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(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2021 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-2)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 ANTHROPOL0GY (Paper II)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Purushartha and righteous living today 
(b) Relevance of tribe-caste continuum 
(c) Harappan seals 
(d) Caste and social capital 
(e) Factionalism and politics in rural India 

Q2.(a) Critically discuss the origin of Indus Valley Civilization. Mention the evidences of its endogenous origin from the pre-Harappan sites. 

(b) Give the distribution and characteristic features of Upper Paleolithic culture in India. 
(c) Discuss the morphological features and phylogenetic Position of Ramapithecus. 

Q3.(a) Explain the impact of the concept of nature-man-spirit complex on sustainable use of natural resources with suitable examples. 

(b) Examine the contributions of S. C. Roy in highlighting the role of customary laws in tribal life. 
(c) Critically assess the impact of Christianity on tribal culture and identity. 

Q4.(a) Discuss the contributions of N. K. Bose in understanding tribal commune and their place in Indian civilization. 

(b) Discuss the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in transforming traditional power hierarchy in rural India. 
(c) Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of the Scheduled Tribes. 


UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Write short notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Urbanization and tribal institutions 
(b) Ethnic media and social awareness 
(c) Cultural diversity and multiculturalism 
(d) Concept of tribe and Indian census 
(e) Politics of recognition and deprivation 

Q6.(a) Discuss the impact of the Forest Rights Act (2006) on the livelihood and culture of tribal people in India. 

(b) Examine the factors responsible for malnutrition in tribal India and suggest interventions required to overcome the problem. 
(c) Delineate the factors influencing fertility in Indian population. 

Q7.(a) Explain the impact of successive Land Acquisition Acts on tribal social organization. 

(b) Discuss the problems involved in rehabilitation and resettlement of tribals displaced due to development projects in India. 
(c) Discuss the interventions made by the Non-Governmental Organizations for empowering tribal women. 

Q8.(a) Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships in agrarian society. 

(b) Delineate the constitutional safeguard for religious minorities in India. 
(c) Identify the causes of tribal unrest with special reference to North-East India.

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2021 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 ANTHROPOLOGY (Paper-1)

  • Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 ANTHROPOL0GY (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Animism and Deep Ecology 
(b) Marriage Regulations and Alliance Theory 
(c) Historical Particularism and Franz Boas 
(d) “The bio-cultural approach is the hallmark of Biological Anthropology." Explain. 
(e) Thermoluminescence (TL) dating 

Q2.(a) What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus ? Discuss its phylogenetic status. 

(b) Elucidate the concept of "thick description" of Clifford Geertz with a suitable example. 
(c) Describe the features of early farming cultures and Neolithic of the Near East. 

Q3.(a) How do political organisations of simple societies establish power, authority and legitimacy ? 

(b) Explain the genetic mechanisms of micro and macro evolution. 
(c) Discuss the salient features of different traditions of European Mesolithic. 

Q4.(a) Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate its uniqueness in the field of other social sciences. 

(b) Mention the major branches of linguistic anthropology and discuss language use in social and cultural settings. 
(c) "Chromosomal aberrations can play havoc with the human body and mind.” Explain with suitable examples.


UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit


Q5. Write notes on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Human adolescent growth spurt 
(b) The losses and gains of erect posture 
(c) Is race a valid and biologically meaningful concept ? 
(d) Descent Groups 
(e) Modes of Subsistence 

Q6.(a) What is acclimatization ? Discuss adaptive responses to high altitude and cold climate. 

(b) How are the cases of disputed paternity solved ? Discuss the recent techniques. 
(c) Critically evaluate Lewis Morgan's classification of family. 

Q7.(a) Critically evaluate different types of social stratifications with suitable examples. 

(b) Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity. 
(c) What is Anthropometry ? Discuss its role in assessing the nutritional status and sports capability of a person. 

Q8.(a) Discuss various tools of data collection in conducting anthropological research. 

(b) Discuss the physiological and evolutionary theories of aging. 
(c) Explain the structural analysis of kinship as proposed by Lévi-Strauss.

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2021 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 Psychology (Paper 2)

  • Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 Psychology (Paper II)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5-50 

(a) Discuss the psychological tests used for the selection of defence personnel. 
(b) What are the steps to be taken to promote gender-friendly environment at workplace? 
(c) Describe the different methods for making a psychological test reliable. 
(d) What roles do the social agencies play in the rehabilitation of HIV/AIDS patients? 
(e) Discuss the role of community psychology for handling community mental health problems. 

Q2.(a) Explain the major steps to be taken for the training of children with learning disabilities. 

(b) Highlight the importance of career counseling in enhancing students' success in life. 
(c) Why is group decision making important for social change? What errors and biases occur during the process of group decision making? 

Q3.(a) What are the different types of psychological tests for personality assessment? 

(b) Describe the main tenets of cognitive therapy. Compare it with psychoanalytic therapy. 
(c) Is prejudice inevitable? Discuss the techniques for reducing caste prejudice. 

Q4.(a) How does power in organizations tend to concentrate in the hands of a few persons? Discuss the tactics used to gain power. 

(b) Write about the strategies for motivating students belonging to disadvantaged groups for their development. 
(c) Describe the different types of anxiety disorders. What are the behavioural approaches to treat such patients? 

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit

UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre, Mains, Interview COMBO Study Kit)


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Explain the factors affecting the work motivation within work organization in India. 
(b) What are the consequences of being a member of disadvantaged group? 
(c) Discuss the methods used by a psychoanalyst to bring unconscious motives into conscious. 
(d) Elaborate upon the strategies for inducing pro-environmental behaviour. 
(e) What do you understand by mood disorders? Discuss the causes. 

Q6.(a) How does a self-fulfilling prophecy work? Describe how the gender bias is an example of self-fulfilling prophecy in Indian context. 

(b) Elaborate on psychological interventions for improving performance in team games like hockey. 
(c) What do you understand by psychology of advertising? How can consumer awareness be enhanced through advertising? 

Q7.(a) Highlight the psychological consequences of living in high population density area. 

(b) Illustrate the characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour. How can it be promoted among the youth? 
(c) Describe the impact of electronic media on the adolescents' behaviour. 

Q8.(a) What are the forms of social conflicts? Explain the methods of resolution of social conflicts. 

(b) In the light of post-COVID-19 pandemic, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. 
(c) What is the need of early identification of mentally challenged children? Write about the strategies for early intervention.

(Download) UPSC MAIN EXAM : 2021 - PSYCHOLOGY (Paper-1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 Psychology (Paper 1)

  • Exam Name : CS (MAIN) EXAM : 2021 Psychology (Paper I)

  • Marks: 250

  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(A) What are the limits of Intuition and common sense? Why do psychologists emphsize on scientific methods? Discuss.
(b) State the role of psychologist in resolving interpersonal conflicte and social unrest.
(c) Discuss the challenges during group brainstorming process. 
(d) Describe the role of mass media in shaping the behaviour of adolescents. Support it with appropriate examples. 
(e) With reference to the concept of memory construction evaluate the accuracy of eyewitness testimony in judicial trial. 

Q2.(a) How do basic and applied research differ ? Explain how knowledge from basic research helps solve practical problems. 

(b) Discuss the factors causing cognitive decline in the elderly. 
(c) Describe the bottom-up and top-down processing of sensory information. 

Q3.(a) How much nature (genetic factors) and nurture (environmental factors) contribute to a person's physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development ? 

(b) Describe the principles of classical conditioning. Illustrate the application of classical conditioning principles in real life. 
(c) Explain the importance of cognitive neuropsychology and socio-cultural perspective in understanding human behaviour. 

Q4.(a) Why is selective attention important ? Discuss the theories of selective attention. 

(b) Which method is most appropriate to investigate gender differences in aggressive behaviour at the work place ? Elaborate. 
(c) Describe the role of schemas and mnemonic devices in expertise and exceptional memory.

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit

UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre, Mains, Interview COMBO Study Kit)


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) "Some psychological measures can be reliable but not valid”. Elaborate it with examples. 
(b) IQ scores predict success in academic, job and other life outcomes. Evaluate. 
(c) What is self-efficacy ? Discuss the potential benefits of enhancing self-efficacy. 
(d) Formal operational thought is not universally achieved. Discuss. 
(e) Give a critical appraisal on the practice of using aptitude tests to predict professions for high school children. 

Q6.(a) Are we bom with personality ? Critically evaluate with theoretical interpretation, 

(b) Describe the strategies of effective communication training. 
(c) Discuss the physiological basis of emotion and its measurement.

Q7.(a) Which approaches to motivation are more commonly used in an organization ? How these approaches might help to sustain or increase motivation ? 

(b) Describe different types of Meditation and its effect on health and well-being.
(c) Discuss the use of computer application in the various domains of practice in Psychology. 

Q8.(a) Humans strive to assign causes to actions of self and others and fall into traps of biases and errors. Critically discuss. 

(b) Discuss the cognitive and motivational determinants of the belief in extra sensory perception. 
(c) Give a comparative analysis of the behaviouristic and nativistic perspective to language development.

(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2021 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 2)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 2)



Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50

(a) Discuss critically the distributive theory of justice as propounded by R. Nozick.
(b) How does Rousseau distinguish between natural and artificial inequality? Explain.
(c) Is Austin's thory of sovereignty compatible with democracy? Discuss.
(d) Does monarchy as a form of government leave room for individual freedom? Explain.
(e) How far can land and property rights be effective in empowerment of women? Explain.

Q2.(a) Discuss whether Amartya Sen's idea of justice is an improvement upon Rawl's theory of justice.

(b) Explain the reformative theory of punishment and discuss whether this is in tune with human dignity.
(c) Can humanism be a substitute for religion? Explain and evaluate in the contex of the present Indian society.

Q3.(a) Discuss anarchism as a political ideology. Is it possible to dispense with political authority completely? Give reasons for your answer.

(b) Discuss the distinctive features of Gandhian Socialism and its contemporary relevance.
(c) Discuss Kautilya's contribustion regarding the concept of sovereignty. Is it applicable in a democratic form of government? Explain.

Q4.(a) Discuss the views of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar regarding caste-discrimination in Indian Society. What are the measures suggested by him for its elimination? Explain.

(b) What are the main causes of female foeticide in India? It is the result of demonic application fo technology only? Discuss.
(c) Evaluate whether the social contract theory adequately addresses the different issues of human rights.

Philosophy Optional Printed Study Materials for UPSC Mains


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50

(a) Discuss the nature of God as propounded in Nyaya philosophy.
(b) Discuss the possibility of Absolute Truth in the context of religious pluralism.
(c) Is religious freedom possible in a multireligious society? Explain.
(d) Is religious life possible without the belief in God? Discuss.
(e) Discuss the paradox of omnipotence of God in the context of the existence of evil.

Q6.(a) Discuss the concept of immortality of soul with special reference to Hindu tradition.

(b) Elucidate the concept of liberation according to Advaita Vedanta Explain the role of knowledge in the attainment of liberation.
(c) Do you consider that religion and morality are inseparable? Give reasons for your answer.

Q7.(a) Discuss the role of reason and faith in religion. Can reason be a regulative force in the formulation of religious beliefs? Explain.

(b) Give a critical account of moral argument to prove the existence of God.
(c) Explain the concept of religious experience in the light of Vedantic tradition.

Q8.(a) What is non-congnitive theory of religious language? Explain critically in the light of R.B. Braithwaite's views.

(b) Discuss and evaluate the doctrine of Karma as an essential postulate of Hinduism.
(c) Explain the symbolic nature of religious language with special reference to Paul Tillich.

(Download) UPSC (MAIN) EXAM:2021 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 PHILOSOPHY (Paper 1)


Q1. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a)  “There is a red chair.” How would Plato explain this statement with the use of his theory of forms ? Examine. 
(b) “Potentiality is indefinable” according to Aristotle. Explain the relationship between potentiality and actuality with reference to the above philosophical position by taking the example of a “wooden table”. 
(c) “Sensible things are those only which are immediately perceived by sense.” Explain Berkeley's theory of knowledge with reference to the above statement. 
(d) Examine the concept of personal identity by Locke. 
(e) “The relation between cause and effect is one of constant conjunction”. Examine Hume's “criticism of causation in the light of the above statement. 

Q2.(a) Discuss Hegel's Dialectical method. Explain how his dialectical method leads him to the Absolute Idealism. 

(b) What according to Logical Positivists are “pseudostatements” ? How does one identify "pseudostatements”? Critically discuss with examples.
(c) Explain how Cartesian formulation of ontological argument is criticised by Kant.

Q3.(a) What are the main arguments put forward by Moore in his paper “A Defence of Common Sense” to prove that there are possible propositions about the world that are known to be true with certainty ? Do you think Moore's arguments provide a sufficient response to objections presented by the sceptic against the possibility of knowledge ? Give reasons in support of your answer. 

(b) What according to Strawson are basic particulars ? What reasons does Strawson offer to believe that 'material bodies' and 'persons' are basic particulars ? Critically discuss. 
(c) Critically examine Quine's postulate of empiricism without the dogmas with reference to his 'Two Dogmas of Empiricism'. 

Q4.(a) Present a critical exposition of Husserl's criticism of 'natural attitude'. How does Husserl propose to address the problems involved in natural attitude through his phenomenological method ? 

(b) “I can always choose, but I ought to know that if I do not choose, I am still choosing”. Critically discuss Sartre's conception of choice and responsibility in the light of above statement. 
(c) What does Wittgenstein mean by the statement – “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent ?" Critically discuss. 

Philosophy Optional Printed Study Materials for UPSC Mains


Q5. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Does the seed contain the tree ? Discuss with reference to Nyāya-Vaišeșika Philosophy. 
(b) Explain with reference to Nyāya Philosophy, the nature of sabda as the advice of āpta (a reliable person). 
(c) Is 'inseparability' (ayuta-siddhatva) a necessary condition or a sufficient condition for defining characteristics (laksana) of samavaya (inherence) ? Explain with reference to Vaiseșika Philosophy.' 
(d) Distinguish between pudgala-nairātmyavāda and dharma-nairātmyavāda with reference to Buddhist Philosophy. 
(e) Comment on the bearing of Cārvāka epistemology on the rejection of transcendental entities by them. 

Q6.(a) Explain with reference to Yoga Philosophy, the nature of klešas. How does the removal of these lead to kaivalya ? 

(b) Explain the Sānkhya view on three gunas (guņa-traya) and their modifications. 
(c) What, according to Mimārsakas, is the ontological status of abhāva (absence) and how does one know it ? Explain and examine.

Q7.(a) How do the advocates of (anirvacaniya-khyāti)refute the position of the Naiyāyikas and establish the position of Advaitins regarding the problem of error ? Critically discuss. 

(b) If everything is momentary then how do the Buddhists explain the problem of memory and 'personal identity ? Critically discuss. 
(c) Explain the Jain view of seven-fold (sapta-bhangī) ‘Naya'. 

Q8.(a) According to Śri Aurobindo, “the awakening of the psychic being and its gradual prominence over all other parts of the being is the first step in the conscious evolution of man'. Explain and examine. 

(b) Compare and contrast the views of Sankara and Rāmānuja regarding the status of the world. 
(c) Explain the status of jiva and jagat in the philosophy of Mādhvācārya.

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 - Geography (Paper-2)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 Geography (Paper-2)

  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Geography (Paper-II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours
  • Year : 2021


Q1.(a) On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of these locations in not more than 30 words for each entry : 2x10=20 

(i) Ziro Valley 
(ii) Khecheopalri Lake 
(iii) Toranmal 
(iv) Subarnarekha River 
(v) Koderma 
(vi) Sir Creek 
(vii) Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary 
(vi) Peechi Dam 
(ix) Digha Beach 
(x) Pamban Island 

(b) Discuss the geo-political impact of bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan. 
(c) Discuss the economic significance of volcanic soils of India. 
(d) Give a reasoned account of difference between sugar industry of North and Peninsular India. 

Q2.(a) Landslide is a major problem in Himalayan region. Discuss its causes and mitigation measures. 

(b) Appraise why drought is one of the most common climatic extremes in India. 
(c) Discuss the ecological and economic challenges of river linking in India. 

Q3.(a) Discuss the importance of solar energy in future economic development of India. 

(b) Critically examine the importance of Smart Cities Programme for solving urban problems in India. 
(c) Examine the significance of ecotourism in relation to socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation in India. 

Q4.(a) Discuss the reserves, distribution and production of all varieties of coal in India. 

(b) Describe the salient features of east-flowing rivers of India. 
(c) Critically examine the problems of inter-State border disputes in India.

UPSC Mains General Studies Study Kit

UPSC Exam Complete Study Materials (Pre, Mains, Interview COMBO Study Kit)


Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Discuss the salient features of Project Tiger in India. 
(b) Describe the problems of cloud burst in India giving suitable examples. 
(c) Discuss the role of watershed management for soil and water conservation in hilly regions of India. 
(d) Critically examine the relevance of Ravenstein's law of population migration with reference to India. 
(e) Discuss Ashok Mitra's classification method of Indian cites. 

Q6.(a) Explain the impact of tropical cyclones and western disturbances on the climate of India. 

(b) Examine the critical issues of groundwater resources in India.
(c) Describe the structure and relief features of Deccan Plateau. 

Q7.(a) Critically examine how Panchayati Raj system is catalyst in decentralized planning in India.

(b) Identify the major industrial corridors of India and discuss the characteristics of Bengaluru-Mumbai Corridor. 
(c) Assess the growth of multinational corporations in liberalized economic environment of India. 

Q8.(a) Examine how information and communication technology has boosted the development of certain regions of India. 

(b) Discuss the Command Area Development Programme and its impact on eliminating regional inequalities in India. 
(c) Critically assess the status of balance of trade in India and suggest measures to combat the issues.

(Download) UPSC MAINS 2021 - LAW Paper-2

(Download) UPSC 2021 LAW Paper II

  • Exam Name: UPSC 2021 LAW Paper II
  • Time Allowed : 3.00 Hrs
  • Year : 2021
  • Maximum Marks : 250


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each Support your answer with relevant provisions and judicial pronouncements. 10x5=50

(a) What amounts to 'Legal Insanity' that would entitle an accused for exemption from Criminal Liability? 
(b) Discuss 'Grave and Sudden Provocation as a defence to charge of murder under IPC, 1860 ?
(c) Explain the concept of Plea-bargaining under the Cr.P.C. 1973. In what cases Plea-bargaining is not available ? 
(d) Discuss the ambit & scope of 'consumer' as defined under the Consumer Protection Act, 2019. 
(e) What constitutes 'Malicious Prosecution'? How it is different from 'False Imprisonment'? 

Q2.(a) Has Attempt' been defined anywhere in the IPC, 1860 ? What are the various tests for determining, whether an act amounts to preparation or attempt to commit an offence ? Explain with the help of relevant case laws. 

(b) Differentiate between the following: 
(i) "Kidnapping' and 'Abduction 
(ii) "Riot' and 'Affray' 
(iii)'Criminal Breach of Trust' and 'Dishonest Misappropriation of property'.
(c) What are the various kinds of damages' that a plantilf can avail as a remedy under the law of Torts ? Under what circumstances can "prospective damages" be awarded ? 

Q3.(a) From 'Mathura' to 'Nirbhaya and beyond, discuss the development of Rape laws in India 20 

(b) Explain the liability of Joint Tortfeasors' for a wrongful Act. How is it different from the liability of 'Independent Tortfeasors'?
(c) In an action for 'Negligence'. what does the plantiff need to establish in order to allix civil liability of defendant ? What does it take for the maxim 'res ipsa loquitor' to apply? 

Q4.(a) Discuss the evolution and development of rule relating to 'No-fault liability in India with help ot decided cases. 

(b) What are the defences available to an accused in a civil suit for 'defamation'? Explain. 
(c) Recently there have been changes in Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989. Enumerate. 

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Printed Study Material for IAS PRE cum Mains General Studies


Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each. Support your answers with relevant provisions and judicial pronouncements. 10x5=50 

(a) Minor's contract is 'void ab initio'. Comment. 
(b) Discuss the constitutionality of Right to Information Act, 2019 in the light of recent judgment by the Supreme Court of India. 
(c) In legal phraseology "every person who acts for another is not an agent". Comment. 
(d) India's 40 years old 'Air Act', 1981, languishes in the present circumstances of Air pollution emergency in Delhi – National Capital Region. Comment on the effectiveness of law in the light of judicial and administrative mechanism.
(e) With the globalisation of trade, brand names, trade names and trade marks have attained an immense value and therefore it requires an effective trade mark law'. Discuss. 

Q6.(a) What are the various modes in which a contract may be discharged ? Explain in the light of decided cases. 

(b) Dwell on the legality and constitutionality of Section 66A, Information Technology Act, 2000. 
(c) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Cavcat Emplot 
(ii) Uberrima fides 
(iii) Nemo dat quod non habet

Q7.(a) Section & of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 denotes a provision which limits judicial intervention in the process of arbitration ? Elucidate the statement with support of case law development on the point. 

(b) No customer in a thousand ever read the conditions. If he had stopped to do so, he would have missed the boat'. Critically examine the contractuality of a standard form of contract in view of the above statement.
(c) Discuss the symbiotic relationship between Media Trial and Fair Trial with reference to judicial approach. 

Q8.(a) Discuss the concept and classification of 'Quasi contracts under Indian Contract Act, 1872. 

(b) Limited Liability Partnership is an alterative corporate form that gives the benefit of limited Hability of a company and flexibility of a partnership". In the light of the above discuss the chief characteristics of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2003. 
(c) How does any factor vitiating free consent, aflect a contract ? Explain.

(Download) UPSC MAINS 2021 - LAW Paper-1

(Download) UPSC 2021 LAW Paper I

  • Exam Name: UPSC 2021 LAW Paper I
  • Time Allowed : 3.00 Hrs
  • Year : 2021
  • Maximum Marks : 250


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 

(a) "The Fundamental Rights may be said to constitutionalise social values of existing society." Explain and illustrate. 10
(b) “Public Interest Litigation in India is judge-led and even to some extent judge-induced." Explain with the help of relevant case law. 10 
(c) “Right to Education is the base for the Fundamental Rights and Human Rights." Discuss the efforts made by the Government with regard to Right to Education of the children. 
(d) Explain the relationship between the President and the Council of K Ministers. Is the President bound to accept the advice of the Council of par Ministers ? Discuss. 
(e) Delegation of 'Legislative Powers' has neither been permitted nor prohibited under the Indian Constitution. Discuss the constitutionality of delegated legislation with the help of decided cases. 

Q2.(a) "Pluralism is the keystone of Indian culture and religious tolerance is the bedrock of Indian Secularism. It is based on the belief that all religions are equally good and efficacious pathways to perfection of God-realisation. Thus, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of religion which is not absolute." Critically examine the above statement with the help of constitutional provisions and relevant case laws. 

(b) Discuss the procedure for the appointment of judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts and transfer of judges of the High Courts in the light of the decisions of the Supreme Court of India. Also refer to the constitutional provisions. 
(c) Discuss the purpose, function and use of Articles 256 and 257 of the Constitution of India. Should these provisions be restructured ? What are the consequences of State's defiance of the directives issued under these Articles by the Union ? 

Q3.(a) "Free and fair election is the 'basic structure of our Constitution and it is the 'heartbeat' of democracy." But widespread corruption and increasing criminalisation in the election process have made our democracy weak. Discuss the various efforts undertaken by the Election Commission to ensure free and fair election. 

(b) "Article 356 of the Constitution contains provisions relating to the justification of imposition of President's Rule' in the State.” Explain the consequences of proclamation of Emergency in a State. 
(c) Explain the various principles of natural justice with the help of relevant decided cases. 

Q4.(a) "The provisions of the Directive Principles of State Policy are not enforceable by any court, but they are fundamental in the governance of the country." Critically examine the role of the Government to fulfil the desired objectives enshrined in Part IV of the Constitution. 

(b) Examine the role of State Legal Services Authority in promoting legal literacy and right of women and children in the State. 
(c) What is meant by the Doctrine of Separation of Powers? Is strict adherence of the doctrine possible under a parliamentary form of government ? Discuss with the help of relevant case laws. 

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Printed Study Material for IAS PRE cum Mains General Studies


5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5-50 

(a) Discuss the various efforts made towards the codification of International Law during the 20th century. 
(b) Explain different theories on the relationship between International law and Municipal law. 
(c) Explain the principle of 'Double Criminality and the 'Rule of Speciality under the international law of extradition. 
(d) Define 'Double Nationality and 'Statelessness'. Evaluate the efforts taken to eliminate or reduce them. 
(e) What is 'Intervention and on what grounds do the States justify intervention ? Explain. 

Q6.(a) Distinguish whether 'Recognition of States' is an act of policy or of law. Also distinguish between Constitutive and Declaratory theories on the recognition of States. 

(b) What do you understand by 'State Succession'? Discuss various theories of State succession and explain the rights and obligations arising out of State succession. 
(c) Explain the main features of Law of the Sea. What is the difference between the jurisdiction over 'Territorial Sea' and 'Exclusive Economic Zone'? 

Q7.(a) Discuss the powers of the Security Council for the maintenance of world peace and security. Has the Veto Power' proved a hindrance in discharge of its duties by the Security Council ? Explain.

(b) Discuss the United Nations Declaration on the establishment of a New International Economic Order along with the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. 
(c) "Humanity is in peril in the present world due to terrorism." Suggest the ways to protect it in the context of human rights.

Q8.(a) Is it a legal duty of States under international law to settle their disputes by peaceful means ? Can failure of peaceful means entitle States to use force to settle their disputes ? Discuss. 

(b) Is the threat or the use of 'Nuclear Weapons in any circumstances permitted under International law ? Answer the question in the light of the advisory opinion given by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). 
(c) Discuss the role of United Nations in protection and improvement of human environment. 




  • Marks: 250

  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Discuss the political economy approach to the comparative analysis of politics. 10 
(b) “Political parties and pressure groups are sine qua non of democracy." Comment. 10 
(c) “Marxist approach to the study of international relations has lost its relevance in the post-cold war era.” Comment.
(d) What measures have been undertaken by the United Nations(for its reforms ? 10 
(e) Discuss the five proposals made by India in the recent COP-26 conference held in Glasgow. 

Q2.(a) “The post-colonial state was thought of an entity that stood outside and above society as an autonomous agency.” Explain.

(b) Discuss the emergence of neo-realism and its basic tenets 
(c) What is ‘complex interdependence'? Discuss the role of transnational actors in the international system.

Q3.(a) Explain the impact of electoral systems and cleavages in shaping party systems with reference to developing countries. 

(b) What is globalisation ? Why is there an intense debate about globalisation and its consequences ? 
(c) Critically examine the decline of the United States of America as a hegemon and its implications for the changing international political order. 

Q4.(a) The modernization thesis asserts that affluence breeds stable democracy. How do you explain the success of India being the world's largest democracy as an exceptional case ? 

(b) Explain the success of ASEAN as a regional organisation. 
(c) Explain India's relations with the European Union in the context of Brexit. 15

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Discuss the strategic implications of India's 'Look East Policy' transforming into 'Act East Policy'. 
(b) Explain the philosophical foundations of India's foreign policy. 
(c) Explain India’s position on the waiver of intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines in WTO. 
(d) Write about the growing significance of QUAD 
(e) How does the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban impact India's strategic interests ? 

Q6.(a) “Non-alignment was little more than a rational strategy on the part of a materially weak India to maximize its interests with a bipolar distribution of global power.” Comment. 

(b) Examine the Geo-strategic points of contention in the bilateral relationship between India and China. 
(c) Write a brief analysis of the ethnic conflicts and cross-border migrations along India-Myanmar and India-Bangladesh borders.

Q7.(a) Why South Asia is considered as the world's politically and economically least integrated region ? Explain.

(b) How do the constituent states influence the foreign policy making process in India ? 
(c) Examine the evolution of India's role in the global nuclear order. 

Q8.(a) “Relations between India and Russia are rooted in history mutual trust/and mutually beneficial cooperation.' Discuss.

(b) Discuss the “Sustainable Development Goals' as set by the United Nations. 
(c) Identify the drivers of India's new interest in Africa.

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  • Marks: 250

  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed : Three Hours


1. Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Feminist critique of the State 10
(b) Affirmative action 10
(c) Equality of outcome as a political idea 10
(d) Tools of legitimating of the State 10
(e) J. S. Mill's ideas on women suffrage 10

Q2.(a) How has Rawls enriched the idea of justice in liberalism? 20 

(b) Examine the importance of behavioral approach in political theory. What led to its decline? 15
(c) Can there be universal conception of human rights? Give your arguments. 15

Q3.(a) Explain the Aristotelian view of politics. To what extent do you think it has contributed to the development of modern-day constitutional democracies? 20

(b) “When a nation becomes devoid of arts and learning, it invites poverty.” (Sir Syed Ahmad Khan). In the light of this statement, assess the role of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a in as a reformer in modern India. 15
(c) Political ideology is primarrily concerned with the allocation and utilization of Power.” Comment. 15 

Q4.(a) Do you think that the buddhist traditions have lent greater ethical foundation to the ancient Indian political thought? Give your arguments. 20

(b) Marx's concept of 'alienation' is an essential part of the reality in capitalism. Explain. 15 
(c) Free and fair deliberation is key to the foundation of democracy.” Explain. 15

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) “The Constitution of India is a product of a historical process, rich with constitutional antecedents.” Comment. 
(b) “The Constitution makers faced the great task of forging a common national identity in the face of unparalleled social and cultural diversity in India.” Comment. 
(c) Mention the founding principles that define India's Constitution. 
(d) Analyze the Marxist perspective of the nature of Indian National Movement. 
(e) Underline the significance of the first constitutional amendment. 

Q6.(a) "Constitutionally reconciling the Fundamental Rights with the Directive Principles of State Policy has led to frequent amendments of the Constitution and judicial interventions." Comment. 

(b) The role of the President of India becomes more significant during a minority government and a coalition government. Explain. 
(c) Do you think that despite having significant limitations the Panchayati Raj institutions have strengthened the process of democratic decentralization? Give your views. 

Q7.(a) "The Indian party system is shaped by a complex interaction of the country's federal structure, electoral system and social cleavages.” Explain. 

(b) Do you think that there has been a gradual shift in the basis on which the demands for the creation of new States have been raised in different regions of India? Explain. 
(c) What explains India's modest improvements in social development outcomes even as the rate of growth has accelerated since the initiation of economic reforms? 

Q8.(a) The success of electoral democracy can partly be attributed to the status and role of the Election Commission of India.” Explain. 

(b) Examine the evolution of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India as a Constitutional Court.
(c) Explain how caste as a social category is also becoming a political category in the democratic politics of India.

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(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 - Sociology (Paper-2)

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  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains SOCIOLOGY (Paper-II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Write short answers, with a sociological perspective, of the following questions in about 150 words each: 10x5=50 

(a) Caste system studies in India have been dominated by the "book-view" initially, How did the entry of "field-view" bring about a balance in the study of Indian caste system? Discuss. 10
(b) What does Dr. B. R. Ambedkar mean by the concept of “Annihilation of caste" ? 10
(c) Discuss different forms of kinship system in India. 10
(d) Critically examine briefly the phrase "Little 'Republics” as used to denote India's villages. 10
(e) Caste-like formations are present in Non-Hindu religious communities as well. Discuss with examples. 10

Q2.(a) What is identity politics? Discuss the main trends in Dalit movements in India. 20

(b) Is Indian society moving from "Hierarchy" towards "differentiation" ? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. 20
(c) Discuss the salient features of 'new middle class' in India. 10

Q3.(a) Discuss in detail the major contribution of Prof. Yogendra Singh in theorizing India's modernization. 20

(b) Examine the factors responsible for the rural unrest in contemporary India.20
(c) Discuss the changing dimensions of family structure in urban India. 10

Q4.(a) What are the sociological reasons and implication of “reverse migration" during the recent pandemic in India ? 20

(b) Discuss the main features of the debate between G. S. Ghurye and V. Elwin on tribal development. 20
(c) What are the various forms of untouchability in India ? Critically examine. 10 

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Q5. Write short answers, with sociological perspective, of the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Analyze the idea of developmental planning in India. 10
(b) Comment on the role of co-operatives in rural development. 10
(c) Urban slums are sites of social exclusion - explain. 10
(d) Does regionalism essentially lead to decentralization of power? Substantiate your answer with relevant examples. 10
(e) Discuss the role of technology in agrarian change in India. 10

Q6.(a) Explain the sociological significance of the New Education Policy and its thrust on vocationalization and skill development. 20

(b) Is 'ageing an emerging issue in Indian society ? Discuss the major problems of the old age people in India. 20
(c) Underline the socio-cultural factors) responsible for India's skewed sex-ratio 10 

Q7.(a) The problem of displacement is inherent in the idea of development. Analyze the statement critically. 20

(b) Rising 'ethnocentricism' is leading to conflict in our society. Assess this statement with appropriate reasons. 20
(c) Is social democracy a precondition for political democracy ? Comment. 10 

Q8.(a) Discuss the role of social media in communal polarisation. Suggest ways to combat it. 20

(b) Urban settlements in India tend to replicate its rural caste-kinship imprints. Discuss the main reasons. 20
(c) Does "economic empowerment" automatically bring about "substantive empowerment" for women ? Briefly describe the main issues in women empowerment in India. 10

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  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains SOCIOLOGY (Paper-I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Europe was the first and the only place where modernity emerged. Comment. 10
(b) Do you think ethnomethodology helps us in getting reliable and valid data ? Justify your answer.10
(c) Discuss the challenges involved in collecting data through census method.10
(d) Explain whether Durkheim's theory of Division of Labour is relevant in the present day context. 10
(e) Critically examine Max Weber's theory of Social Stratification. 

Q2.(a) From the viewpoint of growing importance of multidisciplinarity, how do you relate sociology to other social sciences ? 20 

(b) How far are sociologists justified in using positivist approach to understand social reality ? Explain with suitable illustrations. 20 
(c) How is sociology related to common sense ? 10

Q3.(a) How do qualitative and quantitative methods supplement each other in sociological enquiry? 20

(b) Critically examine the dialectics involved in each mode of production as propounded by Karl Marx. 20
(c) Do you agree with Max Weber's idea that bureaucracy has the potential to become an iron cage ? Justify your answer. 10

Q4.(a) Explain the concept of social mobility. Describe with suitable illustrations how education and social mobility are related to each other. 20

(b) How has the idea of Work From Home' forced us to redefine the formal and informal organisation of work ? 20
(c) With suitable examples, explain how conformity and deviance coexist in a society as propounded by R.K. Merton. 10

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Q5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each : 10x5=50 

(a) Explain the emerging challenges in establishing gender equality in the informal sector. 10
(b) Critically examine the relevance of Vilfredo Pareto's theory of Circulation of Elites in the present scenario. 10 
(c) Critically compare the views of E.B. Tylor and Max Muller on Religion. 10 
(d) What is cult ? Explain the growth of cults in the contemporary world. 10 
(e) Do you think Talcott Parsons gave an adequate theory of social change? Justify your answer. 10

Q6.(a) Elucidate the main problems and challenges faced by the migrant labourers in the recent 'Lockdown period'. 20

(b) Explain how political parties and pressure groups are dialectically related to each other in terms of achieving their goals. 20
(c) Give your comments on the growth of religious revivalism in the present day context. 

Q7.(a) Explain how the pattern of patriarchy is being altered in a family and at the workplace in the present context. 

(b) Critically examine the contribution of dependency theories in understanding the present global scenario. 
(c) Explain the growing salience of ethnicity in the contemporary world with illustrations. 

Q8.(a) Discuss the changing nature of kinship relations in the contemporary world. 

(b) Describe the role of Science and Technology in enabling us to face the challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
(c) Highlight the roles and functions of civil society in a democratic system. 

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Paper-2)

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  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Public Administration (Paper-II)
  • Marks: 250
  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words cach : 

(a) The Preamble to the Constitution of India provides a foundational framework of ideals and values for the Indian administration. Discuss.

(b) Examine the extent to which the ideal of Constitutionalism as 'government by limited powers has been a functional realityin India.

(c) Red-tapism is a major obstacle to the implementation of 'good governance. Comment.

(d) The role and status of the Speaker in parliamentary system have their foundation in the Speaker's stance on neutrality. Comment.

(e) The Union government develops and practices strategies to administer increasing number of existing local government services by sidelining local initiatives and discretion. Examine.

Q2.(a) Kautilya envisages protection, welfare and prosperity of the State and its people as the utmost concern of a ruler. In this context, discuss the significance of Kautilya's emphasis on  governing, accountability and justice in contemporary India. 

(b) District Collector is the mostimportantfunctionary in district administration in India. In light of the above statement, discuss the multidimensional responsibilities of District Collector in effecting coordinated developmental administration in India.

(c) The role of the Governor isofa sagacious counsellor, mediator and arbitrator rather than that of an active politician. In this context, examine the role of the Governor in state politics in India.

Q3.(a) Recruitment is the cornerstone of the whole public personnel structure and it revolves around the problem of attracting the best. Discuss the essential elements of a good recruitment system.

(b) Traditionally structured administrative systems have outlived their utility. Discuss as how administrative reforms can revamp, restru ure and redesign the existing governmental structure to mect the new challenges faced by the Indian administrative set-up.

(c) The govemment policy of large scale privatization of the key sectors of economy may afect India's economic health. Comment.

Q4.(a) As a constitutionally mandated body the Finance Commission stands at the centre of fiscal federalism. Evaluate the role of Finance Commission in ensuring just and equitable resource sharing among the states and the union.

(b) Recent market approaches to public services present serious challenges to traditional and state-sponsored public service values. Evaluate the statement in the context of Indian administration.

(c) The increasing criminalization of politics is a major threat to the basic fabric of Indian democracy. Comment.

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each : 

(a) No rural development strategy can succeed unless it is complemented by appropriate Panchayati Raj Institutions. Examine the statement.

(b) NITI Aayog has been constituted to implement the goal of co-operative federalism. Discuss.

(c) Responsibility and accountability are two major goals of Good Governance. Discuss the statement in the context of lndian administration.

(d) The Prime Minister's Office has become a powertul institution in itself by virtue of its role in decision-making on strategic issues of utmost importance. Examine the statement.

(e) Well planned and goal oriented training programmes arc the backbonc of thc civil service system in India. Examine the statenment.

Q6.(a) Budget proposals in the Parliament/ State Legislatures fail to ensurc their cffective scrutiny. the factors which constrain effective scrutiny of the budget proposals.

(b)  73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts aimed at making the third tier of government powerfül and effective for democratic decentralization. Critically examine the extent to which this goal has been transformed into reality.

(c) National Human Rights Commission is handicapped by its jurisdictional limitations of not being able to investigate the cases of violation of human rights by the armed forces. Discuss.

Q7.(a)  Contemporary urbanismadvocates the integration of diverse modes of urban planning and management concerns. Discuss the above statement in light of urban development in India.

(b) Rural development programmes are designed to facilitate multifaceted growth of rural poor. Evaluate the role of some key rural development programmes in India in this context.

(c) Police-public relations in India need to be improved. Suggest measures to strengthen relations between police and public.

Q8.(a) In past two decades India's public policy on Disaster Management has shifted its focus from rescue, relief and rehabilitation efforts to holistic management of disaster. Analyse.

(b) The institutional legacy of 'well-entrenched state' affected the post-reforms promises in India. Explain the statement in the light of economic reforms in India.

(c) Do you agree with the view that the civil service in India is losing its neutral and anonymous character ? Argue your case.

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 - PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Paper-1)

(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021


  • Exam Name: UPSC IAS Mains Public Administration (Paper-I)
  • Marks: 250
  • Year : 2021
  • Time Allowed: 3 Hours


Q1. Answer the following in about 150 words each: 

(a) Governance is about managing self-organizing networks." Elaborate. 

(b) Two-dimensional taxonomy was used by Herbert Simon to describe the degree to which decisions are programmed or non-programmed." Explain.

(c) Examine the approach of public service motivation as an inducement to bring the desired level of efficiency in public service delivery. 

(d) In theory, the 'civil society organizations' promote cooperation between people and public service organizations, but in practice, their activities restrict the promotion of government programmes. Analyze. 

(e) Fayol and Taylor had different management perspectives, while having similar goal of organizational efficiency. Comment. 

Q2.(a) Behavioural approach has been questioned on the basis of its utility in the analysis of administrative problems. Discuss the weaknesses of the 20 approach and the shifts made therein. 

(b) Public administration has been viewed as a socially embedded process of collective relationship, dialogue and action. Examine the statement in light of the consensus achieved in the Third Minnowbrook Conference. 

(c) Public-private partnership phenomenon has been transformed into a type of governance scheme or mechanism. Discuss its capacity to overcome future challenges.

Q3.(a) Integration of different streams of administrative thought to propound a universal administrative theory is hindered by the impact of culture. Critically examine.

(b) Judicial review, prevention of misuse or abuse of administrative power and provision of suitable remedies are the basic principles of administrative law. Justify as how various organs of the State are able to uphold these principles.

(c)  Regulation is an old but increasingly necessary mode of social coordination and politial intervention into societal processes. Examine it in the context of globalization.

Q4.(a) The new public service model approaches governance on the premises of an active and involved citizenship, wherein the rolc of public officials is to facilitate opportunities for citizens' engagement in governance. Explain.

(b) Neo-Wcberian State of involves changing the model of operation of administrative structures into a model focussed on mecting citizens' needs. Discuss.

(c) Nothing in public administration is more important, interesting or mysterious than leadership. Analyze the statement in the context of strategic leadership. 

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Q5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:

(a) The approach to the study of administration in its environmental context is especially more useful for developing countries. Comment. 

(b) Gender equality and women's rights have laid down a strong foundation of development. Elaborate. 

(c) Feriormance appraisal necds to be seen beyond the mere suitability of the official for vertical promotion. Explain. 

(d) its widely agreed that the government ought to provide the goods that market fails to provide or does not provide efficientiy. Argue.

(e) MIS has evolved and gone far beyond its traditional advantages due to technological advancements. Comment. 

Q6.(a) Emphasis on cost control and reducing public expenditure has diverted the focus of government budgets from the basic objectives of reallocation of resources, bringing economic stability and promoting social equity. Examine.

(b) In modern context, Riggsian terms have not altogether disappeared, but have emerged in different forms with newer meanings. Discuss. 

(c) A striking feature of economic development is an apparent symbiotic 15 evolution of strong States and strong market economies. Analyze.

Q7.(a) Policy problems are increasingly tending towards being wicked. Discuss the capacity and preparedness of the State to tackle such problems.

(b) Zero-based budgeting was intended to get away from incrementalism, but15 cca up beimg the most incremental of any budgetary approach. Discuss. 

(c) ICT has immense potential to transform governance and empower citizens. Examine.

Q8.(a) The successful attainment of SDGs objectives largely depends upon the wisdom, experience and farsightedness of the actors involved and their willingness to cooperate in the implementation process. Analyze.

(b) Groups work to elevate issues on the policy agenda or seek to deny other groups the opportunity to place issues. In this background, discuss the role of interest groups in agenda setting in the developing countries.

(c) Civil servants generally tend to exhibit the values and ethical framework of the political executives under whom they function. Explain.



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