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(Download) UPSC MAINS 2020 - LAW Paper-2

(Download) UPSC 2020 LAW Paper II

  • Exam Name: UPSC 2020 LAW Paper II
  • Time Allowed : 3.00 Hrs
  • Maximum Marks : 250


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each. Support your answers with relevant legal provisions and judicial pronouncements : 

(a) If a person, who voluntarily consumed intoxicating liquor, commits an offence, while under the influence of such intoxication, can he plead 'voluntary intoxication' as a defence? Discuss in the light of relevant provisions of the IPC. 

(b) If a woman watches or captures the image of another woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would usually have the expectation of not being observed by any other person, does that amount to offence of voyeurism' under the Indian Penal Code? Discuss. 

(c) Is it mandatory to obtain previous sanction for prosecuting a public servant for offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988? Discuss in the light of relevant provisions and the decisions of the Supreme Court. 

(d) " 'Public nuisance' does not create a civil cause of action for any person." Comment. 

(e) "The common cases of vicarious liability relate to servant driving his vehicle in the course of employment." Explain in the light of decided cases. 

Q2.(a) The definition of 'murder' under Section 300 of the Indian Penal Code is very Vwide. It includes not only both intentional' and 'unintentional' causing of death but also cases where the death is not even 'foreseen'. Explain. 

(b) "The expression 'measures of damages' means the scale or rule by reference to which the amount of damages is to be recorded and assessed." In the light of the above statement, examine the changing contours of damages as a tortious remedy. 

(c) Though both Sections 34 and 149 of the Indian Penal Code provide for imposition of constructive criminal liability, there are substantial points of difference between the two. What are they? 

Q3.(a) Though the 'capital punishment' is not abolished in India, the recent trends show that the Supreme Court, in appeals, is inclined to modify the same and sentence the convict to life imprisonment with further direction that the convict must not be released from prison before he/she actually serves certain specified number of years usually 20, 25 or 30 years. Do you think the Court is justified in issuing such directions? Comment. 

(b) Critically examine the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 and distinguish it with the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. 

(c) Privilege' means that a person stands in such relation to the facts of the case that he is justified in saying or writing what would be 'slanderous' or 'libellous' in anyone else." Explain the statement with leading case law. 

Q4.(a) Unless the ingredients of either theft' or 'extortion' are present, neither the offence of 'robbery' nor the offence of 'dacoity' can be made out. Explain. 

(b) Mere proof of presence of both actus reus' and 'mens rea' is not sufficient, the concurrence between the two also needs to be established to impose criminal liability. Elucidate in the light of case law. 

(c) The rule "Crown was not answerable for tort committed by its servant” has never been applied in India. Examine the statement in the light of the decided cases. 





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Q5.Answer the following in about 150 words each. Support your answers with relevant legal provisions and decided cases : 

(a) "Like an ordinary paper contract, an electronic contract is also primarily governed by the codified provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 as applicable to contracts in general." Explain the statement highlighting the legal provisions relating to conclusion of electronic contract. 

(b) Discuss the access and benefit sharing (ABS) law provided under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, 2002 with special reference to adjudication of biodiversity disputes and jurisdiction of the National Green Tribunal. 

(c) "The Supreme Court of India in public interest litigation cases relating to COVID-19 pandemic adopted a judicial policy of non-interference into the policies of the Government.” Elucidate with the help of decided cases. 

(d) "A surety is said to be discharged from liability when his liability comes to an end." Throw light on the statement with relevant legal provision under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. 

(e) According to Anson, "Contract of insurance bears a certain superficial resemblance to wagering agreement but they are really transactions of different nature". Elucidate. 

Q6.(a) "The grant of patent implies that patentee has a right to exclude others from using the invention.

"Examine the implication of the above statement with relevant provisions of the Patent Act, 1970 and leading judgements. 

(b) "No court will lend its aid to a man who found his cause of action upon an immoral or illegal act."

Are there any exceptions to the above-said rule? Explain. 

(c) “The parties cannot appeal against an arbitral award as to its merits and the court cannot interfere on its merits.” Critically examine the statement and also explain the highlights of the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2019. 

Q7.(a) "The objective of Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 is to promote the efficiency of banking operations and to ensure credibility in transacting business through cheques." Explain the statement with recent amendments. 

(b) "Laws are geared to protect the right to equitable remuneration but life is beyond the material.” In the light of the above statement, dwell on the dichotomy of economic rights and moral rights under the Copyright Act, 1957 and case law on the point. 

(c) Discuss the rationale of exemption to disclosure of information endangering life and the information regarding criminal trial and criminal investigation provided under the Right to Information Act, 2005 in the light of decided cases.

Q8.(a) "In the course of time, the courts have introduced a number of exceptions in which the rule of privity of contract does not prevent a person from enforcing a contract which has been made for his benefit but without his being a party to it." Explain the statement with the help of leading case law. 

(b)“The intellectual property right and competition law generally work in tandem but often become friends in disagreement." Elucidate the above statement by referring to the mandate of the TRIPS Agreement, 1995 and its compliance under the Competition Act, 2002.  

(c) "The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 is an umbrella legislation to not only protect and improve the environment but to prevent and control of pollution." Comment and analyze.

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020  AGRICULTURE (Paper I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in 150 words each:

(a) What is tillage ? Why zero tillage is getting importance in Indian Agriculture.

(b) Describe in-situ and ex-situ management of Paddy Crop residue (Parali) in India. 

(c) Write ditferent elements of weather affecting crop production with suitable examples. 

(d) Write the scope and needs of (Agroforestry) in India. 

(e) What are the instilutional arrangements and mechanism for imparting raining for  extension workers in India ?  

2.(a) Differentiate between the followings :

(a)(i). Fertigation and Herbigation  

(a)(ii). Agroforestry and Agrostology  

(a)(iii). Cooperative Societies and Non-Govemmental Organizations (NGOs)  

(a)(iv). Dry land farming and Imigated farming

(b) Enlist and cxplain the etfects of tFarmers (Empowerment and protection) agreement on  price assurance and tarm service Act-2020) on small and medium famers in India. 

(c) Explain El-Nino effect. Give causes and its impact on Indian Agriculture. 

Q3.(a) Whal are the major causes of low productivity of oilseed and pulse crops in India ? Suggest  stralegies for increasing the production and productivity of oilseed crops in the country.

(b) Describe the causes of increasing threats of Parthenium weed in the country.  Write integraled methods of weed management with suitable examples. 

(c) What is contingent crop planning ? How it helps in dry land agriculture ? 

Q4.(a) Descrnbe training methods suitable for small and marginal farmers and agriculture labours.  Explain the contribution of self-help groups in Agriculture development in India. 

(b) Define water harvesting along with different methods of water harvesting in India. write  govenmental initiatives to promote rain water harvesting. 

(c) Describe cnvironmental pollution. Write the role of afforestation in minimizing the effccts  of environmental pollution.  

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5.Describe the following in about 150 words cach:

(a) Define water use efficiency and water productivity. List the crops having high and low water use efficiency.  

(b) Explain the institutional infrastructure of Agriculhural marketing in India.

(c) Indian farmers usually choose crops and their vaieties based on their socio-economic aspects and resources at their disposal. Critically comment. 10  

(d) What is diversified system of faming ? How it is bencficial to small and marginal farmers n India ?  

(e) What is integrated nutrient management (INM) ? Explain the limitations in practice of INM  at famers level in india.  

Q6.(a) What is scheduling of irrigation in crops? What are the important factors considered 20  while deciding irrigation schedules for difierent rgions and Crops.  

(b) Enlist and explain the methods of evaluation of extension programmes. Explain what  Kind of quaitative changes can be achieved by adopting educational approach in extension programmes. 

(c) Describe precision agriculture and conservation agriculture.  

Q7.(a) Define crop weed competition. Describe various factors affecting crop weed competition  Explain the factors affecting the efficacy of herbicides.

(b) What do you mean by problematic soil ? How soil is converted into problematie soil  Explain various methods of reclamation of saline-alkali-soils. 

(c) What is farm budgeting? Explain diferent types of farm budgeting.  

Q8.(a) Rice-wheat crop rotation is very common in north Indian Agriculture. Discuss  and describe the advantages and disadvantages of this crop rotation according to the  principles of crop rotation. 

(b) Describe the production technology of sugarcane crop on the following heads:  

(i) Improved varieties  

(ii) Methods of sowing and seed rate  

(iii) Fertilizers and irigation management  

(iv) Tnter culture operations  

(v) Plant protection 

(c) Describe the principles of soil fertility. Explain the role of biofertilizers in enhancing  the soil fertility. 

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper-2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 AGRICULTURE (Paper II)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020  AGRICULTURE (Paper II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 worda each: 

(a) Differentiate between the following 

  • (i) Varietal seed production and Hybrid seed production  
  • (ii) Conventional and Molecular breeding  

(b) What is mass selection ? Discuss its applications in varietal improvement.  
(c) Enumerate factors responsible for absorption of nutrients by plants.Explain the mechanism of absorption of nutrients.   
(d) Define synthetic variety. Diseuss the operations involved in the production of synthetic varieties. 10  Jes  
(e) Describe çhromosome under the following headings :

(i) Chromosome number  

(ii) Chemical constituents of chromosomes  

(iii) Chromomere  

(iv) Y chromosomes  

Q2.(a) Explain self-incompatibility and its mechanism. Discuss relevance of self-incompatibility in plant breeding.

(b) What do you understand by the term seed quality' ? Describe the regulatory and certification systems that are in place to ensure seed quality. 

(c) Bnumerate various types of structural chromosomal aberrations with their types, Give detailed account of inversion-type structural aberration. 

Q3.(a) Explain the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001. Give an account of protection provided to farmers, breeders and indigenous property rights under this Act.  

(b) Describe the applications of mutation breeding. Also discuss the limitations of this approach of plant breeding. 

(c) Describe the role of molecular markers and marker-assisted selection in crop improvement. 

Q4.(a) Define plant nutrition. Give an account of essential and beneficial nutrients to plants and their status in Indian soils.

(b) What do you understand by 'genetically modified crop plants' ? Give an account of their uses in management of insect-pests, diseases and weeds.  

(c)  Write short notes on the following:  

(i) Sex-linkage  

(ii) Double cross-over  

(iii) Autosome  

(iv) Cytoplasmic male sterility  


UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5.Answer the following questions in about 150 words ench :

(a) Ditferentiate between the following:

(i) Plant hormones and Synthetic plant-growth regulators  

(ii) C3 and C4 plants  

(b) Give a brief account of the effects of drought aud salt stfess on growth and development of erops.  

(c) What is meant by physiological disorders ? Describe physiological disorders of potato  

(d) Discuss the scope and importance of roof-gardening in cities.  

(e) Discuss the role of nutri-cereals in managing malnutrition in India. 

Q6.(a) Classify pesticides according to target pests. Describe the trend in  pesticide consumption in India. 

(b) Describe mango cultivation with respect to propagation, biennial intercroppin8 bearing, fruit drop and black-tip.

(c) What is Public Distribution System (PDS) and what are How its,objectives ? does targeted public distribution system overcome problems with  PDS ?  

Q7.(a) What are the major constraints of food production in lndia ? How will  National Food Policy help in sustainable food security ? 

(b) List biotic and abiotic causes of plant diseases. Give an account of the  elassification of major physiological processes aftected by diseases and symptom types.  

(c) Define plant growth regulators. Elaborate their applications with  suitable examples. 

Q8.(a) Give a brief account of tomato cultivation with respect to climate and soils, sowing time, and nutrient, water and post-harvest management.   

(b) What are the causes of post-harvest deterioration of flowers ? Elaborate  the techniques to enhance shelf-life of flowers. 

(c) Give an account of steps taken by the government to cope up with  constraints in procurement and marketing of agriculture produce. 

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(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.Describe the following in about 150 words each : 

(a) Gram negative and Gram positive bacterial cell walls. 

(b) Structure and reproduction of lichens. 

(c) Heterotrichous habit in algae. 

(d) Elaters and their significance.

(e) Draw a well labelled longitudinal sectional view of the structure of mature sporogonium of Anthoceros. 

Q2.(a) Describe the life cycle of Puccinia graminis tritici with suitable sketch.

(b) Give an illustrated account of various types of stelar structures seen in Pteridophytes. 

(c) Describe lytic and lysogenic cycle of viruses. 

Q3.(a) Write the names of causal organisms, symptoms and control measures of citrus canker and late blight of potato.

(b) Compare and contrast the sporocarp of Marsilea and Salvinia.

(c) Discuss post fertilization changes with suitable diagrams in Polysiphonia. 

Q4.(a) What do you understand by International Code of Botanical Nomenclature ? Write its principles.

(b) Briefly explain anomalous secondary growth in Boerhaavia and Dracaena.

(c) Write applications of Microbiology in medicine. 

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5.Describe the following in about 150 words each :

(a) Plant cell, tissue and organ culture.

(b) Embryo rescue in angiosperms.

(c) Classification and importance of Polyembryony.

(d) Endosperm haustoria.

(e) Plants as source for perfumery. 

Q6.(a) What are the identifying floral features, floral formula and floral diagram of Malvaceae and Orchidaceae ? 

(b) Write botanical names and ethno-medicinal uses of three medicinally important members in each case of Solanaceae and Apiaceae. 

(c) Write botanical names and families of the plants yielding timber edible oil. 

Q7.(a) Define protoplast. Write the methods of its isolation and factors affecting their yield and viability.

(b) Describe the development of male gametophyte in angiosperms with suitable diagrams. 

(c) Compare and contrast the pattern of embryo developments in Dicots and Monocots with suitable illustrations. 

Q8.(a) Discuss the primitive features of Cycadales. Why is Ginkgo considered as living fossil ?

(b) Define somaclonal variations. How are these produced ? Explain its applications in crop improvement. 

(c) Write notes on the following : 

(i) Somatic hybrid and cybrid with their significance

(ii) Totipotency, polarity and differentiation. 

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(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper-2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 BOTANY (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Write short notes on/Answer the following: 

(a) Applications of probes in Southern blotting.

(b) Nuclear pore complex and its functions.

(c) Structure and behaviour of B-chromosomes.

(d) Why are overlapping genes important ? Discuss.

(e) Describe Chi-square test and its applications in genetic study. 5+5=10 

Q2. (a) Discuss major steps in signal transduction.

(b) Describe the significance and uses of the following: 

(i) Male sterility 

(ii) Polyploidy in plant breeding

(c) Transgenic technology is a breakthrough innovation. Justify with examples. 

Q3.(a) Briefly describe two theories of Chiasma formation. Discuss whether Chiasmata are the cause or consequence of crossing-over. 

(b) What is Antisense RNA ? Explain its applications and describe the catalytic activity of RNA. 

(c) Does Z-DNA play a regulatory role ? Discuss critically. 

Q4.(a)  Explain the mode of biogenesis of peroxisomes and discuss their functions. 
(b) Name the phyto-geographical regions of India. Which are the dominant flora of the region representing the west coast of India from Kanyakumari to Satpura ranges in Gujarat ? 
(c) "Cell cycle is an ordered series of events leading to cell replication." Discuss. 

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Write short notes on/Answer the following : 

(a) Climacteric fruits and their advantage to fruit growers. 

(b) Metabolic energy requirement for uptake of sucrose in apoplastic pathway. 

(c) Cyanide-resistant respiration in plants. 

(d) Can Intellectual Property Rights protect and safeguard farmers' rights and interests ? 

(e) What are the causes of the rise in mean atmospheric temperature and how will it influence the climate of a region ? 

Q6.(a) Carboxylation and oxygenation compete to decrease the efficiency of photosynthesis. Discuss. 

(b) What is drought escape ? Discuss different strategies adopted by plants for drought resistance. 

(c) What is Clock hypothesis ? Justify the importance of main photoreceptor and photoperiodic induction in photoperiodism. 

Q7.(a) How can the two laws of thermodynamics be combined to determine spontaneity of a reaction ? Also derive a relationship between free energy exchange and equilibrium constant. 

(b) What is bioremediation ? How can plants be used to detoxify the heavy metal containing industrial effluents ? 

(c) What is the importance of fatty acid synthase complex ? Discuss the growth of fatty acyl chain through priming and elongation phases. 5+15=20 

Q8.(a) How is solar energy trapped, fixed and transformed in an aquatic food chain ? 

(b) How do microbes help in chemical recycling in nature for a stable community climax ?

(c) Eco-development sequence proceeds from a barren land to a climax and finally ends in a desert. Explain critically. 

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(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) How docs Aristotle arguc for the priority of Form over Matter and Actuality over  Potentiality? Critically discuss.  

(b) How does Leibniz's conception of monads bear upon his views on determinism and  freedom? Discuss with your own commenits  

(c) What, according to Husserl, is wrong with psychologism? How does Husserl address  the problems with psychologism in his phenomenological method?  

(d) Examine the reality of the phenomenal world in the light of Hegel's Absolute ldealism.  

(e) "The Soul of Superman is Good."

Critically examine the above statement in the light of logical positivism.  

Q2.(a) "I never can catch myself at any time without percepuon, and never can observe  anything but the perception." How does this statcment by Hume problematize the  philosophical notion of personal identity? How does Kant deal with this problem in his  Critique of Pure Reason? 

(b) Critically discuss the following statement by Moore:  

"If anyone tells us that to say 'Blue exists' is the same thing as to say that 'Both blue and consciousncss exists makes a mistake and a self contradictory mistake. "  

(c) "The reason that I call my doctrine logical atomism is bccause the atoms that I wish to arive at as the sort of last residue in analysis are logical atoms and not physical atorms" Write a note on the nature of atomic facts according to Russcll in the light of the above statement.  

Q3.(a) What docs Kicrkegaard mean by saying "Subjectivity is the truth" in the context of the problem of 'the single individual'?

(b) Evatuate the role of spatio-temporal thinking in objective thinking with reference to Strawson's thcory of basic particulars.  

(c) When does Pure Reason cnter mo n rean or Antinomies according to Kant? Is Kant's notion of Antinomics ol Pure reason a natural culmination of his distinction between Phenomena and Noumena: ove ieasons in favour of your answer.  

Q4.(a) "You can always make something out of what you have been made into." Critically discuss this statement by Sartre with reference to his views on existentialism. 

(b) From the necessity of the divine nature there must follow infinitely many ways."Explain this staement by Spinoza along with some possible criticisms.

(c) But coukd we also imagine a language in which a person could write down or give vocal expression to his inner experiences his feelings, moods and the rest-for his private use"? Critically discuss the dwer answer offered offcred by Witlgenstein to this question.

Philosophy Optional Printed Study Materials for UPSC Mains


Q5. Write shori answers to the following in about 150 words each:

(a) Examine the concepl of Karma according to Jainism. How does it bear upon their conception of Liberation?  

(b) Explain the diference between Samprajnata Samàdhi and Asamprajnata Samadhi  

(c) Why is memory not a valid knowledge according to Mihatmasa?  

(d) Point out the significance of the ive-fold diffcrences in the Dualistic School of  Vedänta.  

(e) Discuss the nature and types of matier according to Nimbarka.  

Q6.(a) How is Kanikavada a logical derivative of Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism? Explain.  

(b) Critically evaluate Carvakas' rejection of Ákasa as one of the elements of reality and  examine their criticism of transmigration of Soul.  

(c) Explain the concepts of 'Anyathasiddha and 'Ananyathâsiddha' in the context of Asatkaryavada.  

Q7.(a) A mango tree is grown out of a mango seed," How will Samkhya system explain this process through their theory of causation by rejecting their rival perspectives?  

(b) How does Buddhism explain Self in terms of Pancaskandhas? What is Liberation for Buddhism if there is no Soul?  

(c)  Explain the differences of conception of Reality between Cárvaka and Jainism.  

Q8.(a) What does Aurobindo mean by lite divine as a possibility and inevitability?

(b) Critically evaluate the logical and metaphysical satus of Visesa in the context of Vaisesika Philosophy.

(c) Discuss the nature and relationship of Jiva and Jiva-sakshi to non-dualism.

(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 2)


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) Is the concept of liberty' realizable in the modern technological society? Explain.

(b) How far do the liberal democracies safeguard the interests of minorities? Evaluate critically.

(c) Do you think that secularism requires complete separation of religion and 'state'? Discuss. 

(d) Explain the importance of Bodin's theory of sovereignty.

(e) Do you think that the prevailing pandemic will lead to anarchism in society? Discuss.

Q2.(a) State and examine the Gandhian concept of social development.

(b) How far is Marxism as a philosophical doctrine relevant in the present context? Justify your answer. 

(c) Is Indian tradition antagonistic to Individual Rights? Consider it by taking recourse to the doctrin of Human Rights.

Q3.(a) State and examine B.R. Ambedkar's contribution towards social changes in Independent India.

(b) What do you understand by multiculturalism? Explain the structural Characteristics that make a nation multicultural.

(c) Do you think that retributive theory of punishment is against human rights? Discuss.

Q4.(a) Do you agree that empowering women can eliminate gender discrimination ? Discuss.

(b) State and explain the relevance of the doctrine of sovereignty in times of globalization.

(c) How far do the social  and political regimes condition corrupt practices in a nation-state? Discuss.

Philosophy Optional Printed Study Materials for UPSC Mains


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) Discuss the significance of 'Religion' vis-à-vis the present scientific and technological development.

(b) The concept of 'Immortality' is a basic presupposition of religion. Elaborate your answer.

(c) Is it acceptable that the History of Religions is the History of Conflicts ? Discuss.

(d) Is there any compatibility between 'Freedom of Will' and 'Omnipotent God' ? Discuss.

(e) What is the importance of religious tolerance in a multicultural pluralistic society? Justify your answer.

Q6.(a) It is ontological proof for the existence of God by St. Anselm logical? Discuss.

(b) What is the logical problem of evil? Discuss.

(c) Critically examine the concept of God as prerequisite for a religion.

Q7.(a) Discuss the nature of God in Hinduism with special reference to Vishishtadvaita (Qualified non-dualism).

(b) Distinguish between prayer and worship and determine their place in religion.

(c) What are the basic tenets of faith? Distinguish between faith and belief. 15

Q8.(a) Does religious language carry cognitive content? Elucidate in detail.

(b) Are religious beliefs and practices incompatible with moral behaviour ? Discuss.

(c) Do you accept that knowledge, Action and Devotion are the means to attain liberation in Indian tradition ? Discuss

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Paper-2)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020


Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Public Administration (Paper-II)

Marks: 250

Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words cach : 

(a) Mughal administration incorporated a combination of indian and extra-Indian clements. Discuss. 

(b) There is a constant and continuous collision between bureaucratic values and democratic values which adversely affects development. Do you agree? Elaborate. 

(c) Parliamentary committees are at the deliberative core of parliamentary work which is crucial for refining legislations. Elucidate. 

(d) Considering India's diversity, the planning pattern of 'one-size-fits-all' was discarded in favour of indicative planning. To what extent has it been useful to India? 

(e) Even if all the States combine together, they cannot have their way decision-making in the GST Council, unless the Union agrees to it. Analy this in the perspective of federalism in India, 

Q2.(a) District administration is the most important unit in governance. Most of the Central and State Government schemes and programmes are directed towards the district administration. In this context, discuss the challenges and problems posed to the district administration, 

(b) The structural part of the Constitution of India is to a large extent derived from the Government of India Act, 1935, whereas its philosophical part has many other sources. Discuss the sources of the philosophical part.

(c) The public services in India are an evolution of the British Raj. Trace the Indianization of the services. 

Q3.(a) Does the privatization of key public sector bodies augur well for welfarisin in India? Discuss with suitable illustrations, 

(b) The spirit of democratic values requires that the independence of judiciary remains absolute. It is high time that the All India Judicial Service (AIJS) was created. Elaborate. 

(c) To strengthen the Election Commission of India and its commissioners is the need of the hour. Suggest measures to make it more independent and impartial. 

Q4.(a) Examine the National Health Policy in the context of the current pandomia situation, Identify the problems and suggest improvements. 

(b) The Speaker of the State Assembly has assumed a significant role in formations and dissolutions of governmenta. Examine under the circumstances of coalition governments with examples. 

(c) At the district level, police functions under the overall supervision and control of the District Magistrate. Comment. 

Public Administration for UPSC Mains Exams Study Kit

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 

(a) Political neutrality of civil servants has been regarded as one of the cardinal principles in democrntic governments. Is its sanctity being maintained in practice in India? Elucidate. 

(b)  Budget is anindicntor of financial health of a polity which is reflected in the statement of income and expenditure. Discuss. 

(c) Panchayati Raj Institutions are still plagued by State control and domination of bureaucracy. Argue your casc. 

(d) Urban local governance is perpetually afflicted with lack of financial autonomy and starvation of funds. Elaborate. 

(e) There has been a long-standing demand for separation of police investigation from prosecution. Analyze its merits and demerits. 

Q6.(a) The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India stands on the pillar of autonomy. Discuss the major lacunae in the functioning of this constitutional body and also suggest measures for its strengthening.

(b)  Implementation of administrative reforms is humongous and arduous. What lacks the push to realize the changes? 

(c)Immediate post-retirement appointments of high officers of governmen have become a new trend. Discuss its pros and cons. 

Q7.(a)  Ward committees in urban local governance have remained more tigers. The ideal of realizing effective people's participation in collabor with local functionaries is still in the pipeline. Evaluate the gap in the and practice. 

(b) Police needs to be made accountable and freed from the grip of politics. It is a big challenge not only for law and order but also for the development of the country. Critically examine. 

(c) Civil servants are trained to follow rules and procedures so much that they become bureaucrazy. Do you agree? Justify. 

Q8.(a) "There are adequate legal mechanisms to address corruption malpractices in administration, but they have failed to curb the mea any noticeable degree." In the light of this statement, discuss the efficacy the institution of Lokayukta in Indian States. 

(b) Despite the constitutional provisions for representation, the voice weaker of sections is not having the desired impact in the realms of Panchayati Raya Institutions. Critically examine. 

(c) Ideally citizen-administration interface is supposed to be based on trustworthiness and purposesulness, in reality it is observed to be plagued by suspicion, conflicts, stresses and strains. Do you agree? Elaborate.

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - Sociology (Paper-1)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020


  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains SOCIOLOGY (Paper-I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words ench. 

(a) How did the intellectual forces lead to the emergence of sociology ?Discuss. 

(b) Is sociology a value-free science ? Discuss. 

(c) Methodology is a system of rules, principles and procedures, which forms. scientific investigation. Comment.

(d) 'Ideal Types of Max Weber are mental constructs, they do not correspond to the reality. Give your views. 

(e) Analyse the relevance of 'Pattern variables' in the study of social change. 

Q2.(a) What are the reactions of R.K. Merton to the functionalism of social anthropologists ? Bring out the limitations of latent functions. 

(b) How are Hierarchy and Exclusion the major impediments in the transformation of societies ? Discuss. 

(c) Explain democracy as an order of society. What are the factors preventing people's participation in politics? 

Q3.(a) Capitalism has brought  increasing informalisation of work in society.Substantiate your answer.

(b) Critically Analyse Durkheim's views on elementary forms of religious life and role of religion Also discuss the consequences of religious revivalism in contemporary society.

(c) Discuss the consequences of Across Region marriage on kinship system in modern Indian society.

Q4.(a) Is humanity at the mercy of Nature, Science and Technology ? Comment in the light of pandemic situation.

(b) According to Durkheim, "The major function of education is the transmission of society's norms and values." Discuss.

(c) Critically assess social mobility in closed and open systems. 

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Answer the following Questions in about 150 words each : 

(a) In the context of globalisation, has the scope of sociology been changing India ? Comment.

(b) Discuss the importance and sources of hypothesis in social research. 

(c)  What are the problems in observing social facts in Durkheim's views?

(d) State the reasons for the various religious beliefs and practices in pre-modern societies.

(e) Does the institution of marriage continue to be sacred in Indian society? Comments.

Q6.(a) Discuss the new labour codes and their impact on formal and informal labour in India.

(b) According to Mills, "Elites rule in institutional terms rather than psychological terms." Comment.

(c) Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of social survey method in social research.

Q7.(a) Technology has accelerated the process of development and dependency. Discuss.

(b) Phenomenological perspectives in sociology reject many of the assumptions of positivism. Comment. 

(c) Critically assess the Marxian theory of 'Alienation'." 

Q8.(a) How does Marx view social conflict as an essential element in social change? 

(b) What is the impact of gender division of labour on the development of society?

(c) Examine how social movements come to an end. Illustrate with examples. 

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - Sociology (Paper-2)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020


  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains SOCIOLOGY (Paper-II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Write short answers, with a sociological perspective, of the following questions in about 150 words cach : 

(a) Elaborate A. R. Desai's perspective to the study of Indian society. 

(b) "Banning practice of 'Sati' is attributed to annihilation of a major social evil in colonial India." Comment.

(c) How do you justify Dumont's deliberate stress on ideology that produce intellectualized account of Indian society? 

(d) Explain the definitional problems concerning the tribal communities in India. 

(e) "Secularism was an outcome of 20th century humanistic radicalism." Comment on this statement. 

Q2.(a) "Indian caste system is unique and has been unhealthy for the growth of sociology of India." How far do you agree with this view? 

(b) Discuss Whitehead's contention that caste has potential to displace class and colonial contradiction. 

(c) "Indian rural society is a faction-ridden society." Discuss. 

Q3.(a) Examine the colonial policy of segregation of tribes under the Government of India Act, 1935. 

(b)  Discuss the dynamics of 'migrant workers' in India in the context of Corona pandemic. 

(c) How does Andre Beteille justify 'middle class in India? 

Q4.(a) Discuss the conceptual issues about lineage and descent in India. Give suitable illustrations, 

(b) Analyze household dimensions of family in India. 

(c) Write a note on cultural pluralism in multi-peligious society like India. 

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Write short answers, with a sociological perspective, of the following questions in about 150 words each : 

(a) Point out the benefits of 'green chemistry' for agrarian transformation in India.

(b) Analyze the issues related to the citizenship in contemporary India. Give suitable illustrations. 

(c) Give an account of the consequences and remedies of chronic malnutrition in India.

(d) How does the New Education Policy, 2020 aim to eradicate disparities in the system of education in India? 

(e) What do you understand by democratic federalism? How does it promote decentralization of power in India? 

Q6.(a) Discuss in detail the main issues of development planning in mixed economy like India 

(b) Do you think MSP (Minimum Support Price) Scheme for ag can help in rural development? Elaborate your response with suitable examples. 

(c) How can skill development programme induce social change? Illustrated 

Q7.(a) Elaborate the causes, consequences and other concerns of growth of urban settlements in India. 

(b) Evaluate the nature and scope of anthropogenic influence on Climate in India and also analyze the environmental movements arising out of it. 

(c) Are the contemporary farmers' movements in India changing their course? Discuss. 

Q8.(a) Colonial administrators helped to construct the very traditionalism which marked the Indian society as "backward'. Comment critically. 

(b) What were the salient features of the India's Population Policy (2000)? How far its goals have been achieved? 

(c) Point out the main causes of child labour' in India. How far the State policies have succeeded in its elimination? 

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Paper-1)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020


Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Public Administration (Paper-I)

Marks: 250

Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 

(a) "The strength of Public Administration is in its exploration of the complexities and nuances of public policy making and implementation." Discuss. 

(b) Principles of analysis and principles of action were not differentiated in Taylor's scientific management. Comment 

(c) "Arbitrariness in the application of rule of law is a primary cause of poor governance." Discuss. 

(d) Departments, Boards and Commissions as forms of organization are dissimilar in the context of accountability and responsibility." Analyse.

(e)Administrative man bridges the psychological man and the rational man. Explain.

Q2.(a) The movement towards governance as an organizing concept for public administration and management is because the focus of administration has been shifting from the bureaucratic state to the 'hollow state' and 'thuird-party government. Critically examine. 

(b) "Organizations of the future will be organic-adaptive structures but temporary systems." Discuss how Warren Bennis characterises the new form of orgunization.

(c) "Productivity is not the result of working conditions but the result of emotional response of workers to work performed." Are Elton Mayo's findings relevant in contemporary organiza tions? 

Q3.(a) Performance information use is a form of organizational behaviour that is influenced by individual. job, organizational and environmental factors." Critically analyse.

(b) New Public Service emphasizes democracy and citizenship as the basis for public administra tion theory and practice. Elucidate. 

(c)  "Accountability under New Public Management has undergone a radical change, although the focus has continued to remain on management." Comment

Q4.(a) "Developments in the field of Administrative Law reflect an increasingly blurred boundary between the state and society, and between justice and administration." Has administrative law become more constitutional than the Constitution itself? Arguc. 

(b) The content and process theories of motivation have the same focus but are different in approaches." Do you agree? Give reasons.

(c) Thrust on the citizen centricity and Right based approaches, aim to empower the citizens. In the light of the above, has the administrative accountability improved ? Justify your argument 

Public Administration for UPSC Mains Exams Study Kit

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:

(a) "Comparative Public Administration started with no paradigm of its own and developed nane" Comment 

(b) "Markets, hierarchies and networks represent modem govering structures in government." Explain. 

(c) Has policy analysis become a major source of legitimation of status quo in political and social order? Discuss. 

(d) "Fiscal policy should address the issues of inequity, intricacy and obscurantism." Explain. 

(e) "Prevention of misconduct requires institutionalization of ethical values at the political and administrative levels." Justify. 

Q6.(a) "Administrative ideas must be seen in the context of environment in which they develop." In the light of the above statement, examine the influence of New Public Management and Information and Communication Technologies on comparative study of Public Administration.

(b) Affirmative action in socio-economic development has not altogether eliminated discrimination. Discuss it in the context of women empowerment.

(c) Have political realities thwarted the move towards evidence based policy making ? Critically examine.

Q7.(a) “Globalization is impacting the context of national policy making. The national policy agenda is becoming international.” Explain.

(b) "Collaboration and its cognates for public service delivery need to be viewed from the governance lenses." Comment. |

(c) Administrative reform is "an artificial inducement of administrative transformation against resistance." (Gerald Caiden). Identify the nature of resistance and inducements required to overcome it.

Q8.(a)"Disruptive nature of developments in Information Technology has changed the contours of e-governance in the last one decade." Analyse.

(b) "Performance Management Framework enables a clear line of sight between planning, measuring and monitoring performance." Critically analyse.

(c) "Objectives of performance budgeting include improving expenditure prioritization, effectiveness and efficiency." Has performance budgeting worked effectively in governmental system ? Argue.

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - HISTORY (Paper-1)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - HISTORY (Paper-1)

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hrs
Maximum Marks : 250


Q1. Identify the following places marked on the map supplied to you and write a short note of about 30 words on each of them in your Question-cum-Answer Booklet. Locational hints for each of the places marked on the map are given below seriatim. 

  1. (i) Paleolithic site is no 
  2. (ii) Paleolithic Factory site 
  3. (iii) Neolithic site 
  4. (iv) Early and Mature Harappan site 
  5. (v) Chalcolithic site 
  6. (vi) Site of Coin and Seal Moulds 
  7. (vii) Ancient Administration Centre 
  8. (viii)  Ancient Political Headquarter 
  9. (ix) Ancient Temple site 
  10. (x) Pre and Proto Historic sites 
  11. (xi) Ancient Capital City 
  12. (xii) Place of Shaiva Temple 
  13. (xiii) World Heritage Centre of Temple complex 
  14. (xiv) An Inscriptional site 
  15. (xv) Place of Jain Temple 
  16. (xvi) Largest Buddhist Monastery
  17. (xvii) Ancient Temple Complex
  18. (xviii) Place of oldest Mosque
  19. (xix) Temple Complex dedicated to Shiva 
  20. (xx) Ancient Education Centre 

Q2.(a) Puranas were the innovative genre of literature to popularise and revive Vedic religion. Elaborate with examples. 

2.(b) Discuss the factors that played an important role in the process of urbanisation : after the Later-Vedic period. . 

2.(c) Throw light on the nature of religion and classification of gods mentioned in the Rigveda.  

Q3.(a) Evaluate the significant political features of the Post Mauryan Northern India. What are the main sources of it? 

3.(b) A number of scholars considered Alexander as 'The Great', although long term impacts of Alexander's invasion on India need to be re-evaluated. Comment. 15. 

3.(c) Discuss the salient features of cultural traditions of South India as reflected in Sangam Literature. 

Q4.(a) Sanskrit literature of classical Gupta Age set standards for the early medieval India. Evaluate the statement with representative examples.

4.(b) Trace and identify the changing pattern of Tantrism in Ancient India with examples. 

4.(c) Describe the evolution and development of regional temple architecture of South India with special reference to Pallavas. 


Q5.Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 

5.(a) Critically evaluate the Muslim Nobility during the period of Tughlaq dynasty.

5.(b) Describe in detail about the foreign travellers' accounts which gave information of Vijayanagar kingdom. 

5.(c) How did international trade support urbanisation in North India during the 13-14th century CE. 

5.(d) Evaluate the aim and impact of the translation of Sanskrit scriptures into Persian language during Mughal period. 

5.(e) Examine the sources of the history of Chhatrapati Shivaji with special reference to Shivabharat and Sabhasad Bakhar. 

Q6.(a) Assess the causes of the defeat of Northern Indian States against the Turkish invasion.

6.(b) Amuktamalyada dwells much upon the relationship of (fort, Brahmanas) and dispersed tribal groups. Comment. 

6.(c) Elaborate upon the agrarian reforms of Alauddin Khilji. 

Q7.(a) Describe village polity and economy of medieval Deccan. 

7.(b) Some new crafts production were introduced by the Turks. Comment. 

7.(c) The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and creeds. Explain. 

Q8.(a) Evaluate the contribution of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce, administration and lagricultural reforms. 

8.(b) Make an estimate of the development of paintings under Mughal reference to colours, technique, themes and influences on them. paintings under Mughal rulers with special 

8.(c) Critically evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and economy.  

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - HISTORY (Paper-2)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - HISTORY (Paper-2)

Time Allowed : 3.00 Hrs
Maximum Marks : 250


Q1. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each : 

(a) "Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839. His death was the signal for an outburst of anarchy all over the Punjab." 

(b) “In the initial stages, when Indian nationalism was immature, just sprouting, it found expression in many liberal religio-reform movements." 

(c) “In the early twentieth century, there came into existence a number of women's organisations, which operated more actively in the public arena and focused more directly on women's political and legal rights." 

(d) “The Trade Union Movement in India not only supported the call for national struggle at critical junctures, but also impacted its course and character in several ways." 

(e) “Based on his discussion with Indian leaders, as well as his own perception, Lord Mountbatten soon came to the conclusion that partition was the only practicable and feasible solution." 

Q2.(a) It was Dupleix who had first showed the way of intervening of the Indian rulers and thereby acquiring political control over vast territories — a technique which was later perfec India Company." Elaborate. 

(b) For long, the Revolt of 1857. has been mistaken to be a mere mutiny of me Indian sepoys in the Bengal army. However, its causes need to be searched for not only in the dissatisfaction of the army but in a long arawn process of fundamental Social and economic change that upset the peasant communities./Discuss.

(c) Do you feel that the Santhal Hool (rebellion) 1855-56, was the most effective tribal movement in pre-1857 India ? 

Q3.(a) In its political behaviour the Indian National Congress in its early career was never a radical organisation, besides the founders of the Congress involved A.O. Hume in their project. Do these facts verify that the Congress was founded as a 'Safety valve' ? Explain. 

(b). Do you agree with the fact that the virtual failure of the Non-Cooperation Movement and the gloom that descended on the nationalist scene, created conditions for revolutionary activities ? Discuss.,, 

(c). Planning was seen as a powerful instrument that could be used to remove regional inequality. Examine. 

Q4. (a) “In the divided and contestable space of Indian politics, Gandhiji could claim for himself a centrist position because he alienated neither and tactically combined the goal of the moderates with the means of the extremists." Discuss. 
(b) "After Indian Independence India-China relations started on a high note, but during the course of the coming years India had to face a bitter experience due to the Chinese aggression." Elaborate. 
(c) “The Reorganisation of the States on the basis of language was a major aspect of national consolidation and integration.” Comment. 


Q5. Critically examine the following statements in about 150 words each: 

(a) “The principles of Enlightenment were in some ways a continuation of the discoveries and theories of the Scientific Revolution." 

(b) "The causes of the French Revolution of 1789 included both long term and structural factors, as well as more immediate events." 

(c) "Industrial Revolution had far reaching social and political consequences with the advent of assembly line factories, urbanization and rise of the urban working class." 

(d) "The multitude of newly independent countries came to be known as the “Third World', belonging neither to the First World of capitalist democracies, nor the Communist Second World." 

(e) "The British were slated to withdraw from Palestine in May 1948, and both sides prepared for that day. Violence between Arabs and Jews, a already endemic, escalated." 

Q6. (a). "Napoleon was not a revolutionary but he solidified many of the revolutionary changes of 1789 - 1791 and he himself supported most of the ideas and proposals of Enlightenment philosophers.".Substantiate.,

(b) "Lincoln's main thesis was that the Slavery issue had to be decided one way or the other and could no longer be evaded by compromise." Comment in the light of his role in the American Civil War. 

(c) "The 1848 revolutions frightened the crowned heads of Europe and caused several to abdicate. Those who remained were cognizant of the threats posed by liberalism, nationalism and socialism.” Comment. 10 

Q7 (a) "From Bismarck's 'Blood and Iron' speech and his forceful actions to achieve German unification, Bismarck came to be known as the Iron Chancellor.” Critically examine. 

(b) Do you agree with the statement that the Second World War was history's most destructive war ? Elaborate. 

(c) Discuss the circumstances leading to the French exit from Algeria in 1962. 

Q8.(a) How did Stalin build on Lenin's legacy of Bolshevik Revolution and introduce new elements of totalitarianism to transform USSR as a superpower? 

(b) A new configuration of power emerged in world politics after the end of the cold war. Analyse how USA managed to become the sole superpower. 20 

(c) Critically examine whether it was true that after a century of dependency on Europeans, Africans were ill prepared for the task of nation-building. 

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM:2020 - GEOLOGY (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 GEOLOGY (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 GEOLOGY (Paper I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 

(a) Discuss the different types of meteorites.

(b) Discuss various fields in which IRS data can be used for the development work and management of resources.

(c) Briefly describe two diagnostic landforms each of hot-arid and cold-arid climate. 

(d) How do we determine the top of beds from primary features?

(e) Briefly describe the classification of fold on the basis of fold attitude (dip and plunge). 

Q2. (a) Explain the internal structure of the earth. Add a note on discontinuities with neat sketches.

(b) Discuss the difference in geomorphology of the Eastern Coast and Western Coast of India. What is the main reason of the difference?

(c) What is an unconformity and what are its structural and stratigraphic importances? Discuss four different types of unconformities with neat sketches. 

Q3. (a) Discuss the salient features of Indian satellites Cartosat-3 and RISAT-2B. How are these superior to their predecessors? 

(b) Explain the magnitude and intensity as an expression of the size of an earthquake. Add a note on the damage caused by an earthquake. 

(c) What is a shear zone and what are the conditions of its formation? Discuss its general characteristics and types based on deformation type. 

Q4.(a) Discuss Mohr's stress diagram and its significance. What is its relevance in interpreting different stress conditions in rocks?

(b) Discuss the mechanism of seafloor spreading and give four evidences indicating the expansion in oceanic crust.

(c) Describe three main controlling factors of soil formation. How does the modern soil differ from the palaeosoil? 


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 

(a) Describe three processes by which plant remains and invertebrate shells can be preserved as fossils. 

(b) Give an account of the mineral wealth associated with the Cuddapah Supergroup of rocks.

(c) Briefly describe the economic mineral deposits associated with the Tertiary rocks of India. 

(d) Explain the factors influencing the groundwater movement and storage.

(e) Discuss five engineering properties of rocks. 


Q6.(a) Discuss the morphological trends in the evolution of Homo sapiens from Proto-hominins. 

(b) Draw the tectonic sub-division map of India and discuss the salient features of each sub-division.

(c) Explain the process of saltwater intrusion with neat sketches. Give examples from India. 

7. (a) Describe the standard stratigraphic time scale of the earth, beginning from the 7 oldest to youngest. Discuss the principal events that took place during the time units. 

(b) Give an account of the Lower Gondwana flora from peninsular and - extra-peninsular India. What environmental conditions do they indicate?

(c) What is a landslide? Explain the different types and their causes. Give two examples from India. 

Q8.(a) Explain the natural and artificial recharge processes to enhance the ground water potential in hard and soft rock terrains. 

(b) Name two microfossils and discuss how these are used in reconstructing the palaeoclimatic conditions 
(c) Discuss about the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary ((K-T boundary) with examples from India. 

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM:2020 - GEOLOGY (Paper-2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 GEOLOGY (Paper II)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 GEOLOGY (Paper II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1.(a) How do you measure refractive index of minerals and distinguish high and low relief minerals under microscope ?

(b) Write about the symmetry elements of a crystal.

(c) Explain the salient features exhibited by rocks due to thermal metamorphism.

(d) Explain with suitable examples the implications of albite-anorthite solid solutions in the understanding of crystallisation of magma. 
(e) How are sedimentary rocks classified in general based on their process of formation ?

Q2.(a) Write about the crystal structure of monoclinic amphiboles and cite mineral examples along with their formula. Add a note on their paragenesis. 

(b) Briefly write about the crystal forms of hexagonal system using projection diagrams. 

(c) Define pleochroism of minerals and write about the utility of pleochroism to distinguish minerals and provide examples.

Q3.(a) What do you understand by the term texture of a rock ? How do you relate the textures of igneous rocks with the process of magmatic crystallisation ?

(b) Critically discuss the petrogenesis of anorthosites. Comment on the tectonic significance on the distribution of anorthosites.

(c) Explain the effects of prograde metamorphism on impure carbonate rocks.

Q4.(a) Illustrate with neat sketches the sedimentary facies and facies associations that are likely to develop in a progradational deltaic environment. 

(b) 'Classification of carbonate rocks based on textural components may be useful for interpretation of depositional environment. Justify the statement with reasons. 

(c) How would you distinguish burial diagenetic cements in carbonate rocks from petrographic studies ? Draw neat sketches in support of your answer. 10 


Q5.(a) Explain the processes of formation of syngenetic and epigenetic ore deposits with suitable examples.

(b) Describe the geology of the East Coast Bauxite deposits of India. 

(c) Discuss various methods of conservation of mineral resources for achieving sustainable mineral development. 

(d) Illustrate with examples the role of chemical bonding in minerals in determining certain properties.

(e) Write about the causes of Sea level changes. 

Q6.(a) Discuss the salient features of various types of lead-zinc ore deposits. Illustrate Y your answer with schematic diagrams to explain the process of ore formation. 

(b) Describe the geonlogical characteristics of important chromite deposits from different parts of the Indian shield. 

(c) What is coal bed methane ? How is it exploited ? 

Q7.(a) What are the factors which influence the mobility of elements in near-surface environment ? How does understanding the mobility of elements help in choosing indicator elements for a geochemical exploration programme ? 

(b)  A vein-type copper ore body trending E-W with 90° dip and having strike length of 150 m is exposed on the surface. Four trenches are made across the ore body at constant interval, including one trench each at E and W end of the ore body. Thickness of the ore body and assay value measured from the trenches are given in the table. Assuming that the ore body extends up to a depth of 50 m, and the specific gravity of the ore is 2.8, calculate the tonnage, grade and total copper content of the ore body. 

Trench Number (E to W)

Thikness of ore body (m)

Assay (wt%.Cu)













(c) Explain the seismic methods of mineral prospecting.

Q8.(a) What do you mean by 'primitive mantle'? Illustrate the cosmochemical and observational constraints on mantle composition. 

(b) Explain about the impact of volcanic eruptions on the environment.

(c) Briefly mention measures to mitigate landslides 

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - Geography (Paper-1)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 Geography (Paper-1)

  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Geography (Paper-I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours
  • Year : 2019


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 word each:

(a) Write a geographical note on Halloween Storm.  

(b) Why is mapping important for analysing geo-hydrological investigations? Explain with relevant examples.

(c) Marine resources are economically very significant. Discuss citing suitable examples.

(d) which factors influence the growth of wild plants in India? Discuss their economic significance.

(e) Discuss the problems associated with the living environment in million plus cities in India. How can these be managed? 

Q2.(a)  Write an essay on the evolution of continents and oceans using various theories and models. 

(b) Discuss the concept of coral bleaching, its recovery and macroalgal regime shifts due to this process. 

(c) Explain the currents of the North Atlantic Ocean and their significant role in the climate of Western Europe. 

Q3.(a) Explain how various factors influence the origin and development of the Indian monsoon system. 

(b) Explain the effects and causes of deforestation, and its impact on the pattern of agriculture in India.

(c) Explain the characteristic features of Frontogenesis and Frontolysis. 

Q4.(a) Discuss the problems of erosional surfaces and explain the different methods to identify them with suitable diagrams.

(b) Land use/Land cover and soil types influence forage quantity and quality in semi-arid regions of the world. Discuss with relevant examples.

(c) Discuss the human response to and management of hazards and disasters in India. 

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 

(a) Analyse India's food security in the context of population growth.

(b) Identify the causes and effects of energy crisis, and suggest suitable measures to solve the problem.

(c) Distinguish between mobility and migration. What are the causes and consequences of rural to urban migration in India?

(d) "Where economic growth is sustained over long time periods, its incidence works towards a progressive integration of the space economy." Elucidate.

(e) Write a note on the relevance of von Thünen's agricultural location theory in the present context.

6. (a) Compare and contrast the Malthusian and New-Malthusian perspectives in the context of population growth, resource use and environmental impact.

(b) "Land degradation is a threat to productivity and sustainable resource management." Explain with suitable examples form India.

(c) In the Modern worlds,most of the frontiers have been replaced by boundaries. Explain the reasons.

Q7. (a) Discuss the concept of urban resilience in the context of planning for sustainable development with reference to towns and cities of India.

(b) Analyse the dynamics of industrial location in the metropolitan cities of India.

(c) Write an essay on gender equity and equality in India in the context of balanced human development. 

Q8.(a) Discuss how and why Mackinder modified his concept of Pivot Area after the World Wars. 

(b) Provide an account of world population transition in the context of fertility decline and socio-economic development. 

(c) "Human ecology is the study of mutual relationship of people and their environment both natural and social." Discuss in detail using ccological concepts. 

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 - Geography (Paper-2)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2020 Geography (Paper-2)

  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Geography (Paper-II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours
  • Year : 2019


Q1.(a) On the outline map of india provided to you,mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCR Booklet the significance the these locations whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/enviromental/culture, not more than 30 words for each entry :

(i) Vadhawan 

(ii) Salkhan 

(iii) Coorg

(iv) Mhow 

(v) Umroi 

(vi) Thoothukudi 

(vii) Bargarh 

(viii) Atal Tunnel . 

(ix) Gurushikhar. 

(x) Bum La 

(b) Climate change has unsettled the rhythm of seasons.Comment with examples and empirical evidences.

(c) Discuss the method of crops residue management in rural india to reduce pollution.

(d) Has the regional aspiration of the people of jammu and kashmir been addressed throgh re-organisation of the state? Make an assessment.

Q2.(a) Identifying areas covered under tribal sum-plan,discus the programmers intiated to address to their problems.

(b) Soil type in india, classifield on the basis of colour,possess speific chemical and mineral characteristics.Dicuss.

(c) The Pharmaceutical industry in india depend on the import of raw material. Evaluate this statement in viewe of the Indo-Chinese relationship.

Q3.(a) India has opened-up its space to private sectore for settlite based activities. Critically examine its implications indicating the major security concerns.

(b) Identify oilseeds producing areas in India and the dicusse the measure to promote edible oil industry. 

(c) Give a reasoned geographical account of changing rural folk houses in india.

Q4.(a) Border are development is an important national priority. What are the resilient steps needed for peaceful borders? 

(b) Stunting and wasting among children are major consequense of food in insecurity.Discuss various schemes of Government of India to address insecurity. Address these problems and their achievements. 

(c) The Essential Commodities (Amendment)Bill 2020 aims to deregulate the production, supply and distribution of farm produce. Critically examine its spatial consequences.

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Q5.Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 

(a) The success of Panchayati Raj depends upon meaningful participation of people grassroot level. Examine. 

(b) Elucidate the benefits of neem coated urea scheme for indian agriculture.

(c) Canal irrigation has led to monocropping in India. Explain with suitable exmples.

(d) The pattern of growing ecological foot-prints is uneven in nature. Analyse with reference to land resources in India.

(e) Identify challenges faced by generative and parasitic towns in India and their possible remedies. 

Q6.(a) Digital Divide in India needs quick redressal to reduce regional disparity in dvelopment. Elaborate with suitable examples.

(b) Awalanche is a major hazard in the Himalayas. What are its causes and mitigation measures? 

(c) The process of demographic transition is not uniform in India. Examine this statement in the context of demographic transition theory.

 Q7.(a) Demarcating the seismic zones of India, suggest suitable interventions requiered most sensitive seismic zones for sustainable hunman settlements.

(b) What are the characteristics of Blue Flag certified beaches? Discuss their significance for beach tourism in India. 

(c) Urban sprawl around planned cities evolve leading to emergence of squater settlements. Discuss the advantages and disadvatages of such outgrowth.

Q8.(a) Analyse the changing nature of workforce composition vis-à-vis rural-urban divide in India. 

(b) Describe the economic, maritime and strategic interests of India in South China Sea. 

(c) What kind of skill promotion programmes have been initiated for job deficient regions in India ? Explain.

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper I)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper I)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOL0GY (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each:

(a) Natufian culture

(b) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

(c) (Cultural relativism) Human rights and Cultural relativism

(d) (Liminality) Victor Turner and Liminality

(e) Jane Goodall's contributions in studying primate behaviour

Q2. (a) Critically evaluate the contesting theories of the emergence and dispersal of modern Homo Sapiens.

(b) Discuss Erving Goffman's concept of total institutions and its relevance in contemporary society.

(c) Differentiate between Lower Palaeolithic culture and Middle Palaeolithic culture with suitable examples.

Q3. (a)  Explain the impact of feminist movement on universality of marriage and family structure.

(b) Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with rise in food production and sedentism.

(c) Elucidate how Darwin and Post-Darwin theories of evolution resulted in the development of Synthetic theory of evolution.

Q4. (a) Discuss various anthropological approaches to the study of personality and culture.

(b) Illustrate with examples the various types of locomotion patterns among the non-human primates.

(c) How is the construct of power linked to the notion of conspicuous consumption and its impact on distributive justice ?

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each :

(a) (Eugenics) Racism and Eugenics

(b) Genetic drift

(c) Experiential Ethnography

(e) Ethics and Genetic engineering

(e) Senescence

Q6. (a) Secular trend in human growth can be positive, negative or neutral. Illustrate with examples.

(b) Describe the impact of infectious diseases on indigenous populations.

(c) How may numerical aberrations in sex chromosomes lead to genetic disorders?

Q7. (a) Explain how variations in language usage is related to social inequality.

(b) Describe the biocultural responses to extreme climatic events.

(c) How do marriage rules impact the gene pool of populations ?

Q8. (a) How can synergising the core branches of anthropology reinvigorate the holistic spirit of the discipline ?

(b) What are the applications of human genomic research in human welfare?

(c) How have interpretation and presentation of data changed from classical to contemporary writings in anthropological texts ?

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper II)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper II)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2020 ANTHROPOL0GY (Paper II)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


1.Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :

1.(a)Contribution of Robert Bruce Foote to Indian Archaeology

1.(b)Debates on 'Aryan' invasion

1.(c)Contribution of K. S. Singh to Indian Anthropology

1.(d)Dravidian languages

1.(e)'Khap' Panchayat

2.(a)Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian Society.

2.(b)Discuss the contribution of V. N. Misra to Archaeological Anthropology in India.

2.(c)Elucidate the linguistic classification of Indian tribes.

3.(a)Discuss the characteristics of caste system in India.

3.(b)Discuss the importance of Ethnoarchaeology in reconstructing the Past citing Indian examples.

3.(c)Explain the impact of Hinduism on Tribal people of India.

4.(a)Explain the reasons of caste violence in India with suitable examples.
4.(b)Discuss the impact of Globalization on Indian villages.
4.(c)Describe the provisions under 6th Schedule of Indian constitution.

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


5.Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each :

5.(a)Concept of Sanskritisation

5.(b)'Narmada' Man

5.(c)Concept of 'Dominant' caste

5.(d)Linguistic minorities in India

5.(e)Concept of Ethnicity

6.(a)What are the Social and Political problems of religious minorities in India?

(b)Describe the functions of Tribal Research Institutes in India.

(c)Discuss the effect of job reservation in alleviating unemployment among the tribal people of India.

7.(a) Explain the impact of development-induced displacemic in India with suitable examples.nent-induced displacement among the tribal people.

(b)Discuss the characteristic features of 'Neolithic culture' in India.

(c)Critically evaluate the state of implementation of the constitutional safeguards for the scheduled castes.

8.(a) Discuss the regionalism and demand for autonomy in India from Anthropological perspective with respect to Kashmir/Nagaland/Bodoland/Gorkhaland agitation.

8(b)Elucidate the problems of land alienation among the tribals of India.

8.(c)Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India.

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2020 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2020 Psychology (Paper 1)

  • Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2020 Psychology (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words cach :

(a) What are the major features do clinicians use to inter responses?

(b) How does prior knowledge shape encoding in memory?

(c) Describe physiological and cognitive components of emotions.

(d)Discuss the reasons why rewards may backfire and not produce their intended results for behaviour.

(e) Suggest some strategies for fostering values in Indian settings.

2. (a) What is the role of artificial intelligence in psychology? How can it be applied as an intervention in identifying different psychological abnormalities?

(b) Differentiate between metamemory and self-instructional learning. Elaborate your answer with suitable examples.

(c)Define the precursors of the development of item response theory." ways will it help in the advancement of the area of aptitude tens

3. (a) Differentiate between exploratory and confirmatory factor analys their significance in test construction? Elaborate your answer wil examples.atory factor analysis. What is te your answer with suitable examples.

(b) Explain five most important perspectives to define human behaviour.
(c) Describe 3-stage model of memory with special emphasis on working memory.

4. (a) While playing cricket,Team A got into fight with Team B Discuss it in the context of 'realistic group conflict theory'. How can conflict resolution strategies be used to manage and control such fights?

(b) How is quasi-experimental design different from experimental design ? Describe different forms of quasi experimental design with special emphasis on time series design.

(c) Any sort of learning takes place with the help of suitable associations and reinforcement." Critically examine that how much cognitivists, Gestaltists and evolutionary psychologists agree with the statement.

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit

UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre, Mains, Interview COMBO Study Kit)


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each :

(a) How can a psychologist contribute to the society during COVID-197

(b) Describe brain plasticity and factors affecting on it.

(c) Discuss the steps involved in effective communication training.

(d) How much do family and school environment contribute to intelligence? 

(e) Explain six primary emotions that can be identified from facial expressions.

Q6. (a) Differentiate between Erikson's psychosocial and Freudian psychosexual theories. Also explain different virtues attached to each stage of psychosocial theory.

(b) Explain the various assumptions and ways of performing regression analysis, Also compare standardized and unstandardized beta coefficients with suitable examples.

(c) Repression is a motivated forgetting process that protects us by inhibiting anxiety arousing memories. Explain its role in dissociative amnesia.

Q7.(a) Describe different personality assessment techniques and also highlight their strengths and weaknesses.

(b) How are physiological, neural and cognitive changes associated with ageing? Explain.

(c) How can grounded theory approach help to explore layperson's definition of happiness?

Q8.(a) Discuss in detail about different attitude rating scales. How can we measure intergroup prejudice among students in the class using Likert scale and how can their behaviour be rectified through moral education?

(b) Give details of facilitating and hindering factors in problem solving. Answer the question by citing suitable example.

(c) What are the different rules of language? Critically analyze 'critical period hypothesis'.


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