- Indian constitution exhibits centralising tendencies to maintain unity and integrity of the nation. Elucidate in the perspective of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897; The Disaster Management Act, 2005 and recently passed Farm Acts. (UPSC 2020)
- Which steps are required for constitutionalization of a commission? Do you think imparting constitutionality to the National Commission for Women would ensure greater gender justice and empowerment in India? Give reasons. (UPSC 2020)
- The judicial systems in India and UK seem to be converging as well as diverging in the recent times. Highlight the key points of convergence and divergence between the two nations in terms of their judicial practices. (UPSC 2020)
- “Parliament’s power to amend the Constitution is a limited power and it cannot be enlarged into absolute power.” In the light of this statement explain whether Parliament under Article 368 of the Constitution can destroy the Basic Structure of the Constitution by expanding its amending power? (UPSC 2019)
- What can France learn from the Indian Constitution’s approach to secularism? 2019 6. India and USA are two large democracies. Examine the basic tenants on which the two political systems are based. (UPSC 2018)
- Under what circumstances can the Financial Emergency be proclaimed by the President of India? What consequences follow when such a declaration remains in force? (UPSC 2018)
- Examine the scope of Fundamental Rights in the light of the latest judgement of the Supreme Court on Right to Privacy. (UPSC 2017)
- Discuss each adjective attached to the word ‘Republic’ in the preamble. Are they defendable in the present circumstance’s stances? (UPSC 2016)
- Discuss the possible factors that inhibit India from enacting for its citizens a uniform civil code as provided for in the Directive Principles of State Policy.(UPSC 2015)
- The concept of cooperative federalism has been increasingly emphasized in recent years.Highlight the drawbacks in the existing structure and the extent to which cooperative federalism would answer the shortcomings.(UPSC 2015)
- In absence of a well-educated and organized local level government system, `Panchayats' and 'Samitis' have remained mainly political institutions and not effective instruments of governance. Critically discuss.(UPSC 2015)
- Khap Panchayats have been in the news for functioning as extra-constitutional authorities, often delivering pronouncements amounting to human rights violations. Discuss critically the actions taken by the legislative, executive and the judiciary to set the things right in this regard.(UPSC 2015)
- Resorting to ordinances has always raised concern on violation of the spirit of separation of powers doctrine. While noting the rationales justifying the power to promulgate ordinances, analyze whether the decisions of the Supreme Court on the issue have further facilitated resorting to this power. Should the power to promulgate ordinances be repealed?(UPSC 2015)
- What are the major changes brought in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 through the recent Ordinance promulgated by the President? How far will it improve India's dispute resolution mechanism? Discuss.(UPSC 2015)
- Does the right to clean environment entail legal regulations on burning crackers during Diwali? Discuss in the light of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution and Judgement(s) of the Apex Court in this regard.(UPSC 2015)
- Starting from inventing the 'basic structure' doctrine, the judiciary has played a highly proactive role in ensuring that India develops into a thriving democracy. In light of the statement, evaluate the role played by judicial activism in achieving the ideals of democracy.(UPSC 2014)
- Though the federal principle is dominant in our Constitution and that principle is one of its basic features, but it is equally true that federalism under the Indian Constitution leans in favour of a strong Centre, a feature that militates against the concept of strong federalism. Discuss.(UPSC 2014)
- The 'Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and its Members' as envisaged in Article 105 of the Constitution leave room for a large number of un-codified and un-enumerated privileges to continue. Assess the reasons for the absence of legal codification of the 'parliamentary privileges'. How can this problem be addressed?(UPSC 2014)
- What do you understand by the concept "freedom of speech and expression"? Does it cover hate speech also? Why do the films in India stand on a slightly different plane from other forms of expression? Discuss.(UPSC 2014)
- Instances of President's delay in commuting death sentences has come under public debate as denial of justice. Should there be a time limit specified for the President to accept/reject such petitions? Analyse.(UPSC 2014)
- The size of the cabinet should be as big as governmental work justifies and as big as the Prime Minister can manage as a team. How far the efficacy of a government then is inversely related to the size of the cabinet? Discuss.(UPSC 2014)
- The role of individual MPs (Members of Parliament) has diminished over the years and as a result healthy constructive debates on policy issues are not usually witnessed. How far can this be attributed to the anti-defection law, which was legislated but with a different intention? (UPSC 2013)
- Discuss Section 66A of IT Act, with reference to its alleged violation of Article 19 of the Constitution.(UPSC 2013)
- Recent directives from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas are perceived by the `Nagas' as a threat to override the exceptional status enjoyed by the State. Discuss in light of Article 371A of the Indian Constitution.(UPSC 2013)
- The Supreme Court of India keeps a check on arbitrary power of the Parliament in amending the Constitution.' Discuss critically.(UPSC 2013)
- Many State Governments further bifurcate geographical administrative areas like Districts and Talukas for better governance. In light of the above, can it also be justified that more number of smaller States would bring in effective governance at State level? Discuss.(UPSC 2013)
- Constitutional mechanisms to resolve the inter-state water disputes have failed to address and solve the problems. Is the failure due to structural or process inadequacy or both? Discuss. (UPSC 2013)
- Discuss the recommendations of the 13th Finance Commission which have been a departure from the previous commissions for strengthening the local government finances.(UPSC 2013)
- What are the Rights within the ambit of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution?(UPSC 2012)
- Comment on the significance of the Preamble contained in the Right to Information Act.(UPSC 2012)
- Determining the 'value' assigned to the vote of a Member of a State Legislative Assembly and of a Member of Parliament in the Indian Presidential elections. (UPSC 2012)
- 'Essentially all that is contained in part IV-A of the Constitution is just a codification of tasks integral to the Indian way of life.' Critically examine this statement.(UPSC 2011)
- 'The exercise of executive clemency is not a privilege but is based on several principles, and discretion has to be exercised in public considerations.' Analyse this statements in the context of the judicial powers of the President of India. (UPSC 2011)
- Evolution of 'Green Benches' in our higher judiciary.(UPSC 2011)
- Distinction between 'Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committees' and 'Parliamentary Forums (UPSC 2011)
UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit (GS I + GS II + GS III + GS IV)
Printed Study Material for IAS (UPSC) : General Studies PRE Cum MAINS
Courtesy: UPSC