trainee5's blog

THE GIST of Editorial for UPSC Exams : 19 October 2020 Data insecurity (Indian Express)

Data insecurity (Indian Express)

Mains Paper 2: International 
Prelims level: Cyber Security
Mains level: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests


  • A report recently revealed how a Shenzhen-based big data firm, with links to the Chinese government, is systematically tracking over 10,000 prominent Indian citizens.
  • Following so, the government, on Wednesday, set up an expert committee under the National Cyber Security Coordinator to examine the revelations and the broader implications of digital surveillance on the privacy and personal data of Indian citizens.

Data being compromised:

  • Considering that the concerns over data security that lie at the heart of this investigation are also in line with apprehensions that led to the Indian government’s decision to ban Chinese apps, this is a welcome development.
  • These issues need to be addressed. However, this is not a specifically Indian concern.
  • US President’s stance on TikTok underlines growing concerns across the world, over personal data being compromised and finding its way into jurisdictions over which there is no control.
  • At the core of these revelations is the worry that in an increasingly digital world, large quantities of seemingly unrelated, innocuous data can be amassed, pieced together, and then deployed for other purposes, with the individual concerned having little or no say over the flow of information.
  • While some may raise questions over the usability of the data, the chances of “actionable intelligence” rise manifold as the quantum of data collected multiplies.
  • The sheer scale, both in terms of width and depth, at which the targeted tracking of Indian citizens is being undertaken — from politicians, to bureaucrats, industrialists and civil society — alludes to the possibility of this threat materialising.
  • In a liberal open democracy, such concerns should be articulated and addressed in a transparent manner.
  • The necessary regulation to protect individual rights can be framed after consulting all stakeholders and accountability must be assigned.

Data surveillance:

  • While the issue has been raised with Beijing, the government must frame a strategy to deal with the issue of data surveillance at multiple levels.
  • To begin with, norms of cyber hygiene — enforcing strict protocols on what information key government functionaries can share on social media platforms — could be enforced.
  • Careful thought must go into building the institutional capacity required to pre-empt disinformation campaigns which the collected information could be deployed for.
  • After all, the hybrid warfare strategy that incorporates this data seeks to do just that, to create social discord, discredit leadership and undermine institutions.
  • Equally urgent is the task of putting in place a robust personal data protection framework with explicit provisions for seeking consent on data sharing and for examining and monitoring flow of information to third parties.


  • Committee to examine digital surveillance is a welcome first step. A robust personal data protection framework is needed.

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Prelims Questions:

Q.1)With reference to the Himalayan Day, consider the following statements:
1. It is celebrated on the 9th of September every year so as to sensitize the people on the importance of this fragile ecosystem as also to highlight the various issues concerning it.
2. Himalayan Day was first observed in Sikkim in 2010.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: A

Mains Questions:

Q.1)Describe the need for Cyber Security Framework. What are the challenges in India’s Cyber Security approach? Also discuss about the Indian Laws and Government Initiatives and their significance relating to Cyber Security approach.

FREE E-book: Right to Information and Good Governance by Prof. Sairam Bhat, IIT Madras


FREE E-book: Right to Information and Good Governance by Prof. Sairam Bhat, IIT Madras

  • Medium: English

  • E-BOOK NAME : Right to Information and Good Governance by Prof. Sairam Bhat PDF Download

  • Total Pages: 804+


  • Hosting Charges: FREE (Limited Time Offer)

  • File Type: PDF File Download Link via Email


Week 1

1 Introduction to Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance - Part 01 1
2 Introduction to Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance - Part 02 10
3 India's Progress In Ensuring Transparency and Accountability 25
4 RTI and its contribution in strengthening Transparency and International Perspective on RTI Law 44
5 hronology of State RTI Laws in India and major Landmarks in RTI Journey 58
6 Chronology of State RTI Laws in India and major Landmarks in RTI Journey 71
7 Constituional and judicial perspective on RTI 82
8 Judical Activism and RTI 101
9 Judical Precedents, Reasonalbe Restricitions and Comparative perspective on RTI 121
10 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges 149

Week  2

11 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -II 154
12 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -III 157
13 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -IV 159
14 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -V 162
15 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -VI 166

Week 3

16 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -VII 169
17 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -VIII 171
18 Legislating the Right to Information: Background and Challenges -IX 173
19 Salient Features of the RTI Act -I 178
20 Salient Features of the RTI Act -II 188

Week 4

21 Salient Features of the RTI Act -III 198
22 Salient Features of the RTI Act -IV 212
23 Salient Features of the RTI Act -V 228
24 Salient Features of the RTI Act -VI 253

Week 5​​​​​​​

25 Salient Features of the RTI Act -VII 268
26 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Information Commissioner -I 272
27 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Information Commissioner -II 286
28 The Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Information Commissioner -III 300

Week 6​​​​​​​

29 Public Information Officers, Appeal & Internal Office Management for effective RTI Management system -I 303
30 Public Information Officers, Appeal & Internal Office Management for effective RTI Management system -II 315
31 Public Information Officers, Appeal & Internal Office Management for effective RTI Management system -III 343
32 Public Information Officers, Appeal & Internal Office Management for effective RTI Management system -IV 365

Week 7​​​​​​​

33 Public Authority - I 383
34 Public Authority - II 391
35 Public Authority - III 397
36 Public Authority - IV 405

Week 8​​​​​​​

37 Public Authority - V 410
38 Public Authority - VI 414
39 Public Authority - VII 421
40 Public Authority - VIII 424
41 Public Authority - IX 430

Week 9​​​​​​​

42 Public Authority - X 433
43 Public Authority - XI 440
44 Public Authority - XII 445
45 Public Authority - XIII 451
46 Public Authority - XIV 454

Week 10​​​​​​​

47 Exempted Information - I 479
48 Exempted Information - II 490
49 Exempted Information - III 493
50 Exempted Information - IV 506
51 Exempted Information - V 508

Week 11

52 Exempted Information - VI 512
53 Exempted Information - VII 516
54 Exempted Information - VIII 520
55 Exempted Information - IX 529
56 Exempted Information - X 535
57 Exempted Information - XI 539
58 Information Commissions under the RTI Act - I 551
59 Information Commissions under the RTI Act - II 566
60 Information Commissions under the RTI Act - III 570
61 Information Commissions under the RTI Act - IV 589
62 Information Commissions under the RTI Act - V 598

 Week 12

63 Role of NGOs and Right to Information Act 608
64 RTI Act and Political Parties - I 622
65 RTI Act and Political Parties - II 636
66 Official Secrets Act & RTI 645
67 Whistleblowers Protection Act and Right to Information - I 662
68 Whistleblowers Protection Act and Right to Information - II 674
69 Whistleblowers Protection Act and Right to Information - III 687
70 Comparative Perspective on RTI Law - I 698
71 Comparative Perspective on RTI Law - II 717
72 Ecological Perspective of Right to Information 728
73 Victimization & Misuse of Right to Information 751
74 Landmark Judgements Under the RTI Act - I 767
75 Landmark Judgements Under the RTI Act - II 775

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FREE E-book:Introduction to Sociology by Dr. Sambit Mallick, IIT Guwahati


FREE E-book:Introduction to Sociology by Dr. Sambit Mallick, IIT Guwahati

  • Medium: English

  • E-BOOK NAME : Introduction to Sociology by Dr. Sambit Mallick PDF Download

  • Total Pages: 112+


  • Hosting Charges: FREE (Limited Time Offer)

  • File Type: PDF File Download Link via Email


Introduction to Sociology

  • Origin of Sociology as a Discipline
  • Sociological Methods
  • The Individual and Society
  • Institution, Community and Association
  • Culture
  • The Sociology of Anomie: Conformity and Deviance


  • Education
  • Religion
  • Religion and Significant Social Factors
  • Family, Marriage and Kinship – Part I
  • Family, Marriage and Kinship – Part II
  • Family, Marriage and Kinship – Part III

Social Structure and Social Change

  • Social Structure and Social Change: Basic Concepts
  • Social Differentiation and Social Stratification
  • Theoretical Perspectives on Social Stratification
  • Systems of Stratification
  • Factors of Social Change
  • Rural-Urban Continuum: Meaning and Context

Socialization and Social Control

  • Socialization: Part I
  • Socialization: Part II
  • Social Control
  • Social Roles and Identity

Social Issues

  • Caste System in India
  • Race and Ethnicity
  • Religion and Society
  • Education and Society
  • Gender
  • Social Class

Social Protests and Social Movements

  • Social Protests and Social Movements: An Overview
  • Social Movements: Causes and Stages
  • Theories of Social Movements
  • Social Movements in India – Part I
  • Social Movements in India – Part II
  • Identity Formation

Key Thinkers

  • Sociological Theories: An Overview
  • Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer
  • Emile Durkheim and Max Weber
  • Karl Marx
  • Georg Simmel, Thorstein Veblen and Karl Mannheim
  • Feminism and Sociological Theory

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