(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2024 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-2)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 Psychology (Paper 2)
Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 Psychology (Paper II)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
खण्ड 'A' SECTION ‘A’
1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10×5=50
1.(a) Distinguish hallucinations and delusions with suitable examples.
1.(b) Evaluate the current status of career counselling in India.
1.(c) What is ergonomics? Explain the benefits of ergonomics in the work place with suitable examples.
1.(d) Write a note on transference versus countertransference in the context of 10 psychodynamic therapies.
1.(e) Describe 'revolving door phenomenon' in the context of community based mental health services.
2.(a) Evaluate effectiveness of ABCD Model in the treatment of psychological disorders.
2.(b) Why are norms needed for psychological tests? Explain the uses and limitations of 15 percentile ranks in this context.
2.(c) What is community consciousness? How can it be aroused for handling social problems.
3.(a) Discuss rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents in Indian context.
3.(b) What is learned helplessness? How will you explain depression using the concept of learned helplessness?
3.(c)Explain situation focussed and competency focussed preventive mental health approaches. Discuss in the context of mentally challenged persons.
4.(a) What are the components of Vroom's theory of motivation? How can it be used to increase the performance of workers?
4. (b) Explain various psychological principles underlying effective teaching-learning process. Illustrate your answer with the help of suitable examples.
4. (c) How will you construct an achievement test in Arithmetics for the fifth standard?
खण्ड 'B' SECTION 'B'
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10×5=50
5.(a) Explain multilevel marketing with the help of suitable examples.
5.(b) Describe the psychological approaches that can be utilised to motivate disadvantaged groups to move towards development.
5.(c) What is implicit prejudice? How does it differ from explicit prejudice? Explain with 10 the help of examples.
5. (d) Discuss the impact of rapid technological growth on degradation of environment in 10 Indian context.
5. (e) To what extent the role of ideology is critical for understanding terrorism?
6. (a) What are the prevalent forms of gender discrimination in Indian society? Discuss the measures that can be taken to eradicate them.
6. (b) Differentiate between relative deprivation and prolonged deprivation. Discuss the psychological consequences of relative deprivation.
6. (c) Discuss the role of mass media and information technology in fostering values and spreading positivity. Design a program for college students in this context.
7. (a) What is social integration? Explain the psychological measures that can be taken to achieve the goal of social integration.
7. (b) ow can people be motivated and trained for entrepreneurship? What specific issues would you consider while motivating and training women for entrepreneurship ? Elaborate.
7.(c) Discuss the psychosocial consequences of short-term and long-term exposure to noise.
8. (a) Discuss the role of media in the present scenario of antisocial behaviour? Considering Indian context in view suggest some measures to regulate media.
8. (b) What do you mean by positive health of defence personnel? How can psychologists be trained to work with defence personnel in promoting positive health?
8. (c) Explain the interrelation between achievement motivation and entrepreneurial behaviour? Discuss the role of child rearing practices in the development of achievement motivation and entrepreneurial behaviour.