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विषय सूचि:

  • भविष्य के लिए कौशल विकास (डॉ. के राजेश्वर राव, पियूष प्रकाश)

  • कौशल विकास से होगा सहकारी समितियों का कायाकल्प (डॉ. के. के. त्रिपाठी, डॉ. अस. के. वाडकर)

  • एसएमएसई : भारत के समावेशी विकास में योगदान (डॉ. श्रीपर्णा बी बरुआ)

  • नए भारत की कृषि क्रांति में ग्रामीण महिलाओं की भूमिका महत्वपूर्ण (डॉ. नीलम पटेल, डॉ. तनु सेठी)

  • 'गंगा उत्सव 2021 - द रिवर फेस्टिवल'

  • कौशल विकास में निजी क्षेत्र की भागीदारी (विजय प्रकाश श्रीवास्तव)

  • नवाचार और उद्यमिता कौशल को बढ़वा (डॉ. हरेंद्र राज गौतम)

  • डिजिटलीकरण का आजीविका सृजन पर प्रभाव (करिश्मा शर्मा)

  • कौशल विकास से होगा भारत आत्मनिर्भर (विजन कुमार पांडेय)

  • ग्रामीण मेले :रोज़गार एंव मनोरंजन के स्तंभ (पवन कुमार शर्मा)


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विषय सूचि:

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  • ऊर्जा क्षेत्र में आत्मनिर्भरता (डॉ. अमिय कुमार महापात्रा, तमन्ना महापात्रा)

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  • महिला उद्यमिता (पूर्वा अग्रवाल)

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Current Public Administration Magazine (NOVEMBER 2021)

Sample Material of Current Public Administration Magazine

1.Accountability & Responsibility

  • Judges cannot be shielded from citizens’ questions

Since the Supreme Court’s highly controversial judgment in the ADM Jabalpur case in 1976, whereby it was held that during the Emergency the right to life and personal liberty of a citizen under Article 21 of the Constitution would remain suspended, the judiciary has not only come under critical scrutiny but also under attack. The judgment has since been overruled, but its reversal goes to prove the fact that judges are not infallible, and that “to err is human”. Recently, the Chief Justice of India, in his own mild way, protested against the attack on judges. One can understand his pain and agony, but he too knows that judges do not, and should not live in ivory towers. They sit in open court, speak out under the public gaze and deliver judgments that come into the public domain. As the judiciary is one of the pillars of democracy, and the Constitution entrusts judges with the task of protecting the constitutional rights of the people, especially the right to life and liberty, the consumer of justice has every right, and would be fully justified in critically examining, and commenting upon each and every word of the judges spoken or written, howsoever unpalatable it may be. Of course, none has the right to make personal attacks on judges.

It appears that it is in the above spirit that the other day, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor, speaking in Parliament on the High Court and Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill said that the judiciary had failed to stem the tide of militant majoritarianism. He alleged that the “judiciary’s inaction almost always favours those in power”. He further alleged that “by its continued inaction, the court has not only allowed the government’s sins against citizens to go unpunished, but led some critics to ask whether the Supreme Court should also be considered an accomplice to the violation of rights granted by the Constitution.” In the same debate, a Trinamool MP criticised the transfer of former Madras High Court Chief Justice Sanjib Banerjee as the Chief Justice of Meghalaya High Court.

One may or may not agree with the bluntness with which Tharoor spoke about the judiciary. However, what cannot be denied is that he has raised pertinent questions, and has brought out the glaring failings of the judiciary in matters concerning the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens. Otherwise, why is it that matters pertaining to the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution, the Citizenship Amendment Act, Electoral bonds, and many petitions under the preventive detention laws are lying in cold storage? These are cases that are of grave national importance, and concern the life and liberty of citizens. And also, why are some bail applications taken up in a day or two, while others remain pending for months? In the words of Lord Mansfield, “let justice be done though heavens fall”.

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2. Indian Government and Politics

  • Why India will be scrutinised at Summit for Democracy

On December 9 and 10, US President Joe Biden will host a virtual “summit for democracy”, which will bring together leaders of 100 countries, civil society and private sector representatives “to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action”. The list of invitees is intriguing: From the South Asian region, besides Taliban-ruled Afghanistan, three democracies, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka — the latter two with democracy-deficit challenges similar to India’s — did not get an invitation, but Pakistan, where the Army calls the shots, is an invitee. More such contradictions plague the list.

For India, the summit comes at a piquant moment. The world’s largest, most populous democracy is now regularly described as authoritarian. The US-based Freedom House’s “Freedoms of the World” index categorises India as only “partly free”; the Swedish V-Dem calls India an “electoral autocracy”; others lump India with Hungary, Turkey and the Philippines, where authoritarian leaders rule the roost. Rights violations in Kashmir, where India snatched the record for the world’s longest internet ban from Myanmar, the conflation of political dissent with the colonial-era crime of sedition, the use of anti-terrorism laws to silence critics, the failure of the state to ensure freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, the anti-Muslim amendments to citizenship laws, and the China-like control over citizens that India aspires to, including with invasive high-tech surveillance, have all but shredded India’s democratic image. Only last week, the UN Human Rights Office castigated India for the arrest of rights activist Khurram Parvez in Kashmir, and the “increasing” use of the UAPA to “stifle the work of human rights defenders, journalists and other critics in Jammu & Kashmir and other parts of India”.

Given this, the agenda of the summit holds contemporary resonance in India. According to the State Department, the summit will convene around three broad themes — defending democracy against authoritarianism, addressing and fighting corruption, and promoting respect for human rights. Leaders will be “encouraged” to announce “specific actions and commitments” to meaningful domestic reforms and international initiatives that advance the summit’s goals.

3.  Social Administration

  • New leaders to tackle climate change challenge

I did not intend to write about COP26. Much has already been written about the subject and I am no climate change expert. But I changed my mind after reading Ashlee Vance’s biography of Elon Musk. The book triggered the reflection that the current gap between the ambitious rhetoric of climate change summitry (“blah blah” in Greta Thunberg’s words) and action can only be bridged by shifting the loci of responsibility and authority for climate change governance from those fixated on the short-term and, in the larger scheme of matters, inconsequential details like the next elections, to those who have a track record of bringing about radical change in the face of adversity. I know this reflection goes against the structure of the present international order and I will be critiqued for engaging in an academic parlour game. But I believe, on occasion, there is merit in arguing the counterfactual. That is why I share my thoughts.

After 26 meetings, it is clear COP summitry can make incremental progress. The world has, however, run out of time. It must accelerate the implementation of the action plan towards net zero. For that, it must redesign the nature of climate change governance.

COP26 was not all “blah blah”. Ninety per cent of the world committed to a net carbon zero target; 23 countries agreed to stop financing fossil fuels by the end of 2022; 100 countries committed to end deforestation; the accounting systems for calculating carbon emissions were finalised and notably, the phase down of coal and inefficient fuel subsidies was accepted. On the substantive issue of climate finance, however, it was still “blah blah”. The earlier pledge by the developed world to channel $100 billion to the less developed was not met; they committed a lowly $346 million to the climate adaptation fund. PM Modi’s call that $1 trillion be raised for climate mitigation and adaptation was not taken up seriously.

The NGO, Climate Action Tracker, has analysed the consequences of COP incrementalism. They calculate that were there no climate change policy, global temperatures would rise by between 4.1 and 4.8 degrees C above pre-industrial levels. This would be existentially catastrophic. Were, however, every country to implement their non-binding nationally determined commitments for 2030, the temperature rise would be 2.4 degrees C and, if over and above that, they met their binding commitments including net zero targets, the increase would range between 1.8 and 2.1degrees C. Their message is: The increase can be kept within a “sustainable” range but further prevarication in the implementation of the action plan towards net zero carbon will push the increase above an acceptable threshold with devastating consequences.

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4. Current Topic

  • The politics-policy disconnect in India

There’s a breakdown between politics and policy in India. Decision-making on virtually all governance issues is disconnected from politics and the mobilisation of public opinion. The repeal of the farm laws is thus a notable instance of politics and policy coming together, although in conflict. What is striking, however, is that the politics came from farmers’ groups, not political parties. The manner in which the government rammed through the three bills, tried to bully and delegitimise the protests and then repealed the laws shows that not only did the government not attempt to build consensus in favour of the bills, but that the channels of feedback from the ground were themselves not functioning properly. The Opposition was supportive of the protests but, with some notable local exceptions, had little role to play in the actual mobilisation of public opinion on the ground. The Opposition speaking in one voice in the Parliament helped, but the heavy lifting of organising in the villages and sustaining the protests was done by the farmers’ groups.

This disconnect between politics and policy is not a recent development, though it manifests differently across political divides. The liberal side has a policy-first lens but is unable to articulate its ideas in a manner which makes for good politics, repeatedly couching its ideas in a bureaucratic framework disconnected from political organisation. The impetus for a bureaucracy-first policy framework stems from the desire to remove local political discretion, which is assumed to be anti-people; the result, however, is to increase the distance between the policy initiative and the political organisation and thus the conduit for outreach and communication with the public. Moreover, bureaucracy is downstream from politics and this approach rather than curbing the state may have instead contributed to undermining the democratic process of political accountability since the political class is, by design, not central to the policy in the first place.

The right, on its side, has a politics-first lens but it derives its politics largely from its social agenda instead of issues of governance. In India, the right has a conception of a Hindu India but it lacks conceptual clarity and a governance agenda for the state. The policy imperatives, if any, are ad hoc and appear to be driven by the demands of running the political apparatus instead of a clear governance agenda. Instead, the right mobilises public opinion around cultural and community issues where the expectation from the state is not necessarily governance but patronage and protection for preferred social groups. Despite these differences, what is common across parties is the apolitical harnessing of the state as a disburser of different kinds of economic largesse, especially just before elections, as political parties cast about for simple ideas for easy mass communication.

5.  Indian Administration

  • Remember how the Constitution was brought into being

In 1922, a 30-year-old English poet published a long poem, a modern-day epic by common consent. A century later, T S Eliot’s The Waste Land resonates in India, not because of its prophecy or satire, but because of a curious tale it picked up from the Brihad Aranyaka. The Aranyaka, the earliest among the Upanishads, is a treasure trove of mythical stories, one of which appears in the fifth section of The Waste Land, titled ‘What the Thunder Said.’

This is how it goes: After Prajapati, the creator, had made beings and things, he danced in a frenzy, shouting, “da, da, da…” He then assembled his progeny — the devas, danavas and manavas — and asked if they had understood what he said. The devas said “da” is damyata: “learn self-control”; the manavas thought, he had said datta: “learn to overcome greed”; the danavas said it was dayadhvam: “learn to forgive”. Prajapati laughed enigmatically and said, “Well, you seem to have understood, perhaps.”

Without forgetting that this is a myth and not history, I have often wondered if there has been a moment in India’s history when the praja danced in ecstasy, as did Prajapati, for having created what had to be created. I like to believe that November 26, 1949, was that moment – we, the people, adopted, enacted and gave unto ourselves the Constitution, which gave to every Indian a hope that no past era had provided. What diverse responses does it evoke now?

Remembering the day, the constitutional head of India’s judiciary said that the “citizenry of independent India” has breathed life into “what might otherwise have been just another bare document”. Many freedom fighters, such as Gandhi, Ambedkar, Nehru, Lajpat Rai, Patel and Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, he reminded the nation, were lawyers. His appreciation of “litigants, judges, law-makers and lawyers” reminded the country that it is the people who matter above all. The response to Samvidhan Divas by the principal opposition party was to remind the Prime Minister that the institutions envisioned by the Constitution have been rendered dysfunctional during his regime and “the Constitution was being undermined every day”. The thoughts of the Prime Minister on the day revolved round his pet theme of dynastic politics as a threat to democracy, colonial mindset and “misuse of the freedom enshrined in the Constitution” as a hindrance in the country’s development. His irritation towards those he believes to be hindering development was clear in word and tone.

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Current Public Administration Magazine (OCTOBER 2021)

Sample Material of Current Public Administration Magazine

1.Accountability & Responsibility

  • The Democratic Road to Despotism

Millions around the world are today asking questions of grave importance: What’s happening to democracy, a way of governing and living that until recently was said to have enjoyed a global victory? Why is it reckoned to be in retreat everywhere or facing extinction? How come the Joe Biden administration is hosting a Democracy Summit this week in support of “global democratic renewal”? They’re surely right to wonder.
Three decades ago, democracy seemed blessed. People power mattered. Public resistance to arbitrary rule changed the world. Military dictatorships collapsed. Apartheid was toppled. The Soviet empire imploded. There were velvet revolutions, followed by tulip, rose and orange revolutions.

Now things are different. In Belarus, Bolivia, Myanmar, Hong Kong and elsewhere, citizens are arrested, imprisoned, beaten and executed. Elsewhere, democrats are on the back foot, gripped by feelings that our times are weirdly unhinged, and troubled by worries that big-league democracies such as India, the United States, Britain, South Africa and Brazil are sliding towards a precipice, dragged down by worsening social inequality, citizen disaffection and the rot of unresponsive governing institutions.

That’s not all. The gloom is compounded by increasing awareness that power-sharing, monitory democracies are now facing a new global competitor: Despotic regimes, such as Turkey, Russia, the UAE, Iran and China, whose top-down political architecture and cunning efforts to win the loyalty of their subjects are unlike anything known to the earlier modern world.

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2. Indian Government and Politics

  • Repealing AFSPA will not weaken, only strengthen Constitution

It should not have taken the senseless massacre of 14 civilians and the death of one soldier in Nagaland to remind us that the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) is a constitutional abomination that should have been repealed a long time ago.

The Act grants extraordinarily sweeping powers to the armed forces of search, seizure, arrest, the right to shoot to kill and conduct operations in ways that make a mockery of individual rights and dignity. Admittedly, moral and legal judgment on the conduct of security forces in the face of palpable violence, insurgency and terrorism is a tricky matter and should not be the subject of easy moralising. The physical and psychological costs to the armed forces are immense and they create pressures for providing legal protection. But even if you concede that caveat, there is no denying that AFSPA is a moral abomination, arguably the single biggest legal blot on the Indian state. The repeal of AFSPA is necessary not just for restoring constitutional sanity, but also as a way of acknowledging the brutally dark history of our conduct in Nagaland.

If the moral case for repealing AFSPA is strong, the political case points in the same direction as well. India’s handling of the Naga insurgency has been a mixture of brutal repression, accommodation, betrayal, negotiation and bribery. Despite repeated accords, most recently the supposed framework agreement of 2015, a final political settlement has eluded us. But over the last few years, violence had palpably come down.

The deep scars of violence and memories remain. But there was also a deepening modus vivendi, more acceptance and collaboration with the Indian state, and the emergence in Nagaland of what one of India’s most brilliant anthropologists G Kanato Chophy once called the emergence of “constitutional Indians,” fiercely proud of their traditions but willing to make common constitutional cause with all citizens.

But the lynchpin of this common cause has to be the protection of individual rights and dignity. The political incorporation of Nagaland (and all other areas where this law applies) will be set back if the guarantees of individual dignity of the Indian Constitution are not extended. These killings will also, inevitably, reopen the unaddressed traumas of past violence.

3.  Social Administration

  • Before criticizing AFSPA, a full probe is necessary

What happened in Nagaland recently was a tragedy. The Indian Army, in an operation on December 4 that went horribly wrong, killed 14 civilians in Mon district inhabited by the Konyak tribe, who have generally been supportive of the government. The Army has set up a court of inquiry headed by a Major General to probe the circumstances under which the botched operation by the 21 para-special forces took place. The state government has also set up a special investigation team, which has been directed to complete its work within one month. Meanwhile, the Home Minister, in a statement before Parliament, expressed the Government of India’s regret over the killing of civilians in a case of mistaken identity, calling it “unfortunate”, and offered the government’s deepest condolences to the bereaved families.

The official version is that, based on intelligence inputs about the movement of insurgents, the Army laid an ambush. An approaching vehicle was signalled to stop but it tried to flee, which aroused suspicion. The Army personnel thereupon opened fire, which resulted in the death of eight persons. The villagers, thereafter, reportedly surrounded the Army unit and attacked them with daos and firearms. The forces again opened fire — this time in self-defence — killing six more civilians. Army personnel also suffered injuries and their officer is said to be in ICU.

It is a heart-rending incident for all right-thinking persons. For those sympathetic to the rebel Nagas, however, it is an opportunity to tarnish the image of the Army, demand its withdrawal from the area, and push their agenda to demand a separate Constitution and a separate flag for the Naga separatists. It must be remembered that the security forces are performing an extremely difficult and complicated task in the midst of multiple insurgencies in the Northeast. In fact, they are paying the price for our political mis-management and blunders since the mid-Fifties when trouble erupted in the Naga Hills.

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4. Current Topic

  • Why Pakistan’s blasphemy legislation has no basis in law or religion

A Sri Lankan manager was brutally beaten and burnt alive by a mob of religious fanatics in Sialkot recently. Prime Minister Imran Khan promptly termed the incident a “horrific, vigilante attack” and “a day of shame for Pakistan”. Within hours, as many as a hundred arrests were made. But if Imran Khan is really interested in meaningful reform, he must muster the courage to initiate a fair debate on the country’s controversial blasphemy law. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws have doubtful legitimacy, both in terms of Islam as well as modern notions of criminal justice.

Blasphemy was punishable in ancient Greece — speaking ill of the gods, disturbing the peace and dishonouring the principle of government. Monotheism greatly contributed to the notion since the Biblical state of Israel considered blasphemy as the cornerstone of Jewish identity. The Council of Nicea in 325 AD invented heresy for the Christian world and, for centuries, Christian society behaved like a “persecuting society”. By the 13th century, blasphemy evolved as a crime separate from heresy. Soon, the challenge to the supremacy of God was theorised as damaging all secular authorities. British Chief Justice Sir Mathew Hale in 1675, while pronouncing punishment on John Taylor, held that attacks upon religions were attacks upon the law. In 1699, two young members of the Swedish Royal Navy were executed for having substituted the words “I have the devil in my heart” for “I have Jesus in my heart” whilst singing hymns. After the Enlightenment, due to the recognition of individual rights, the state started retreating from blasphemy. Yet, today, 71 countries, including India, have blasphemy laws even though these have a chilling effect on free speech and, ideally, should be replaced with hate speech laws.

5.  Indian Administration

  • Across India, minorities are overrepresented in jails

The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reports show that in almost all the states of the Indian Union, irrespective of the party holding office, religious minorities are over-represented in jail.

Muslims are a case in point. During UPA II, they represented 21 to 22.5 per cent of the “undertrials” and under NDA II (from 2014 to 2019) 19 to 21 per cent. But law and order being a state subject, this question needs to be scrutinised at this level. Muslims are (and were) over-represented among jail inmates in almost all the Hindu-majority states: In Assam, Muslims, according to the 2011 census, are 34 per cent of the population and they represent 43 to 47.5 per cent of the “undertrials”; in Gujarat, Muslims are 10 per cent of the population and since 2017, they have been about 25 to 27 per cent of the “undertrials” (they were 24 per cent in 2013); in Karnataka, Muslims are 13 per cent of the population and they are 19 to 22 per cent of the “undertrials” since 2018 (they were 13 to 14 per cent in 2013-2017); in Kerala, they are 26.5 per cent of the population and 28 to 30 per cent of the “undertrials”; in MP, Muslims are 6.5 per cent and 12 to 15 per cent of the “undertrials” since 2017 (they were already 13 per cent in 2013); in Maharashtra, Muslims are 11.5 per cent of the population, and their percentage among the “undertrials” peaked at 36.5 per cent in 2012 (it went back to its 2009 level, 30 per cent, in 2015); in Rajasthan, Muslims are 9 per cent and they represent 18 to 23 per cent of the “undertrials” (they were 17 per cent in 2013); in Tamil Nadu, Muslims are 6 per cent, and 11 per cent of the undertrials since 2017; in Uttar Pradesh, Muslims are 19 per cent of the population, and 26 to 29 per cent of the “undertrials” since 2012; in West Bengal, Muslims are 27 per cent of the population, and they represent more than 36 per cent of the “undertrials” since 2017. The only major state where Muslims have been under-represented among the “undertrials” is Bihar, where the latter are 15 per cent when Muslims constitute 17 per cent of the population.

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  • Chapter 7 : Correlation
  • Chapter 8 : Index Numbers
  • Chapter 9 : Use of Statistical Tools


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Content Tabel:

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  • Vibrant MSMEs- Towards Inclusive Growth (Dr. Sriparna B. Barauh)

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  • Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurial Skills among Rural Youth (Dr. Harender Raj Gautham)

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(E-Book) YOJANA MAGAZINE PDF - DECEMBER 2021 (Free Download)


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  • The government was targeting to more than double the blending of ethanol in petrol to 20 per cent by 2030, for which domestic capacity has to be augmented. 
  • India will need about 1,000 crore litres of ethanol for doping in petrol by 2030 against the current capacity of 684 crore litres.
  • The cabinet has approved a modified scheme to enhance ethanol distillation capacity in the country for producing first-generation ethanol from feed stocks such as cereals (rice, wheat, barley, corn and sorghum), sugarcane and sugar beet.
  • The government would bear interest subvention for five years, including a one-year moratorium against the loan availed by project proponents from banks, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum or 50 per cent of the rate of interest charged by banks, whichever is lower.
  • The government has also approved a Rs 3,000-crore project to turn Paradip Port into a world-class port by setting up a dock. The Paradip port handles about 115 million tonnes (mt) of cargo which is likely to increase substantially to about 400mt by 2030.

Central Vigilance Commission sends 80-plus public views to ministries for systemic changes

  • The Central Vigilance Commission recently sent a list of 80-plus suggestions, gathered from the general public for bringing a “systemic improvement”, to various ministries and departments for possible implementation.
  • The suggestions include minor administrative and behavioural changes — like government officers not answering phone calls — to major policy shifts like getting each department to conduct inquiries through a third party, linking salary of a government servant to his performance in some way and job rotations at banks to check irregularities. In several cases, corrupt practices in schemes and systems have been red flagged for action.
  • The vigilance sought suggestions on “systemic improvements” of government departments as part of its “preventive vigilance” focus, rather than a “punitive vigilance” approach.
  • The commission has picked out 83 of these suggestions as “doable” and sent to relevant ministries from the departments of financial services and personnel and training, to the ministries of railways, power and telecom. Besides, recommendations have been sent to all ministries.
  • The CVC has asked the ministries concerned to inform it of the status of implementation or otherwise of the recommendations made.

India to open missions in Estonia, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic

  • The government announced that it would open three missions in Estonia, Paraguay and the Dominican Republic in 2021.
  • Cabinet approved opening of Indian Missions in these countries.
  • It will help expand India's diplomatic footprint, deepen political relations, enable growth of bilateral trade,investment and economic engagements, facilitate stronger people-to-people contacts, bolster political outreach in multilateral fora and help garner support for India's foreign policy objectives.
  • Indian mission in these countries will also better assist the Indian community and protect their interests.

India and Bhutan  on cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space

  • The Union Cabinet approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Bhutan on peaceful uses of outer space.
  • The MoU, which was signed between the two sides shall enable India and Bhutan to pursue cooperation in potential interest areas such as remote sensing of the earth, satellite communication and satellite based navigation, space science and planetary exploration, use of spacecraft and space systems and ground system and application of space technology.
  • Cooperation with Bhutan through this MoU would lead to a joint activity in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity.
  • India and Bhutan have been discussing establishing formal space cooperation.

IFSCA becomes member of International Organization of Securities Commissions

  • International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) said it has become an associate member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions.
  • The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) works closely with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board in setting up the standards for strengthening the securities markets.
  • The IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation have been endorsed by Financial Stability Board as one of the key standards for sound financial systems.
  • The membership of IOSCO would provide IFSCA the platform to exchange information at the global level and regional level on areas of common interests.
  • Further, the IOSCO platform would enable IFSCA to learn from the experiences and best practices of the regulators of other well established financial centres.
  • The first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in the country has been set up at the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) in Gandhinagar.


  • Geoengineering has steadily shifted over the last few decades from the margins towards the mainstream of climate discourse.
  • It is a deliberate, large-scale intervention carried out in Earth's natural systems to reverse the impacts of climate change.
  • This involves techniques to physically manipulate global climate to cool the planet. These techniques fall primarily under three categories:

1.    Solar radiation management, 

2.    carbon dioxide removal and 

3.    weather modification.

  • Some examples of geoengineering: carbon capture and storage, ocean fertilisation or dumping of iron or urea to stimulate phytoplankton growth to absorb more carbon; cloud brightening or spraying saltwater to make clouds more reflective etc.

Union Cabinet gives approval for Akash missile export

  • The Union Cabinet has approved the export of the indigenously developed and manufactured Akash short-range Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system. It also approved the high-level committee formed to expedite clearance of such exports.
  • The Defence Ministry said, besides Akash, there was interest coming in for other major platforms such as the Coastal Surveillance System, radars and air platforms.
  • For faster approval of export of such platforms, a committee comprising the Defence Minister, the External Affairs Minister and the National Security Advisor had been created.

Export of big platforms:

  • Akash is a Surface to Air Missile and it has a range of 25 km and can simultaneously engage multiple targets in all weather conditions. 
  • It has a large operational envelope from a low altitude of 30 metres to a maximum of up to 20 km. 
  • It was inducted in 2014 in the Air Force and in 2015 in the Indian Army.

Ginger Processing  Plant

  • North East’s first-ever specialised Ginger Processing Plant at district Ri-Bhoui in Meghalaya.
  • It is being revived and is likely to become functional in the beginning of 2021.
  • The only Ginger Processing Plant of North East India was established around the year 2004 but has remained non-functional for many years.
  • The NERAMAC has now undertaken the responsibility of reviving it and initiated steps to operationalise the closed Plant through PPP mode.
  • The North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation (NERAMAC) is a PSU working under the aegis of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER).


International Financial Services Centres Authority

  • International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA) said that it has become an associate member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).
  • The IOSCO works closely with the G20 nations and the Financial Stability Board (FSB), in setting up the standards for strengthening the securities markets, said IFSCA.
  • The IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation have been endorsed by FSB as one of the key standards for sound financial systems.
  • The membership of IOSCO will provide the IFSCA a platform to exchange information at the global level, and even at the regional level, on areas of common interests.
  • Further, the IOSCO platform will enable the IFSCA to learn from the experiences and best practices of the regulators of other well established financial centres.
  • The first International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) in the country has been set up at the Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT) in Gandhinagar.
  • To regulate such institutions, the government established IFSCA on April 27 last year with its head office in Gandhinagar.
  • In December 2019, Parliament passed a bill to set up a unified authority for regulating all financial activities at IFSCs in the country.

Kazakhstan ratifies international protocol to abolish death penalty

  • Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has signed a law ratifying the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which entails a formal commitment to abolish the death penalty.
  • In late September, the Second Optional Protocol was signed by Kazakhstan’s permanent envoy to the United Nations, Kairat Umarov. The document then went to the Kazakh parliament and was ratified by it on December 29.
  • The Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights commits its signatories to ensuring the abolition of death penalty within their jurisdiction, with the exception of war time.
  • In 2003, the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, signed a decree temporarily suspending the death penalty. 
  • This suspended the execution of all death sentences but did not prohibit the courts from issuing death sentences. Life imprisonment was introduced in Kazakhstan in 2004 as an alternative punishment.


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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation
    1.1 Meaning and Characteristics of Not-for-ProfitOrganisation
    1.2 Accounting Records of Not-for-Profit Organisations
    1.3 Receipt and Payment Account
    1.4 Income and Expenditure Account
    1.5 Balance Sheet
    1.6 Some Peculiar Items
    1.7 Income and Expenditure Account based on Trial Balance
    1.8 Incidental Trading Activity
  • Chapter 2 Accounting for Partnership : Basic Concepts
    2.1 Nature of Partnership
    2.2 Partnership Deed
    2.3 Special Aspects of Partnership Accounts
    2.4 Maintenance of Capital Accounts of Partners
    2.5 Distribution of Profit among Partners
    2.6 Guarantee of Profit to a Partner
    2.7 Past Adjustments
    2.8 Final Accounts
  • Chapter 3 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a Partner
    3.1 Modes of Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm
    3.2 Admission of a New Partner
    3.3 New Profit Sharing Ratio
    3.4 Sacrificing Ratio
    3.5 Goodwill
    3.6 Adjustment for Accumulated Profits and Losses
    3.7 Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities
    3.8 Adjustment of Capitals
    3.9 Change in Profit Sharing Ratio among the Existing Partners
  • Chapter 4 Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner
    4.1 Ascertaining the Amount Due to Retiring/Deceased Partner
    4.2 New Profit Sharing Ratio
    4.3 Gaining Ratio
    4.4 Treatment of Goodwill
    4.5 Adjustment for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
    4.6 Adjustment of Accumulated Profits and Losses
    4.7 Disposal of Amount Due to Retiring Partner
    4.8 Adjustment of Partner’s Capital
    4.9 Death of a Partner
  • Chapter 5 Dissolution of Partnership Firm
    5.1 Dissolution of Partnership
    5.2 Dissolution of a Firm
    5.3 Settlement of Accounts
    5.4 Accounting Treatment

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Gist of The Hindu:May 2021

Gist of The Hindu: May 2021

Jal Jeevan Mission deploys sensor-based IoT devices to monitor rural drinking water supply systems

  • The Ministry of Jal Shakti has decided to take the digital route to use sensor-based IoT devices to effectively monitor the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) in more than six lakh villages. 


  • National Jal Jeevan Mission in collaboration with Tata Community Initiatives Trust (TCIT) and Tata Trusts recently completed pilot projects in several remote villages of five States i.e., Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Himachal Pradesh.
  • A key feature of these pilots has been the use of frugal yet sturdy sensors, which makes the solution scalable and sustainable.
  • One of the key challenges posed to the team was to develop a robust solution at a fraction of the water infrastructure costs (<10-15% of total scheme capex) without compromising on quality or functionality. These costs are expected to reduce further at scale.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) based remote monitoring provides near real-time information without any manual intervention by using sensors. 
  • This would not only allow effective monitoring and management on-ground, but also enable real-time visibility to State water supply/ PHED officials, and citizens, said the government.
  • The pilots have led to several outcomes as it has helped identify distribution issues – such as outages, leakages, low pressure, etc. and led to resolution across sites.

Hypnea indica

  • New species of red algae discovered. They were named Hypnea indica (after India) and Hypnea bullata.
  • They grow in the intertidal regions (an area that is submerged during the high tide and exposed during low tides) of the west, south east Indian coast.
  • Red algae are one of the earliest eukaryotic algae,mostly found in marine habitats.They are red because of the presence of the pigment phycoerythrin.

India, Mauritius free trade agreement 

  • Several Indian products will enjoy the benefit of greater market access at concessional duties in Mauritius as the free trade agreement signed between the two countries will come into effect from April 1.
  • India and Mauritius signed the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA), a kind of free trade pact, on February 22.
  • Both sides have completed their internal legal procedures and the India-Mauritius CECPA will enter into force on 01 April 2021.
  • The pact covers 310 export items for India, including food and beverages, agricultural products, textile and textile articles, base metals, electricals and electronic item, plastics and chemicals, and wood.
  • India has offered around 95 sub-sectors from the 11 broad services sectors, including R&D, telecommunication, financial, distribution, higher education, environmental, health, and transport services.
  • It added that Indian exporters have to obtain a Certificate of Origin (CoO) from the authorised Indian agencies to avail the preferential benefits under the agreement.

International treaty for pandemic preparedness and response

  • Leaders of several nations including UK, Germany, France, Indonesia etc along with World Health Organisation(WHO) called on the international community to work towards ITPPR.
  • Main goal would be to foster a comprehensive, multi-sectoral approach to strengthen national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics.
  • It aims to be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics ina highly coordinated fashion.

Government slashes rates on small savings schemes by up to 1.1%

  • The government has sharply slashed the rates on all small savings instruments for the first quarter of 2021-22.


  • This bringing the rate of return on the Public Provident Fund down from 7.1% to 6.4% and effecting cuts ranging from 40 basis points (0.4%) to 110 basis points (1.1%).
  • The sharpest cut announced earlier was seen in the quarterly interest rate paid on one-year term deposits, from 5.5% in the January to March quarter to 4.4% in this quarter. 
  • The rate of return on the Senior Citizen Savings’ Scheme was cut from 7.4% to 6.5%, while the Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme’s return was reduced from 7.6% to 6.9%.
  • The interest rate paid on National Savings Certificate and Kisan Vikas Patra were also reduced from 6.8% to 5.9%, and from 6.9% to 6.2%.
  • The Kisan Vikas Patra, which used to mature in 124 months, will now mature in 138 months.


  • Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog launched AIM-PRIME (Program for Researchers on Innovations, Market-Readiness and Entrepreneurship).


  • It is an initiative to promote and support science-based deep-tech startups and ventures across India.
  • AIM has joined hands with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to launch this nationwide program which will be implemented by Venture Center - a non-profit technology business incubator.
  • Deep technology is an outcome of very intense research and development (R&D) with high knowledge content. 
  • The benefits of this program are aimed at addressing specific issues through training and guidance over a period of 12 months. 
  • Candidates selected for the program will get access to in-depth learning via a comprehensive lecture series, live team projects, exercises, and project-specific mentoring.
  • They will also have access to a deep tech startup playbook, curated video library, and plenty of peer-to-peer learning opportunities. 
  • The AIM-PRIME program is specifically tailored for the rapid scaling up of deep-tech science ventures in India, providing not just the necessary intellect and support but also the exposure they rightly deserve.
  • The announcement was made as a part of the virtual programme attended by officials of AIM, NITI Aayog, BMGF, Venture Centre,Incubators, startups and mentor amongst other beneficiaries.


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