(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2024 - Zoology (Paper-1)
(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 ZOOLOGY (Paper 1)
Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2024 Zoology
Paper : 1
Year : 2024
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
खण्ड A / SECTION A
Q1. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5= 50
(a) Concept and organization of Coelom
(b) Metamorphosis in Insects
(c) Thyroid gland and its functions
(d) Hepatic Schizogony
(e) Aquatic mammals and their adaptations
Q2. (a) Explain the general features, life cycle and pathogenicity of Fasciola.
(b) Define Autogamy. Explain the mechanism of autogamy in Paramecium. Also give its significance.
(c) Compare and contrast Telencephalon of the brain in Vertebrates.
Q3. (a) Describe the different larval forms of Crustaceans with suitable diagrams.
(b) What are coral reefs? Describe the different theories of coral reef formation.
(c) Describe the evolution of kidney in relation to its function as an excretory organ.
Q4. (a) Give an illustrated account of integument and its derivatives in vertebrates with suitable diagrams.
(b) What is Polymorphism? Explain it with respect to life cycle of Obelia.
(c) Describe the respiratory organs and mechanism of respiration in Sepia.
खण्ड B / SECTION B
Q5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
(a) Food Web
(b) Biological Rhythms
(c) AIDS
(d) Chromosome Painting
(e) Red Data Book
Q6. (a) What is ecological succession? Explain the different types and theories of ecological succession.
(b) Explain Aggressive and Territorial behaviour in animals, with suitable examples.
(c) What are the major carps of India? Describe the polyculture methods of rearing the major carps.
Q7. (a) Mention the causative agent and means of spread of malaria. Also describe symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures of malaria.
(b) Explain the principle, instrumentation and applications of UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.
(c) How do animals perceive mechanical and olfactory stimuli from the environment ? Explain.
Q8. (a) Describe the various measures of central tendency of data with suitable examples and discuss their merits and demerits.
(b) Define population. Explain the different characteristics of population.
(c) Write the systematic position of an oilseed pest. Give an account of its life cycle and the damage caused by this pest. Write a note on its control measures.