user7's blog

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Endocrine System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Endocrine System

1. Consider the following statements.

(i) The Exocrine system consists of glands that secrete chemical messages called hormones.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Lymphatic System and Immunity

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Lymphatic System and Immunity

1. Consider the following statements.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Respiratory System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Respiratory System

1. Consider the following statements.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Circulatory System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Circulatory System

1. Consider the following statements.

(i) Vertebrates and a few invertebrates have a closed circulatory system.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Integumentary System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Integumentary System

1. Consider the fall statements?

(i) The Integumentary system protects body from damage.
(ii) It protects deeper tissues.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Reproductive System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Reproductive System

1. Consider the following statements.

(i) Asexual reproduction allows an organism to rapidly produce many offspring.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Digestive System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Digestive System

1. Consider the following statements.

(i) Animals are hetaotrophs
(ii) Ingestive eaters use mouth to ingest food.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Excretory System

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : The Excetory System

1. Consider the following statements.

(i) Anemia is very toxic exerted by marine animals.

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Gist of Physics from NCERT Books

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Gist of Physics from NCERT Books

1. Consider the following statements:

  1. Isobars are atoms of the same element which have different mass numbers. 

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Gist of Chemistry from NCERT Books

(QUIZ) General Science MCQs : Gist of Chemistry from NCERT Books

1. Match the following:

       Acid                   Found in

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Stock Markets in India

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Stock Markets In India

1. Consider the following statements.

  1. Bombay stock exchange established in 1875.

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Money Market and Capital Market in India

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Money Market and Capital Market in India

1. Consider the following statements.

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Monetary and Credit Policy

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Monetary and Credit Policy

1. Consider the following statements.

  1. Monetary policy announced per year

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Inflaction : Concepts,Facts and Policy

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Inflation : Concepts,Facts and Policy

1. Consider the following statements.

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Fiscal System

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Fiscal System

1. Consider the following statements.

  1. A depression is an economic down turn that is less severe.

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Economic Planing In India

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Economic Planing In India

1. Consider the following statements.

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : An Introduction

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : An Introduction

1. Consider the following statements.

  1. Macro economics examines the economic behavior of individual. 

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Taxation System in India: Concepts and Policies

(QUIZ) Economy MCQs : Taxation System in India: Concepts and Policies

1. Consider the following statements.

  1. Constitution Amendment 115 is related to GST.


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