(Download) CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024 Animal Husbandry (Paper -II)
Exam Name: CS (MAIN) EXAM:2024 Animal Husbandry (Paper II)
Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours
खण्ड -A / SECTION — A
1. Discuss the following in about 150 words each : 10×5=50
(a) Twinning during embryonic development in animals
(b) Classification of antimicrobial agents based on the mechanism of action with examples
(c) Specific requirements for brooder house of chicken
(d) Important clinical signs exhibited by poultry due to deficiency of vitamin E
(e) Clinical symptoms and treatment of impaction in bovines
2. (a) Describe the etiology, clinical signs, postmortem lesions and control of hemorrhagic septicemia in buffaloes.
(b) Describe various methods and procedures for in vitro staining with reference to histological examination.
(c) Explain the pharmacology and clinical use of atropine in animals.
3. (a) Discuss the etiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of abomasal displacement in cows.
(b) Describe the causes, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hypomagnesemic tetany.
(c) Justify the enhanced acceptability of indigenous livestock breeds in changing climate scenario.
4. (a) Explain various biological samples to be collected for laboratory investigation in bovines along with the tests which can be applied on these samples.
(b) Discuss different types of conventional vaccines and name the animal diseases against which the vaccines are available in India.
(c) Describe the boundaries and contents of pelvic cavity in male and female bovines.
खण्ड - B / SECTION — B
5. Discuss the following in about 150 words each : 10×5=50
(a) Classification of zoonoses based on etiological agents
(b) Significance of the cohort, case-control and cross-sectional epidemiological studies in animals
(c) Various procedures for the pasteurization of market milk
(d) Mechanism of rigor mortis in the goat carcass
(e) Preslaughter handling and transportation of poultry
6. (a) Describe the physical, chemical and microbiological examination of blood stains required for veterolegal purposes.
(b) Explain the manufacturing processes of reconstituted and recombined milks, and compare their attributes.
(c) Describe various stunning techniques employed for humane slaughter of animals.
7. (a) Explain the basic processing procedures for the preparation of convenience meat products.
(b) Discuss the production and physico-chemical properties of cream. Enumerate the common defects encountered during its manufacture and storage.
(c) Write down various steps in the processing of wool for woollen apparels.
8. (a) Describe the social and economic implications of proper utilization of slaughter-house byproducts.
(b) Discuss the preliminary steps required at the field level for controlling an infectious outbreak in animals.
(c) Enlist various flavour defects in the market milk, their causes and preventions.