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(The Gist of PIB) Jal Jeevan Mission [JANUARY-2020]
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 February 2020 (Disincentive to save (Indian Express))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 February 2020 (India’s dependency on China for pharma bulk drugs must be addressed (The Hindu))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 February 2020 (India needs a new education paradigm (The Hindu))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 February 2020 (A case of a maritime presence adrift (The Hindu))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 05 February 2020 (Continuity and fiscal follow-through (The Hindu))
(The Gist of PIB) Dada Saheb Phalke Award [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Hayabusa 2 Performs Second Touchdown on Asteroid [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Government Initiatives to Save Marine Ecosystem [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Pangolin Facts [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Naming Animals [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Holi Colours And Their Toxic Effects On Human Body [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Fund [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) Year End Review 2019 – Ministry of Textiles [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) New Rain Loving Species of Snake [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) World Most Powerful Electric Eel [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) 15 Giant Planet Orbiting Dead Dwarf Star [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) 14 Black Hole Devouring Neutron [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) Vice President concludes his visit to Paraguay and Costa Rica [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) India Energy Modelling Forum [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) UNNATEE (UNlocking NATional Energy Efficiency Potential) [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Dictionary of Martyrs of India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947) [MARCH-2019]
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 February 2020 (Optimal delivery or mere optics in Bodo peace deal? (Mint))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 February 2020 (Our expectations could mutate in response to the coronavirus (Mint))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 February 2020 (Govt yet to shed ‘charity approach’ towards persons with disabilities (Indian Express))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 February 2020 (What Brexit means for the EU and its partners (The Hindu))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 04 February 2020 (Camel in the tent: On shortage of doctors (The Hindu))
(The Gist of PIB) SDG India Index and Dashboard 2019 [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) AL-NAGAH III 2019 [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Government launches National Rural Economic Transformation Project [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Biometric enabled Centralised Access Control System [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) Patola Saree [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) UJALA and Street Lighting National Programme [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Universe’s First Molecule Spotted in Space [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) K2-288Bb — Discovered in a Low Mass Binary System [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) “Forbidden Planet” — Neptune Size Exoplanet [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of PIB) BOLD - QIT Project [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) 7th Guinness Book of World Record [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Cabinet approves Petroleum Ministry joining of IEA Bioenergy TCP [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of PIB) Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2019 [MARCH-2019]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Bedin 1, Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Found [JANUARY-2020]
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 February 2020 (An unequal future (Indian Express))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 February 2020 (A workmanlike account (Indian Express))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 February 2020 (Falling short of aspirations (The Hindu))
THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 03 February 2020 (Cognisant of constraints: On 15th Finance Commission’s interim report (The Hindu))
(The Gist of Science Reporter) Marsquake Detected [JANUARY-2020]
(The Gist of Science Reporter) NASA’s Kepler Confirms First Exoplanet [JANUARY-2020]
(Audio Notes) Topic: "An interview with Vice-Chairman of Niti Aayog Rajiv Kumar" 01, February 2020 "संसद के दोनों सदनों के संयुक्त बैठक में राष्ट्रपति के अभिभाषण पर चर्चा " 01,फरवरी 2020
(Audio Notes) Topic: "Discussion on Corona Virus and preventive measures" 31, January 2020 "गाँधी के जीवन मूल्य और एक भारत और श्रेष्ठ भारत पर चर्चा" 31, जनवरी 2020
(Audio Notes) Topic: "Discussion on Corona Virus and preventive measures" 30, January 2020 "विश्व सतत विकास शिखर सम्मलेन पर चर्चा" 30, जनवरी 2020
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