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(Getting Started) UPSC Prelims Strategy by Chirag Jain AIR-160

(Getting Started) UPSC Prelims Strategy by Chirag Jain AIR-160

Chirag Jain is one of the toppers of the prestigious UPSC Civil Services Examination of 2019. He is a  native of Bharatpur, Rajasthan, and a Mechanical Engineer from the National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. 2019 was his 3rd attempt. To date, he has cleared all his prelims attempts, moving on to the interview stage twice. He has also worked in Tata Motors, Pune before finally achieving his long set dream of becoming a Civil Servant. Currently, he is training as an Indian Police Service officer with the U.P. cadre.

Study Sources

Like most toppers over the years, Chirag is a firm believer in the practice of “minimum sources, maximum revision”. He kept his sources simple and tried to revise them as many times as he could manage. Here is a list of his subject wise sources –


Other than Laxmikanth, Chirag prepared notes for all other subjects. For Laxmikanth he highlighted the important parts. Especially for Current Affairs, Chirag made notes specific to prelims requirements after his second round of revision. 

The trick to understanding what to write in your notes; it is important to solve Previous Years’ Papers. Once you get the hang of it, you will understand clearly what to include in your notes and what to leave behind. You DO NOT want to INCLUDE UNNECESSARY DETAILS in your notes.



Revision is key to success in UPSC Civil Services Exams, and even more so in the prelims stage. Chirag was devoted to multiple revisions. He ensured that he revised the static portion at least 4 times. This ensured that any question that was asked from material he has read, he was able to answer correctly. He kept revising the evolving current affairs along the way as well.

Test Series Practice

Chirag had solved 2 test series. For his first attempt, he had taken 60+ mocks, 30+ for his second attempt; however, in this attempt, he only had time for some 10 mock tests. But he strongly recommends solving as many as you can.

Hindi–Tips to Fill OMR Sheet| Engineering

While attempting the paper, keep in mind the job is not just checking scores. The more important part is analyzing your strengths and weaknesses. This way, you can improve on the topics you are unable to answer properly while revising the ones you are already good at. Mocks also allow you to judge your accuracy properly. This will allow you to decide your number of attempts.

Chirag used to analyze his mocks twice. The first time, he would identify the topics he answered correctly. In his second iteration, he would mark the topics he got wrong and go back to revising them. During the test, he would mark the topics he did not know about, and immediately afterward, he would ensure he read up on them. This also helped his revision.

Exam Attempts

The first thing Chirag suggests doing is going through the paper, answering all the questions you know accurate answers to. In all his 3 attempts, Chirag has never crossed the 55 question mark on this iteration. In the same iteration, he would also mark the ones he had half-knowledge of.

This was followed by another parsing of the paper, this time using elimination techniques. On those that he marked for the later attempt, he would eliminate 2 options, and in the remaining 2, use his intuition and make an informed guess.

Also, DO NOT LEAVE MARKING THE OMR SHEET FOR THE END. If you run out of time and cannot mark answers, you will lose out on the exam.

Message To IAS Aspirants

UPSC wants govt to remove mandatory aptitude test from civil service exam

Do not give up. Many have only cleared their prelims at the 5th and final attempt and made it through to the final list. 

Keep trying and you will succeed. Best of luck!


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(Success Story) UPSC 2021 TOPPER, AIR-14 Abhinav J Jain Share Strategy UPSC Exams

(Success Story) UPSC 2021 TOPPER, AIR-14 Abhinav J Jain Share Strategy UPSC Exams

Abhinav Jain has secured 14th rank in the UPSC Civil Services Examination, 2021. He is a native of Delhi. He appeared in the UPSC exam for the first time in 2017 but didn't qualify. After that, he appeared in the year 2018 and 2019 respectively but again he didn't crack the exam both the times. He didn't give up. Finally in 2021, he secured All India Rank 14th in his fourth attempt. During an interview by The Times of India he said, 

"Civil Services Examination is not just about the time when you are writing the exam, it tests you daily. It tests if a person is following the routine and is keeping up with the race or not”. He further added that “one should never shy away from doing hard work and people should make struggle their best friend".


He completed his graduation in B.Tech from the IIT Kharagpur. After his graduation he started working in the private sector, with ITC Limited. He also worked with Oyo rooms for three years. While working in the private sector his interest developed towards the public sector. In 2017, he quit his job and started preparation for the Civil Services Examination. He took Sociology as his optional subject. In his first attempt he reached up to the interview stage but didn't qualify. In 2018, he didn't qualify the preliminary examination. Again in 2019 he appeared for the interview but missed the final list by one mark. 

Abhinav said, it was a very difficult time for him. He took a break for one year. He worked on his strategy and finally, in 2021 he cracked the exam with flying colours.



Abhinav advised the aspirants not to be scared to commit mistakes while doing the preparation for Civil Services Examination. Problem is that many aspirants are scared to commit mistakes and they want to write perfect answers and write the best essay on day one. They just want to score highest in prelims mocks in the first test. They want to score perfect. If any score is very low as compared to others, stop them in their tracks. This mentality is one of the biggest reasons why aspirants fail often and never see improvement.


Abhinav said to stay consistent, aspirants should stop worrying about the future, and they should focus more on what they can do best today. One hour at a time, one day at a time must be the strategy. Never think of the outcome without putting sincere efforts today. Most of the aspirants have the tendency of getting scared about Prelims papers, mains paper, interview boards and the final result. Never doubt yourself. Self-doubt will kill consistency and fear of failure will kill both consistency and your chances of success in the examination. 


Abhinav said, most of the aspirants usually fear not performing well in test series or in answer writing practice. So, aspirants must prepare their mind to face uncertainties of these things. Even if you failed in the actual exam don't think so much. Always be prepared to face the worst. Every day cannot be smooth. Sometimes you study very well and sometimes you waste the whole day. It’s fine. But no matter what happened in the past, you qualified for the prelims or not. Never quit. Just work on your strategy.

At last Abhinav advised the aspirants, whenever you feel demotivated, just count your blessings. This will instantly make you feel happy and also motivated. Try not to be lost in your thoughts of “what will happen”. Be thankful for what you have and promise yourself to achieve for more.

Abhinav wishes you all the best.



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(Getting Started) Essay Writing in UPSC - The Do's and Don'ts

(Getting Started) Essay Writing in UPSC - The Do's and Don'ts

“I write to find out what I think.”
– Stephen King, American Author

This quote is the first thing you need to keep in mind when preparing for your UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam Essay paper. Only by writing will you ever learn how to score well in this paper. In this article, we will discuss the basic steps you need to follow to write good essays.

Understanding What UPSC Wants From Your Essay

“Candidates may be required to write essays on multiple topics. They will be expected to keep closely to the subject of the essay, to arrange their ideas in an orderly fashion, and to write concisely. Credit will be given for effective and exact expression.”

This is directly picked from what UPSC mentions in its syllabus. The main difference between GS and Essay is in the fact that in GS, you are awarded marks on content alone. For essay, grammar, coherence, language, and presentation is key.

A good starting place is looking at previous years' question papers. They give you an idea of the kind of topics UPSC expects you to write about.


  1. Vocabulary and Grammar

Grammatically correct sentences, with correct spellings, along with better than average vocabulary will give you an edge over the competition. Work on developing these skills from day one.

  1. Subheadings

Subheadings not only make your answer more readable; it helps keep your essay fluid. Unlike in GS, your subheadings must not be titles of your segment, but try and be a little more creative. For example, using 'The Disadvantages Of Social Media' does the job in GS. But in essays, something like 'The Perils Of Social Media' will fetch you brownie points.

  1. Coherence

Keep a flow to your answer. One segment shouldn't appear random after another. Allow the last line of your last paragraph to be a link for the first line of your next paragraph, making the whole essay coherent.

UPSC Mains Essay Papers Download 

  1. Interesting Introduction

You are used to writing either definitions or facts as introductions in GS papers. For essays, you need to make an extra effort. You can start with a relevant quote by a famous personality or either a real-life or fictitious story that adds to the arguments you are about to make.

  1. Substantial Arguments In Body

There should be valid facts and statistics backing your arguments. Remember your opinion does not hold any value till valid arguments are backing it. Use conclusions drawn in government reports or reports by qualified bodies and experts, draw statistics from reports published. They will elevate your answer.

  1. Futuristic and Optimistic Conclusion

And finally, leave the examiner hopeful with your conclusion. Present solutions. You can quote speeches by the prime minister or other government officials and plans and commissions in the process.


  • Focus on multiple dimensions. Do not go overboard on a single dimension or point. All points require similar attention.
  • Remember, what you feel is irrelevant. Only what you can argue with facts is important. Keep opinions that cannot be substantiated to yourself.
  • Do not select topics you were not comfortable writing when practicing. You will not get magically good at it during the exam.
  • Avoid extremes. Even if you have a good point, taking an extreme or unpopular opinion can do more harm than good.
  • Do not dedicate too long a time to one essay that you fall short on the other.

Follow these tips and surely with the right amount of practice, you'll score impressively well in your Essay paper. All the best!


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Current Public Administration Magazine (OCTOBER 2022)

Sample Material of Current Public Administration Magazine

1.Accountability & Responsibility

  • Religions-20: A pioneering initiative in G-20 to build a God-centric value system 

Did God exist? This question bothered the West for centuries. One of the earliest arguments for the existence of God, which Immanuel Kant called “ontology”, was given by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Anselm, in 1078 AD. “Id quo maiuscogitarinequit”, Anselm argued, meaning “there must be that (thing), the greater than which cannot be conceived”. Since God cannot be conceived to be non-existent, he is deemed existent, was Anselm’s ontological argument.

This idea of an “inconceivable” God had led to conflicts over His interpretation, with various Semitic religions drawing daggers at each other. Crusades followed, tempting Napoleon to famously quip that “religious wars are basically people killing each other over who has the better imaginary friend”. It led to the rise of Deism which insisted on having God, but not religion, and

atheism which rejected both God and religion. Receiving French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace’s work, Napoleon asks, “They tell me you have written this large book on the system of the universe, and have never even mentioned its creator.”

But the deists and Enlightenment thinkers wanted a universal God. Spinoza, the17th-century Dutch philosopher, equated God with nature, proclaiming “deussivenatura” (God or Nature). Voltaire, the French philosopher, despite being critical ofthe Catholic church, declared: “Si Dieun’existait pas, ilfaudraitL’inventer” (If Goddid not exist, it would be necessary to invent him). “I shall always ask you if, whenyou have lent your money to someone in your society, you want neither yourdebtor, nor your attorney, nor your judge to believe in God,” he indignantly asked.

God was reason and ethics for the Enlightenment deists. But the medievalunderstanding of an inconceivable God, often jealous, continued. Managers of thosemedieval beliefs became merchants of death. God needed to be rescued. A newenlightenment became the need of the hour. “The need for spiritual guidance hasnever been greater. It is imperative that we double our efforts to spread themessage of good neighbourliness based on our common humanity, a messageshared by all faith traditions,” the United Nations said recently.

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2. Indian Government and Politics

  • Supreme Court on hates peech

In relation to hate speech, the recent direction of the Supreme Court making itincumbent upon the regulatory mechanism to take action is a reflection of thejudicial will to deal with an issue which has been largely missing for the past fewyears. Within the last week, this is the second time that the Supreme Court hasinvoked the constitutional mandate of “fraternity” and “secularism” to ensure thatconstitutional principles govern the basic ethos of societal values.

An important aspect of this direction is that the court can be approached to initiatecontempt action against responsible officials for non-action on hate speech. This isin line with the contempt action which can be taken for violation of the directionsrelating to the rights of the arrestees passed in the celebrated judgment of D KBasu (1997). Most of the directions of D K Basu were introduced in the Code ofCriminal Procedure by way of an amendment, and these directions became

statutory provisions. Non-compliance with the said statutory provisions could nolonger remain a subject of contempt action. There is no doubt that theD K Basulineof statutory regulation is frequently violated. If any victim is able to take up thisissue, they have to start from the Court of the Magistrate.

The non-action of police authorities in initiating criminal action has already takenup a lot of the time of the constitutional courts. The present order on hate speech isalso an outcome of the non-action of police authorities, despite the mandatoryrequirement under the CrPC. There are instances where, when a mob protestedagainst the non-action of the police against hate speech, FIRs were registeredagainst the protestors themselves and they were arrested. In these cases, no actionwas taken against the initial crime. At the same time, there are instances whensimilar crimes of hate speech, coming from a different class of people, are takencognisance of and action is taken quickly. That makes the entire process whimsicaland unequal.

In a 2014 judgment, a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court clarified that theregistration of

FIRwas “mandatory” under the existing law. The direction is of ageneral nature, which should ordinarily attract the contempt jurisdiction ofconstitutional courts. There are instances when the Supreme Court has exercisedits contempt power in relation to other general directions to keep a check on the“rule of law”.

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3. Social Administration

  • Not Hindi or English, the real language question is status of vernacular

India’s linguistic diversity poses two different challenges. The first is the imposition of Hindi as the primary language across the country. This aspiration is resisted by different states. India has historically done well, and did not meet the fate of Sri Lanka, by creating linguistic states, by working out a three-language formula, and by a political culture that, with the exception of old Lohiaites and the BJP, has not pressed hard on the question of a single language. Prime Minister

Narendra Modi’s remarks on English in a recent campaign rally, the controversy over medical education in Hindi and the parliamentary report on promoting Hindi, will give new life to this politics.

But there is another subtler issue that gets overshadowed by the question of “Hindi imposition” — the status of vernacular languages. The anomaly of the Indian language experiment is not the political accommodation given to so many languages. It is that the accommodation comes with a hierarchy. English has been the language of power, at the frontiers of knowledge and access to privilege. The vernacular had become increasingly confined to identity, culture, and a marker of

second-class status. The challenge of Hindi, for example, is not that it might be imposed on the South. That is easy to deal with.

The challenge of Hindi is that inhabiting the world of Hindi is seen as closing offaccess to the frontiers of knowledge, not just in science but in civic knowledge, likehigher echelons of law. It is also treated as a marker of parochialism and inferiorstatus. The problem may be less acute with other languages like Tamil, Kannada orBengali, but it exists. The anomaly of the India experiment is not diversity: It is theclaim that the language of self, identity and culture be different from the languageof knowledge, privilege and access. This is the experiment India is conducting on alarge scale. Is it a sustainable one? Arguably, behind the success of the BJP in NorthIndia is not the desire to impose Hindi. It is the untapped resentment of a Hindiculture that often is made conscious of its own second-class status in globalhierarchies. Millions of vernacular speakers feel disenfranchised in the worlds of knowledge and prestige.

State failure compounds this problem. India’s two-language formula produces asuperficial bilingualism. We may speak two or three languages. But most of uscannot operate at the frontiers of knowledge in two languages. And the teaching ofthe third language is totally wasted. There is so much hand-wringing about theNehruvian state sidelining Indian culture. But the real issue was not that Sanskritwas sidelined. It was that it is taught in a way that even after years in our schoolsystem, those who had passed the exam had no competence in it.

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4. Current Topics

  • Hijab: Point and Counter point

The question was answered by two Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court but, at the end of the day on October 13, there were two Opinions, but no Answer. As a result, MsAishatShifa and MsTehrina Begum, born and raised in a small towncalled Kundapura, district Udupi, Karanataka, are unable to resume their studies inGovernment Pre-University College, Kundapura.

Both students were in the second year. Since the day they had joined the college in the previous year, they had worn the hijab — a scarf that covered the head and neck but left the face visible. The hijab was worn in addition to the prescribed uniform.

On February 3, 2022, they were stopped at the gate and told that they would have to remove the hijab before entering the college. They refused, they were denied entry, and that is where the matter stands eight months later.

A woman wearing the hijab causes no offence to anybody. It is not against public order, decency, morality or health. Irrespective of the religious significance, a woman wearing the hijab is not very different from women in India who cover their head with the pallu of their sari or a duppatta. Men wear turbans. Sikh men cover their heads with a pagari. Many states of India have distinctive headgear worn on special occasions (e.g. the Mysurupeta).

What is the central issue of the controversy? Amidst the screaming headlines, the cacophony on television, the flood of comments, trolls and memes in the social media and the lofty pronouncements of worthy leaders, the central issue has been lost. In my view, the issue boils down to one word: CHOICE.

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5. Indian Administration

  • How the new edict about switching the medium of instruction will make teaching more complicated

In a democracy resting on the first-past-the-post system, an absolute majority in Parliament and/or state assemblies often creates the illusion of absolute power. So, without assembling linguists, trusted advisers and senior doctors for detailed and rational discussions or ensuring the necessary infrastructure to produce well translated and peer-reviewed texts, the Madhya Pradesh government has announced its decision to switch the teaching medium for students of medicine, at all levels, from English to mother tongue, Hindi.

A language has been used to anaesthetise logic and surround the project with a supremacist glory for members of the Party. Applause followed and the social media wing posted comments declaring, “Out English, Out”. But like Lady Macbeth’s infamous spot, English, it appears, cannot be wished away hastily without doing major damage to the process of teaching medicine to

undergraduates, postgraduates and those researching super-speciality fields. Medical education in India today faces a major challenge. We do not lack colleges — if that means buildings.

Medical colleges have grown in number by a third in a decade. But faculties have not. Between 2013-23, according to GOI figures, the number of colleges grew by 36 per cent, and under different kinds of pressure, the undergraduate seats grew by 79 per cent and postgraduate seats by 93 per cent.

Even in the much-applauded 19 AIIMS India now has — two more are set to be set up — teaching faculties are barely above 50 per cent of their required strength. It is no surprise that the Indian Medical Association’s Junior Doctors’ Network has gone on record to say this hasty and politically-motivated decision has resulted in quality being sacrificed for quantity. There was a lack of proper planning and inadequate attention to the creation of infrastructure before the plans were operationalised. That’s why most faculties are today producing underskilled doctors.

The new edict about switching the medium of instruction will certainly make teaching more complicated for those who train the gen-next of doctors for India, given that all of them have been taught in English, conducted their research in that language and published most of their research in English journals. A point not usually noted is that not all of the most skilled and experienced professors of medicine in the Hindi belt are from the Hindi-speaking states.

In introducing such a fundamental — and sudden — change in the teachingmedium for an intricate, ever-evolving science like medicine, the proponents should have kept their focus on people and not directed their energy at promoting a political ideology. This is something that could stoke an emotively charged issue.

Ah, here is a Hindiwali biting the hand that feeds her, some may say. A language, let me remind our honourable policymakers, might appear placid on the surface. But those of us who have spent a lifetime diving into them, know they hide countless eddies and currents. How aware were those who advised the government on this decision that medical texts are full of not just English but also terms from Latin, French, German, Slavic and dozens of other world languages? Let’s heed some

lessons from history and not forget what happened when Fort William bhashamunshis (clerks) of the 19th century attempted to create a standardised Urdu in Persian and Hindi in Devnagari script for their British masters.

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(Download) संघ लोक सेवा आयोग सिविल सेवा - मुख्य परीक्षा (गणित) Paper-1- 2022


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