain its reasons.
(d) How is voluntary separation different from involuntary separation?
(e) Explain the productivity implications of labour turnover.
6. (a ) "Tests are useful in predicting the failure rather than success of the candidate on the job.” Comment.
(b) Explain the rationale of workers' participation in management. Suggest measures to make it more effective.
(c) "Multiplicity of unions has retarded the effective working of trade unions in India." Discuss.
7. (a) What do you mean by a model employer? Critically examine the role of public enterprises in acting as a model employer.
(b) Elucidate the executive development techniques relating to interpersonal and decision-making skills.
(c) How is job design different from job analysis?
8. (a) "There are two approaches of managing industrial disputes in organization-preventive and curative." Examine this statement. Also evaluate their individual effectiveness.
(b) "An experiment in profit-sharing scheme on a wide scale would be definitely undertaking a voyage on uncharted seas." Discuss this statement.
(c) Explain the organs of International Labour Organization.