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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science"- II

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science"- II

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science"- II


Q1. Write short notes on the following: 

(a) Mechanism of renal regulation of acid-base balance 

(b) Regional anatomy of ulnar and radial nerves and effects of injury of these nerves 

(c) Glomerular Nephritis in dogs 

(d) Different classification of zoonoses with example 

(e) Black Quarter - etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings and control 

Q2. (a) Discuss about neural and hormonal control of blood pressure and blood volume. 

(b) Enlist important meat and milk borne diseases in humans. Write the differential characteristics of food borne diseases caused by Salmonella spp, Clostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus aureus. 

(c) Discuss about formation of germinal layers and fetal membranes in mammals. 

Q3. (a) What is the Compton metabolic profile test ? Discuss in detail the classification, etiopathogenesis and management of ketosis in a cross-bred cow. 

(b) Define muscle tissue. Discuss histological and micro-structural characteristics of various types of muscle tissues and different types of proteins present in muscle fibres. 

(c) Discuss the salient features of the following important parasitic zoonoses : 

(i) Cryptococcosis

(ii) Toxoplasmosis

(iii) Hydatidosis 

(iv) Trichinellosis 

(v) Paragonimiasis 

Q4. (a) Discuss about etiology, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and control of Anthrax in domestic animals. 

(b) Discuss the characteristics of an ideal antiparasitic drug. Describe the mode of action, anthelmintic spectrum and contraindications of Levamisole. 

(c) Discuss the role of Veterinary Public Health in human related functions. 


Q5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) National Dairy Plan (NDP)

(b) Steps involved in Rabbit fur processing 

(c) Platform tests for raw milk

(d) Steps involved in dressing of poultry 

(e) Principles of extension education 

6. (a) What are the FSSAI standards for cheese ? Discuss the classification of cheese and describe the method of manufacture of Cheddar cheese. 

(b) Discuss about the common dairy detergents and dairy sanitizers. Elaborate the cleaning and sanitization protocol for a dairy plant. 

(c) Describe the structure of hen's egg with the help of labelled diagram. Discuss about the various proteins present in egg albumen. 

Q7. (a) Write down the points to be considered while selecting the site for an abattoir. Elaborate the different types of abattoirs. Discuss the essential components of a modern abattoir. 

(b) Discuss the classification and nomenclature of hides/skins. Describe the various methods used for preservation of hides. Elaborate the steps involved in tanning and post-tanning operations. 

(c) Discuss the various packaging materials and forms used for market milk. 

Q8. (a) Discuss about the quality and safety regulations in India for milk and dairy products. 

(b) Discuss in detail about Intermediate Moisture and Shelf-stable meat products. Enlist the classification of sausages and describe the steps involved in preparation of sausage. 

(c) Discuss about the various methods and media used to inform and to make aware livestock farmers. 

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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Botany"- II

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Botany"- II

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Botany"- II


1. Write short notes on the following : 

(a) Membrane proteins—structure and function 

(b) Chromosomal sex determination in higher plants 

(c) Origin and cytological behaviour of trisomics 

(d) Male sterility and its significance in plant hybrid production 

(e) Pearson's correlation coefficient 

2. (a)  Describe briefly the role of allopolyploidy in the evolution and speciation of plants. 

(b) In what ways is a plant vacuole similar to a lysosome? What are lysosomal storage diseases? 

(c) Describe various mechanisms of transport of molecules across the cell membrane. 

3. (a) What are the criteria for cytoplasmic inheritance? Describe the plastid inheritance in Mirabilis jalapa (four o'clock plant). 

(b) Describe briefly the prophase I of meiosis. What are recombination nodules? 

(c) What is the significance of normal, binomial and Poisson distributions of data? 

4. (a) How was gene linkage discovered? Describe gene mapping by three-point test cross. 

(b) What are autocrine, paracrine and endocrine types of intercellular signaling? 

(c) "Genetic code is triplet, degenerate and universal.” Explain. 


5. Write short notes on the following : 

(a) Oxidative phosphorylation 

(b) Vernalization 

(c) Seed dormancy 

(d) Global warming 

(e) Biodiversity hotspots 

6. (a) What is meant by biodiversity? What are alpha, beta and gamma diversity? Why is conservation of biodiversity essential for future of mankind? 

(b) What is the concept of climax community? How does succession progress in tropical forest ecosystem after extensive damage? 

(c) What are the abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem? 

7. (a) What are the steps of nitrogen cycle? Describe the processes and factors involved in nodule formation of legumes. 

(b) Explain the Z-scheme of light reaction of photosynthesis. 

(c) Give a concise account of Krebs cycle. 

8. (a) What is plant stress physiology? Explain developmental and physiological mechanisms against environmental stresses. 

(b) What are the differences among afforestation, reforestation and social forestry? Why are these important for environmental protection and ecosystem functions required for the human society? 

(c) Write an elaborate note on the phytogeographical zones (regions) of India. 

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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Forestry"- I

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Forestry"- I

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Forestry"- I


1. Answer the following : 

(a) Define silviculture. Relate the applications of silviculture to different branches of Forestry. 

(b) Frost resistance in trees depends on the internal and external factors. Explain. 

(c) Explain the factors which affect the length of regeneration period in a periodic block. 

(d) Write the adaptive characteristics of plant species of cold desert. 

(e) Describe the methods of artificial regeneration of Tamarindus indica. 

2. (a) Describe the following terms : 

(i) Dominant

(ii) Dominated

(iii) Crop height

(iv) Top height

(v) Hardening 

(b) Describe the reforestation techniques of mangrove forests. Explain the following mangrove habitats :

(i) Deltaic mangrove habitat

(ii) Coastal mangrove habitat 

(c) Give a brief account of the silvicultural characters and regeneration methods for the following species : 

(i) Acacia catechu

(ii) Populus deltoides 

3. (a) Define afforestation. Discuss in brief the afforestation techniques, including the choice of species, for ravine lands. 

(b) Define coppice with standard system. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Differentiate it from coppice with two-rotation system. 

(c) Write down the presowing seed treatments for the following tree species : 

(i) Tectona grandis

(ii) Santalum album

(iii) Dalbergia sissoo

(iv) Albizia lebbeck

(v) Acacia nilotica 

4. (a) In India, large tracts of mixed even or uneven aged forests have been degraded due to biotic interference. Suggest the method and measures to improve their condition and composition. 

(b) Enumerate the objectives of management of canal plantations. Explain the silvicultural systems to manage them. 

(c) Describe the various causes of degradation of mangrove forests. Discuss the factors responsible for mangrove species regeneration and growth. Write the scientific names of five woody shrubs/tree species of cold desert. 


5. Answer the following: 

(a) What is meant by accompanied and unaccompanied clonal seed orchards? Why are the gains from the two types so different? 

(b) “Agroforestry system conserves soil and moisture.” Justify the statement. 

(c) What are the roles of forest in watershed management? 

(d) Write the tangible and intangible benefits of agroforestry. 

(e) Describe the in situ biodiversity conservation with reference to Biosphere Reserves. 

6. (a) What do you mean by population diversity? What are the different methods to measure biodiversity? 

(b) "Taungya cultivation is a type of traditional agroforestry system.” Justify the  statement. 

(c) What are the different factors governing the successful introduction of an exotic tree species? 

7. (a) Describe the advantages, peculiar problems and various steps in tree improvement. 

(b) What are the different soil types found in India? Identify five tree species growing each in Alluvial soils, Red soils, Black cotton soils and Arid and desert soils. 

(c) Write the scientific names of any five multipurpose tree species suitable for agroforestry system in (i) Arid and Semi-arid and (ii) Sub-tropical Hills of India. 

8. (a) What are orthodox and recalcitrant seeds? Give five examples for each of these categories of seeds. 

(b) Explain the methodology for Environmental Impact Assessment. 

(c) Write short notes on the following : 

(i) Soil texture and structure

(ii) Soil organic matter

(iii) Carbon-nitrogen ratio

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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "General Knowledge"

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "General Knowledge"

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "General Knowledge"


Q1. (a) Enumerate the multiple aspects of the Mauryan Period that make it a time of great historical interest. (200 words) 

(b) Describe the administrative and cultural features of the Chola Empire. (200 words) 

(c) To what extent can Aurangzeb be held responsible for the decline of the Mughal Empire ? (125 words) 

(d) Analyse the Popular Revolt of 1857 as India's First War of Independence. (125 words) 

Q2. (a) Examine the view that economic growth of India remains subdued and uncertain due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. Explain the need for supportive monetary policy and strong public investment for a swift economic revival. (200 words) 

(b) Elucidate the implications of climate change for fresh water resources in India. Does demand side management through appropriate behavioural nudges increase end-use efficiency of water ? Discuss. (200 words) 

(c) 'Financial inclusion is emerging as the new paradigm of economic growth.' In the light of the given statement, discuss the importance of digital technology in furthering the cause of financial inclusion. (125 words) 

(d) What are the different types of non-timber forest products ? Describe the importance of non-timber forest products in ensuring livelihood and food security. (125 words) 

Q3. (a) Can Directive Principles be best understood as providing the framework of values that structure and constrain the interpretation and construction of Fundamental Rights as enshrined in the Constitution of India ? Explain. (200 words) 

(b) "The Indian federal model emerged out of, and has been sustained by, an understanding that only a strong union can keep the country together and is necessary in the conditions in which our Constitution is operating.' Comment. (200 words) 

(c) What are the grounds for disqualification of Members of Parliament, State Legislative Assembly or State Legislative Council under the Constitution (Fifty-second) Amendment Act ? On what basis is the anti-defection provision critiqued ? (125 words) 

(d) Presidents and Governors enjoy discretionary situations. What are these situations ? (125 words) 

Q4. (a) Explain the shrinkage of the Greenland Ice-sheet due to the impact of global warming and atmospheric circulation patterns. (200 words) 

(b) Explain the causes and impact of the bushfires in Australia which occurred in 2019 – 2020. (200 words) 

(c) “Cultivation and the way of life are intimately linked with the concept of cultural and natural landscapes.” Elaborate with examples. (125 words)

(d) Briefly explain the physiological, agricultural and population densities of India. How are they different from each other ? (125 words) 

Q5. (a) Describe Eco-Sensitive Zones (ESZ's) or Ecologically Fragile Areas (EFA's). What is the statutory backing for them ? What were the controversies encircling ESZ’s/EFA's ? In what ways do community reserves differ from ESZ's/EFA's ? (200 words) 

(b) Explain organellar genome. Can this be connected to endosymbiotic theory ? Why are organellar genomes proposed as candidates for transgene containment, a concern in GM crops ? (200 words)

(c) What are the different uses of nanotechnology in agriculture ? Name some prominent nanoparticles used for specific purposes in agriculture and mention their advantages. (125 words) 

(d) Describe three model organisms, out of which one is a plant. What are the advantages of using model organisms in research ? What are the specialities of their genomes ? (125 words) 

Q6. (a) What is GPS ? How does it work? What are the minimum number of satellites required for a GPS and why ? (200 words)

(b) What does MRI stand for? What is the physics behind this technique ? What are the advantages of MRI over other radio-diagnostic techniques such as X-ray and CT scan ? (125 words)

(c) What do you understand by Hydrogen Energy ? Why is it called as 'green' energy ? Explain fuel cell technology for using hydrogen as a fuel. (200 words)

(d) Recently the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) was in the news. Write briefly about it. Why are Higgs bosons so important for science ? (125 words)

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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Geology"- II

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Geology"- II

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Geology"- II


Q1. (a) Draw a neat labelled sketch of a petrological microscope. Add a brief note on each part of the microscope. 

(b) Draw a labelled diagram of SiO4 tetrahedra. Give the structural classification of silicate minerals. 

(c) What are the minimum symmetry requirements for the monoclinic system ? Draw stereographic projection corresponding to normal class of the system. Write names of two minerals that crystallize in this system. 

(d) Discuss briefly about indexing a crystal face. Calculate the Miller indices of a crystal face having Weiss Symbol of la, bob, c. 

(e) How would you distinguish between the following pairs of rocks petrographically: (i) Diorites and Anorthosites (ii) Carbonatites and Peridotites 

Q2. (a) Give a brief account of primary sedimentary structures and discuss their significance. What is Pleochroism ? Describe the method of determining pleochroism in hornblende. 

(b) Explain Bowen's reaction series. How do you explain corona structure with the help of this reaction series ?

(c) Explain what happens when a basaltic magma assimilates granitic country rock. 

Q3. (a) What is Diagenesis ? Describe different processes of diagenesis with suitable examples and sketches. 

(b) What are Alkaline rocks ? Discuss the petrogenesis of alkaline rocks. Give two Indian occurrences. 

(c) Define Prograde and Retrograde Metamorphism. Discuss various mineral assemblages formed due to these processes involving basic igneous rocks. 

Q4. (a) Define Contact Metamorphism. Explain the processes involved in the development of contact aureole. 

(b) Draw a neat labelled sketch of the Diopside-Anorthite system (1 atm, dry). Describe the crystallization behaviour of an initial melt having composition Di80An20. Give petrogenetic significance of this system. 

(c) Describe the crystal structure, types, mineralogy, composition, physical and optical properties of pyroxene group of minerals. 


Q5. (a) How are ore deposits classified ? Give the salient features of Lindgren's classification. 

(b) Explain the processes involved in the formation of skarn deposits. 

(c) “Beach placers are vital for India's nuclear energy sector.” — Justify the statement. 

(d) What is Co-ordination Number ? Describe with neat sketches different types of co-ordination found in minerals. 

(e) Define Enthalpy, Entropy and Gibb's free energy. What is the relationship among these thermodynamic parameters ? 

Q6. (a) Discuss with neat sketches ore mineral textures formed by replacement and exsolution processes. 

(b) Give an account of the mineralogy, modes of occurrence and distribution of copper deposits of India. 

(c) Explain with neat sketches the causes of landslides. What are the preventative measures to mitigate landslides ? Add a short note on the landslide-prone areas of India. 

Q7. (a) What is Channel sampling ? Explain the steps involved in channel sampling. 

(b) What are Meteorites ? Give a detailed account of the classification of meteorites. 

(c) What are the widely used electrical methods of prospecting ? Explain self-potential method to decipher mineral bodies. 

Q8. (a) Describe the following underground mining methods with suitable diagrams:

(i) Room and Pillar method

(ii) Cut and Fill stoping

(iii) Sub-level stoping 

(b) Discuss the s Discuss the sources of groundwater pollution. Add a detailed note on the remedial measures to prevent it. 

(c) How are coals classified based on the fixed carbon content ? Add a detailed note on the distribution of coal deposits of India. 

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(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Zoology"- I

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Zoology"- I

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Zoology"- I


 1. Write a brief account on each of the following : 

(a) Salient features of Rotifera with suitable examples

(b) Parasitic adaptations of Fasciola

(c) Feeding mechanisms of Mollusca

(d) Skull types of Squamata

(e) Air-breathing fishes 

2. (a) What are Great Barrier Reefs? Describe how climate change influences coral reef formation.

(b) Write an account on recent system of animal classification. Outline its differences from earlier empirical approach(es).

(c) Describe the life cycle of Nereis. 

3. (a) Write an account on modification of mouthparts in Insecta. Give suitable examples and diagrams.

(b) Discuss that Sphenodon is the most primitive and Crocodile is the most advanced of all living reptilians.

(c) Polychaetes exhibit different modes of life adapted to different habitats. Elaborate. 

4. (a) Enumerate the functions and main components of endoskeleton of vertebrates. Give an account on the types of jaw suspensoria with suitable diagrams. 

(b) Describe the structural organization of thyroid and parathyroid glands in different vertebrate groups with a note on the hormone-producing cells and hormones. 

(c) Herdmania is a primitive and degenerate descendant of ancestral chordates. Discuss. 


5. Differentiate between the following : 

(a) Biomes and Ecotones

(b) Ecto- and Endo-parasites of cattle

(c) Pyrilla and Achaea pests

(d) Spectrophotometry and Flame photometry

(e) Polyculture and Integrated fish farming 

6. (a) What is ecological succession? Explain the causes and theories of ecological succession.

(b) Define apiculture. Explain the methodology, status and scope of apiculture in India.

(c) Describe the principle and application of ANOVA. 

7. (a) With suitable examples, explain different methods of studying animal behaviour.

(b) Primates exhibit a system of social hierarchy. Explain it in the context of territoriality and dominance.

(c) Write about the pathogenicity of cholera with a note on control measures. 

8. (a) Explain the importance of fisheries in India. Write about the conservation strategies of finfish and shellfish.

(b) Describe the role of hormones in prey-predator detection and predator tactics.

(c) Define population. Explain the characteristics of a population. 

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Study Kit for Indian Forest Service (IFoS) Prelims

Printed Study Material for IAS Exam (UPSC) (Combo)

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper 2020 "Zoology"- II

Indian Forest Service

(Download) UPSC IFoS (Main) Exam Paper-2020 "Zoology"- II

Exam Name: IFoS (Main) Exam
Exam Year: 2020
Subject: "Zoology"- II


1. (a) Explain the hormonal regulation of sex determination in mammals. 

(b) What is reverse transcription ? Explain it with an example. 

(c) Briefly explain Neo-Darwinism. 

(d) "Lysosomes are the suicidal bags of the cell.” Justify. 

(e) Define Cladistics. Comment on its significance. 

2. (a) Define Mutation. Explain various physical and chemical mutagens with suitable examples. 

(b) Give an illustrated account of the evolutionary history of horse.

(c) Briefly describe the modern methods of taxonomy for animals. 

Q3. (a) Explain the transport of large molecules across the plasma membrane. 

(b) What are Transposons ? Explain the general structure and mechanism of transposition of Tn3 elements in prokaryotes. 

(c) Differentiate between Parapatric and Sympatric speciation. 

4. (a) Describe with well-labelled diagram, the stages involved in Meiotic prophase. 

(b) Write an account of the methods of determination of the age of fossils.

(c) Give an account of the molecular mechanism of crossing over. 


Q5. (a) Describe the role of cholesterol in steroidogenesis.

(b) Explain how animals can survive in varying salinities. 

(c) Briefly describe the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction. 

(d) Illustrate the fate map of frog during gastrulation. 

(e) Differentiate between primary and secondary immune response. 

Q6. (a) Give a diagrammatic representation of citric acid cycle and discuss its role in metabolism. 

(b) Describe the process of synthesis, secretion, and action of acetylcholine during synaptic transmission. 

(c) Give a brief account of hormonal regulation of metamorphosis in insects. 

Q7. (a) Discuss the laws of thermodynamics and their applications in biological systems. 

(b) Define Apoptosis. Explain its mechanism with suitable example. 

(c) Discuss the structure of inner ear and explain its mechanism in hearing. 

Q8. (a) Give an account of the genetic basis of axis specification with one suitable example. 

(b) What is blood coagulation ? Enumerate the various steps involved in blood coagulation. 

(c) Define Teratogen. Briefly explain the different teratogenic agents. 

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