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(Success Story) Smart Work to Clear UPSC – Ashish Kumar's Strategy (AIR-53)

(Success Story) Smart Work to Clear UPSC – Ashish Kumar's Strategy (AIR-53)

Ashish Kumar secured an all India rank of 53 on his second attempt in the UPSC Civil Services Examination 2019. His father is a manager in a tea garden in Darjeeling, West Bengal, whereas his mother is a housewife. He did his schooling in the picturesque town of Kurseong itself. For his graduation in Economics, he chose Shahid Bhagat Singh college under Delhi University. Ever since graduating in May 2016, he has been working towards his goal of getting into the prestigious Civil Services. He took his first attempt at UPSC Civil Services Examination in 2018.

Success Story Of IAS Topper Ashish Kumar | IAS Success Story: असफल हुए पर  नहीं मानी हार, गलतियों को सुधार यूं बनें IAS, आशीष कुमार

Ashish Kumar, AIR-53, UPSC CSE 2019

Mistakes Made

During his first attempt, he prepared from Delhi. However, in his second attempt, he came back home for the last 8-9 months of his preparation. In his first attempt, he could not clear his prelims. He blames it on his strategy of trying to cover as many sources as he could find. He also had not analysed the upsc previous year's question papers. He did not find time to revise properly either.

In his second attempt, he refined his strategy. He chose a single book for each subject. Looking through previous years' question papers, he realised UPSC asks questions based on basic concepts. The key is understanding the concept and applying them. He cleared his prelims with a 115-116 score, leaps and bounds more than the cut-off for 2019, which was a mere 98.


Ashish followed the integrated preparation strategy for both prelims and mains. Despite being from an Economics background, his optional for upsc mains was History. This allowed him to cover a large portion of General Studies Paper-I during his optional preparation itself. He recommends Spectrum as a source for History, along with NCERT Books. Similarly, for Geography he referred to the class 11 and 12 NCERT books. For Art and Culture, he referred to Nitin Singhania’s Book and revised it multiple times. Society is the last section in GS-I and Ashish followed the Society NCERT books, and acquired some information from the internet to complete his notes.

For Polity in GS-II, he referred to what is known as the bible of UPSC Polity, Laxmikanth. Like all other successful aspirants, he made crisp notes and kept revising them. Another aspect of GS-II is Governance, and he picked up notes on it from the market. For International Relations, he looked at all major countries with relations to India and made his study notes. Any pending topic he made his notes again. He relied completely on the internet for this section of the GS-II paper.

For GS-III, the first topic in Economics. Since Ashish’s graduation was in Economics, he already had notes and background knowledge. For the Agriculture portion, he made notes from the internet and kept examples for each.

For internal security and disaster management, he picked up popular notes from the market and added on to it from the internet to prepare his notes

.For GS-IV Ethics, Ashish wrote notes on each topic, by looking up definitions on the internet. He also noted examples from his own life. He concentrated on finding ways in which the values can be integrated into administration and used these ways in his Case Studies to enrich his answers.

For his optional, Ashish took IGNOU notes, along with the standard books. He made his notes for everything and insists that those notes helped him revise multiple times, and helped his high scores.


Interview :

Ashish says he had a very standard set of interview questions. Given his background in Economics, most questions asked to him were from that background. He had mentioned Football as a hobby in his DAF and had to tackle quite a few questions related to it, like why is the game more popular in Eastern India, and as an administrator, how would he want to promote the game. These were questions he had already given a few thoughts before his interview.

Ashish advises aspirants to prepare for personality-based questions as well. He was asked to share a few of the values he has inculcated into his daily lives, and then in details about how and when he picked them up, and how they’ll help him as an administrator. He was also asked about tea production given his father manages a tea garden. He was also asked a few stress questions, and he calmly tackled them. For the whole 40 minutes, he remained calm and tried to showcase his analytical skills.

Ashish’s Dream

Ashish hopes to work in the field of education and improve primary education. He is hoping to get posted to his home state, but even if he isn’t, he will find the best way to help those in his district one way or another.



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(Download) UPSC IAS Mains Exam 2021 - English Compulsory

(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 English Compulsory

Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2021 English Compulsory
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours

Year : 2021

1. Write an essay in about 600 words on any one of the following topics : 100 

(a) Social Media : A Challenge to Societal Harmony 
(b) The Role of NGOs in Social Change 
(c) Education as a Means to Serve Humanity 
(d) The Crying Need for Embracing Minimalism 

2. Read the passage given below carefully and write your answers to the questions that follow in clear, correct and concise language : 15x5=75 

Life on planet earth has been possible for millions of years largely because of certain basic services associated with the biosphere. Important among these are : Climate and radiation regulation; Microbial transformations and decomposition; Biological diversity; and Opportunities for sustainable advances in biological productivity. 

We now find ourselves in a state where these essential services are in jeopardy, largely as a result of human induced damage to the basic life support systems of land, water, flora, fauna and the atmosphere. Symptoms of an impending and general breakdown of the life support and ecological systems are already here. Some of these are mounting population growth; vanishing source of drinking water; vanishing forests, plants and animal biodiversity; intensifying drought and floods; loss of grazing lands; growing degradation of fertile land and desertification; deterioration of the quality of air and water; accumulation of toxic and non-biodegradable wastes in the biosphere; explosive growth of rural and urban unemployment and mushrooming of urban slums. It is the poor and the marginalized urban and rural people who are suffering most from such environmental breakdown. 

The threats to climate change and radiation regulation are receiving the most prominent public attention largely because of all-pervasive nature of their potential harmful impact. “Our Common Future” the report of the World Commi Environment and Development by the United Nations is indicative that ecologically the fates of people whether rich or poor everywhere are interwined. Recent reports on the state of the world paint a frightening picture of the rapid depletion of the world's natural resources coupled with rising social and economic problems. They reflect the widespread frustration about the inability of current approaches to solve the interlinked problems of environment and development and call for major changes in the way people think, use the finite resources of earth and programme their development. Developing countries like ours are faced with the urgent need for accelerating economic growth in a manner that the poor become the main beneficiaries and not the rich. We should also avoid proceeding on those developmental paths where environmental costs are high and the developmental activities cannot be sustained for long. The new paradigm of development should promote economic activities and life-styles based on the concept of “man with nature” and not “man against nature”. 
Today, we are passing through an era of global change whether it is in politics. or economics. Inequity in the resource distribution and consumption between the developed and the developing nations of world has become most apparent. The earth is undergoing drastic climatic changes. The last few years have been the warmest ones ever recorded. The heat trap works differently in different latitudes and altitudes having a tremendous effect on major crops like wheat. The protective ozone layer is being slowly damaged giving rise to medical problems for human beings and affecting several plants and their yield, animals and their behaviour Though the causes of pollution of our soils, lakes and vegetation are different, the effect is the same. Mercilessly everyday pristine wild habitats are being destroyed. Nearly half of our country is tilled for agriculture and only 11 per cent of the land area has to bear the brunt of growing population, housing, roads and factories and its “carrying capacity” is under severe stress. 
The dreaded nuclear autumn or nuclear winter is a potential threat to the environment which might result in large scale habitat destruction, species extinction, air pollution, toxic chemicals, acid rain, ozone depletion etc. A nuclear non proliferation movement with abolition of nuclear weapons, has to be spearheaded enthusiatically. 

Experts have predicted that serious food shortages could occur during this decade. Such a prognosis is based on three major factors – Soil erosion; Unsustainable utilization of groundwater; and Deforestation. They are together reducing the global potential for food production by nearly 14 million tonnes each year. New technologies, including biotechnology, are unlikely to help in achieving a quantum jump in productivity improvement at least during this decade. Due to the continuing damage to the ecological foundations of stable and sustainable agriculture, land degradation and water depletion ecological access to food may become the most important food security challenge of the 21st century. 

(a) According to the passage what are the factors responsible for the evolution of life on earth ? 
(b) What does the author mean by environmental breakdown ? What are its  impacts ? 
(c) What suggestions does the author offer to balance environment, development and inequity in consumption ? 
(d) How is life on earth being affected by climate change as per the passage ? 
(e) How is environmental breakdown related to probable food shortage ? 15 

3. Make a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its length. Do not give a title to it. The précis should be written in your own language : 75 

Recent decades have witnessed an upsurge of literature on Indians settled abroad. Mainly three types of writings can be distinguished : historical, diplomatic and anthropological. The historical works provide an account of the phases of emigration of Indians and their early life situations in foreign lands. The diplomatic works read like country reports on the status and problems of Indians beyond seas. The anthropological works are in the nature of ethnographic accounts with their accent on cultural continuity and change. 
Varieties of writings apart, the existing literature shares three notable features in common. One, much of it is in the form of country-specific profiles. Cross-country comparisons are few and far between. Two, most of it is descriptive, with analytical ideas and imaginative hypotheses in short supply. Three, for most part, it tends to project the problem in colonial perspective. 
There are broadly two ways in which the problem of Indians abroad has been looked at: the colonial and the nationalist. The colonial way maintains that Indians went abroad driven by their domestic economic compulsions, or greed or avarice; that they were 'heathens', lazy, cunning and quarrelsome; that they tended to cling tenaciously to their culture in order to make up for the loss on economic front or to cope with their status loss on the social front; that they were so carried away by their desire to grab wealth and power that they had no compunction at throwing the natives out of employment and power in the latter's own lands; and, that their difficulties in foreign countries were largely of their own making. All this is clearly indicative of the way colonialists and their ideologues look at the problem and would have us look at it. 
As against this, the nationalist way contends that in most cases Indians did not go abroad on their own, but were indeed taken, taken under various arrangements as instruments of colonial domination; that they were not led by their own predatory instincts, instead they were lured and duped by colonial designs; that they did not plunder the country they went to, instead they served its development needs and worked hard to better the lot of its residents; that they were not lazy but industrious, not cunning but thrifty, not indolent but enterprising; that they had been tolerated only as long as they were prepared to play second fiddle to the natives, but once they began to assert their rights they were pushed out; and, that their difficulties in foreign lands were not of their own making, but of the making of neo-colonial powers which keep playing political games in the Third World countries. 
In the study of Indians abroad it is the functionalist orientation that predominates. This is evident from the fact that the existing literature is preoccupied with the question of the cultural identity and integration, to the relative neglect of the question of class and power. It is a pity that no systematic attempt has been made to look at the problem in terms of other perspectives. 
Indians are not the only people who have ventured out of their homeland in such vast numbers. Their number looks small when compared to overseas Chinese and overseas British. Their relatively lesser numbers notwithstanding, Indians form large enough numbers outside India and significant enough groups in several countries to merit serious research attention as well as civil concern. 
Spread over most parts of the world, Indians are found more in some regions than in others. They are concentrated in South, Southeast and Southwest Asia, in South Africa and East Africa, in Western Europe, North America and the Caribbean. Taking 1,500 as the minimum figure, overseas Indians are found in as many as 53 countries. They form a majority in at least three foreign countries : Mauritius (74 percent), Fiji (49 percent) and Guyana (53 percent). They are close to majority in Trinidad and Tobago where they are 40 percent as against 43 percent of the blacks. 
In respect of their regional derivations and settlements there are noticeable some broad interesting patterns. There is a preponderance of South Indians, particularly Tamils, in South and Southeast Asia and South Africa, of East Indians in West Indies, of Punjabis and Gujaratis in Africa, Europe and North America. This is not to underestimate the presence of Indians of other regional origins in these parts of the world, but just to indicate that there are some perceptible regional linkages between the regions of origin and of settlement. (745 words) 

4.(a) Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections. Do not make unnecessary changes in the original sentence : 1x10=10 

(i) My sister prefers dogs than cats. 
(ii) I don't approve to your smoking in public. 
(iii) One of my student has got the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship this year. 
(iv) The fresher the fruit, the best it tastes. 
(v) He questioned my motif behind meeting the director. 
(vi) The director went and bidded goodbye to the composer. 
(vii) His acceptance of your fancy story indicates his credible nature. 
(viii) Are you invited for the office party? 
(ix) When I will reach home, I will let you know the details of the event. 
(x) The University comprises of several Departments. 

4.(b) Supply the missing words : 1x5=5 

(i) The homestay provides its guests____________all the facilities. 
(ii) At last, I got rid____________my old scooter. 
(iii) All my expenses were paid____________by the office. 
(iv) A waiter is a person who waits ____________customers at a restaurant. 
(v) The company entered____________an agreement with the supplier. 

4.(c) Use the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets : 1x5=5 

(i) My goodness, someone____________ away my phone and left his in its place by mistake. (Take) 
(ii) If you ____________in time, I'll leave without you. (Reach) 
(iii) I____________the rules of grammar these days. (Learn) 
(iv) I used to have a pair of binoculars, but I____________it yesterday because I needed money. (Pawn) 
(v) The decision____________before I joined the meeting. (Make) 

4.(d) Write the antonyms of the following: 1x5=5 

(i) Guilty 
(ii) Impoverish 
(iii) Approve 
(iv) Eligible 
(v) Scarce 

5.(a) Rewrite the following sentences as directed without changing the meaning : 1x10=10 

(i) Has anyone ever hypnotized you ? (Change into passive voice) 
(ii) The judge said to the witness, “Were you present at the scene of crime ?” (Change into indirect speech) 
(iii) He does not love his daughter. He does not love his wife either. (Join the sentences into one by using ‘neither – nor') 
(iv) Much though I wanted, I could not reach her. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘however') 
(v) As soon as the concert ended, it began to rain. (Replace ‘as soon as' with ‘hardly', making other suitable changes) 
(vi) As the bus to the airport was late, we could not catch the plane. (Begin the sentence with – ‘Had the bus .... not') 
(vii) He was so nervous that he could not perform well in the interview. (Use 'too – to' combination) 
(viii) I have never kept a pet as I don't enjoy their company. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'since') 
(ix) They will enjoy the programme, ? (Add a question tag) 
(x) If you are going out take an umbrella as it is cloudy today. (Rewrite the sentence beginning with 'It being –’) 

5.(b) Use the following words to make sentences that bring out their meaning clearly. Do not change the form of the words. (No marks will be given for vague and ambiguous sentences) : 1x555 

(i) Philanthropist 
(ii) Temperamental 
(iii) Sarcastically 
(iv) Devise 
(v) Preclude 

5.(c) Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blanks : 1x5=5 

(i) The man had a guilty____________so he turned himself in. (conscience / conscious) 
(ii) I used my____________to help my neighbour. (discretion / discrimination) 
(iii) The train has been ____________for an hour. (stationary / stationery) 
(iv) A ____________of shoppers crowded the market after the lockdown was lifted. (hoard / horde) 
(v) My experiences in the alien place were____________due to issues of food and language. (climactic / climatic) 

5.(d) Use the following idioms / phrases in sentences of your own to bring out their meaning clearly : 1x5=5 

(i) Length and breadth 
(ii) Rank and file 
(iii) A thorn in the flesh 
(iv) Move heaven and earth 
(v) Step into someone's shoes


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(E-Book) UPSC MAINS English (Compulsory) Question Papers (2009-2020) PDF




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(Success Story) Topper's Strategy - The Story Of Himanshu Jain (AIR-4)

(Success Story) Topper's Strategy - The Story Of Himanshu Jain (AIR-4)

Himanshu Jain has secured the coveted all India rank 4 in UPSC Civil Services Examination, 2019. A native of Haryana, he has done his schooling till the 8th standard from in his hometown. For his 9th to 12th grades, he moved to Delhi. He did his graduation in Economics (Hons.) from Hansraj College in Delhi. Immediately after his graduation, he started pursuing his passion for public service. He took his first attempt at UPSC Civil Services Pre Exam in 2018. Unfortunately, he could not clear prelims. He started again, corrected his mistakes, and managed this astounding rank in his 2019 attempt.

Himanshu Jain, AIR-4, UPSC CSE 2019

His UPSC Strategy

Himanshu, like many upsc toppers before him, has some very basic but specific advice for aspirants.

Limited Resources, Indefinite Revisions

Himanshu calls this the mantra of his preparation. He kept his resources as limited as possible, studying only what is absolutely needed to cover the entire upsc syllabus. And he revised all of it as many times as he could. Only when you revise multiple times do you retain the information. And only by retaining the information can you pen it down on your answer scripts.

Mains Is The Key

The most effort of the UPSC preparation goes into preparing for the upsc mains exam as that is what will decide your ranks. Preparation for every subject and topic should be mains oriented as that would automatically cover all things prelims. Himanshu started his prelim specific preparation cum revision 50 days before the Preliminary Examination. He claims that is enough to cover all things prelims.

Basic Resources

Himanshu relied on government texts, namely NCERT books from standards 6 to 12, for developing the basic structure of his preparation. He recommends everyone should read them. Other than that, he picked up one book for each subject such as Laxmikanth for Polity, Spectrum for History, and all other standard books as suggested by toppers year after year.

Additional Resources

Himanshu heavily relied on texts and reports published on government websites such as PIB to get hold of his facts and actual figures. For current affairs, he preferred newspapers and these websites over monthly magazines. One must read newspapers consistently to develop analytical reasoning prowess.

Study Time

Himanshu believes 6 to 8 hours of study is good enough for him. However, he asks you to mold your strategy as per your ability and comfort. For Himanshu, studying 4-6 hours in the morning-noon time and perhaps another additional 2 hours in the evenings proved to be good enough.

General Studies

The first tip Himanshi has for General Studies Preparation is picking up each topic/phrase mentioned in the syllabus and note down all static and current information you find each day under the given topic. For example, Himanshu based his General Studies Paper-II (Polity) answer writing around debates on Rajya Sabha TV and the static information around it. Google is your friend. Note terms in the news and write down short notes on each.

Message To Students

Eat well, sleep well, stress less – 

that’s the main message Himanshu has. Don’t listen to a million voices, listen to teachers or to people who have already taken this journey, and use their advice in a manner that fits your personality. Keep your personal affairs aside for now. They will resolve themselves once your target has been achieved. 

best of luck!



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(Success Story) History Optional Strategy By Madhumita AIR-86 

(Success Story) History Optional Strategy By Madhumita AIR-86 

हरियाणा की बेटी मधुमिता ने UPSC परीक्षा में हासिल किया 86वां रैंक, दो बार  होना पड़ा था निराश - haryana daughter madhumita achieved 86th rank in upsc  exam

Madhumita, AIR-86 UPSC CSE 2019, With Her Parents

Madhumita has secured an all India rank of 86 in her UPSC Civil Services Examination 2019 attempt. She awards a lot of the credit to her high scores to her choice of optional, which was History. Hailing from Panipat of Haryana, this was Madhumita’s 3rd attempt. In her first attempt in 2017, she was unable to clear her mains exam. In her second attempt in 2018, she, unfortunately, could not clear prelims. But the faith her family had in her helped Madhumita to keep trying till in 2019 she finally made her dream come true.



Strategy: History UPSC Mains Optional Paper-1

Buy A History of Medieval India Book Online at Low Prices in India | A  History of Medieval India Reviews & Ratings - Amazon.inPaper-I consists of Ancient and Medieval Indian History. Madhumita had already decided that outside of the compulsory Map question, for Section-A (Ancient History), she would only attempt one question. Thus, she prioritised her preparation strategically and studied only the topics most likely to be asked by UPSC.
Madhumita relied heavily on the Self-Study, History websites, History Optional Books,, and Coaching History optional material for her map preparation. The exact locations and descriptions for sites were all available in these materials combined and Madhumita was able to answer 19/20 of the questions, with at least 16 of them being surely correct, in her exam paper. Madhumita also found 3 questions from the topics she had prepared selectively for ancient History.
For medieval History, Madhumita had referred to the 2 books by Satish Chandra and had made notes from them. She had revised these notes extensively multiple times. 

Strategy: History UPSC Mains Optional Paper-2

This paper is divided into 3 parts – Modern Indian History, World History, and Post Independence. Madhumita had looked up history mains previous years' question papers and decided that post-independence History was not a topic that fetches many questions that she can answer well. Which is why she limited her scope to reading study notes. She ended up not answering any questions from this section in her exam.

For Modern Indian History, she made her own notes from the book From Plassey to Partition, and she revised these notes multiple times. She also used her notes from her General Studies coaching classes. As this section largely overlaps with the General Studies syllabus, Madhumita did not have to put much effort separately for this section. 

World History was the section that interested Madhumita most. Having analysed the previous year’s papers, she had realised that with the right strategy, this can be a highly scoring section. Madhumita suggests 2 books for this – Jain and Mathur, which in itself is sufficient, and Norman Lowe.History of modern world by jain & Mathur: Electronics

UPSC Mains History Optional Study Notes

Notes Making And Answer Writing

Madhumita believes that it was answer writing where she was lacking in her first attempt. She rectified this immensely this year. She made all her own notes and enrolled in a test series for objective evaluation and she believes it helped her secure the rank that she did. She also used answers by previous toppers to structure her answers. She highly recommends comparing your own answers to these sheets to better understand where you are lacking. Also, a good test series is paramount for ensuring a decent preparation for your optional.

Message for UPSC Aspirants

Be optimistic and keep up the hard work. That is the best advice one can give you is all Madhumita has to say to aspirants.



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(Success Story) UPSC Journey With Commerce Optional Muskan Jindal's AIR-87

(Success Story) UPSC Journey With Commerce Optional Muskan Jindal's  AIR-87

Muskan Jindal is one of those rare first-time toppers. UPSC Civil Services Exam 2019 was her first time sitting for this exam, and she managed to blow it out of the park and secure an all India rank of 87. Muskan has wanted to be a public servant her entire life. A big believer in work-life balance, Muskan never compromised on her social life for the exam. She believed that she would only be able to give this exam the best of her 2-3 years or preparation if she kept her social life going.

Minimum Resources, Maximum Revision and Practice

Muskan kept her resources as limited as possible and kept on revising and taking mock tests. For prelims, for the last two months before the upsc preliminary examination, Muskan opted for prelims only preparation. Otherwise, like most toppers, Muskan did her mains and prelims preparation in an integrated manner. She even wrote answers from previous years’ mains questions as practice starting from the very beginning of her preparation. She had also joined a mains test series, but she could only take 2-3 tests for each paper as she had joined pretty late, after her prelims exam.

Simplify Your Preparation

Muskan kept her preparation strategies simple. For example, she would read either the The Hindu or the Indian Express every day, and then use monthly compilations for thorough revision. Before the prelims, she used the yearly compilations published by portals online to revise further. Muskan didn’t make too many notes. She is one of those rare toppers who prefer rereading the source material repeatedly. She made a few crisp notes to revise the day before exams.

Commerce as the Optional

Many aspirants choose optional based on past year marks. However, Muskan chose hers based on her interests. Since she is from a commerce background, and she had conceptual clarity in the subject, she chose to take it up as her optional. She didn’t go above and beyond with her sources in the spirit of keeping things simple. Instead, she chose to refer to the popular Ranker’s notes on Commerce and Accountancy optional. She claims these notes were enough for her to score in her optional.

Consistency Is the Key

Muskan Jindal, AIR-87, UPSC CSE 2019

Muskan has had the habit of study for long hours every day since her school days. But she balanced it with small batches of personal time every day. In fact, she made a point to sit with her family every night to relax a bit. Every week she would study hard for 6 days, but on Sundays, she made a point of meeting friends or going out for movies. These little pockets of joy helped her recharge and destress enough to go back to studying hard and giving UPSC her 100% every day of every week.

Your Phone Is Your Friend

Muskan had to access her phone when studying. When studying a topic, sometimes certain terms are hard to understand or some issues might require further research. Having your phone by your side allows you to Google these bits of information and add gravity to your preparation. Just keep in mind not to indulge in social media all the time. Keep the distractions to a minimum and allot a little time of the day too them. Starving yourself doesn’t help your cause.

Message For Aspirants

Muskan Jindal From Himachal Ranked 87 in UPSC 2019

Stress does not help you. Fear pulls you back. Muskan realised soon enough that not everything in life can be controlled. Instead, if you give something you truly want your 100% effort, one way or the other you will find success. And this is the exact message she wants to leave aspirants with while wishing them the best of luck.



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(Success Story) Clearing UPSC in First Attempt with Sociology Optional - Pratyush Pandey (AIR-21)

(Success Story) Clearing UPSC in First Attempt with Sociology Optional - Pratyush Pandey (AIR-21)

24-year old Pratyush Pandey, an alumnus of IIT-Kanpur and IIM-Ahmedabad, has secured rank 21 in his very first attempt in UPSC Civil Services Examination in 2019. Despite his engineering background, Pratyush’s choice of optional has been sociology. Recently, Pratyush has discussed in detail his strategy with Sociology optional and in this article, we bring to you a simple strategy which an aspirant from any educational background may use to score excellent marks in Sociology optional in UPSC Civil Services Examination. 

How To Choose Your Optional

Pratyush admits that he struggled with choosing his optional. As an engineer and a management trainee, he struggled with choosing subjects such as Civil Engineering, Mathematics, and even Philosophy due to a vested interest. But ultimately, he went with sociology as his optional as the subject was not only interesting, but he also could easily find resources for it.

Preparation Strategy

For Sociology, one of the perks is that the content is very aligned to the General Studies syllabus. The answer writing pattern is also very similar. The only separate potion is that of the thinkers. However, there are plenty of books available in the market to help you through with it. There are also IGNOU notes available. Pratyush used notes by a previous year’s topper.

Knowing your thinkers is half the battle won for Sociology as these are the concepts that you will use and reuse throughout the paper. You just need to understand where to use them and how. The trick is to understand how to emphasize the right points to make your answer come off as more sociological than general. Pratyush mentions the key difference – a general answer is about what you think; sociology is about what thinkers think about the same thing.

How To Remember All Thinkers

Pratyush asks you to start by studying the top 6 thinkers – Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Talcott Parsons, Max Weber, Herbert Mead, and Robert Merton. Once you learn them by heart, you’ll notice everyone else is a derivation of their original thoughts or that you can almost fit any topic under the sky into one of their thoughts. Based on the demand of the question, you mix and match the same 



How To Write Answers

Pratyush developed a common structure for his answers so that he could think quicker and write faster. He would begin with a simple introduction which would be a definition related to the question. You follow this up with the concept i.e. you talk directly about the thinker’s philosophy about the topic at hand. Unless there is a mention of a thinker in the question, mention 3 or 4 of them at least. Understand the demand of the question’s keywords such as ‘Discuss’, ‘Analyze’, ‘Criticize’, etc. before answering. End with one of the few different pre-prepared conclusion.

Use Current Affairs

As far as possible, relate the examples of positive or negative aspects of the topic to current affairs. Everything you read in the news can be used as an example in Sociology. Follow a functional approach when trying to discuss any issue.

Pratyush’s Message To Aspirants

No matter what optional subject you choose, what matters I how thoroughly you follow through with your preparation. As the yearly analysis will show, no one optional has an upper hand in UPSC. It is how well you study and how well you present your answers that will make sure your score well. And that comes with revision and practice alone. Besides, optional is not the end of the road. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and conquer this journey.

Best of Luck.



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